Essay on War of 1965 Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Our writers can help get your essay back on track, take a look at our services to learn more about how we can help. Essay writing service essay marking service place an order australia's alliance with the usa was the main reason for our involvement in the vietnam war. The usa had been involved with the war since 1959 and needed australia's assistance, although this did not begin until 1964, with no troops arriving until 1965.

Australia in a way was forced to send troops due to the anzus treaty also known as australia, new zealand and united states treaty. This is a treaty that shows an alliance, stating that these three countries will fight together in any war within the pacific ocean area, therefore all countries fought together in the vietnam war. Australia joined the alliance with these two countries on april 29, 1952 in san francisco, where the australian prime minister, robert menzies read the agreement, negotiating terms to the contract. The countries' desire for peace was the main objective of the treaty, desiring to publically declare a sense of unity, meaning that no aggressive country would be enticed to attack australia, new zealand or the us. This was due to these countries not wishing to stand alone, because allies will help us in destroying any invader. Robert menzies knew that australia needed the alliance to remain stable in wartime.

However, to remain as a safe nation, free of war on our own land, it was likely that the country would have to supply troops to vietnam to fight against communism. America had been in the war since 1959, however in 1961 it was clear that the war would not be settled for a long time therefore the current leader of south vietnam requested assistance to help in its security and fight against the communists. Australia responded to this request by sending a total of 60,0 troops into south vietnam. This was along with usa's response of a further 200,0 troops to fight the communists, consisting of north vietnam, china, soviet union and the viet cong, a communist guerrilla army. The containment policy was a united states policy that australia also chose to adopt in its military endeavours during the 1960s.

Kennan, it was announced to the world during the 1947 release of the truman doctrine. It stated that the united states of america would support free peoples who were and armed minority suffering from outside pressure. This agreement was signed between north atlantic countries, comprising of twenty eight members.

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The united states was part of this agreement and therefore we needed to keep a good relationship with them. The south east asia treaty organisation also known as seato was established in 1954. The treaty was signed by the united states of america, australia, britain, france, new zealand, pakistan, the philippines and thailand.

It agreed that these countries would group together against countries which were aggressive and would bring an end to their destructive and sometimes violent antics. It was technically a collective action group that helped each other when necessary. Seato grouped together for the vietnam war, therefore this was a factor that australia considered when sending troops into south vietnam. Contrary to this, australia had a minute choice to not send troops to fight communism, as did britain and france who refused to join this war. Although, this agreement has ended, australia and the us are still allies and if a war began it would be expected that these two countries would aid each other's military endeavours. On the 10th of january, 1968 prime minister john grey gorton's liberal party was elected by the australian people. Gorton sensed that the failing adventure in vietnam would provoke an american return to isolationism, a term referring to a nation that does not involve itself with any other countries about economic or political matters.