Essay Questions on The Spanish Civil War Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

I have to write an essay on the spanish civil war something really simple only 750 to 10 words and i was considering the following as my. Show more i have to write an essay on the spanish civil war something really simple only 750 to 10 words and i was considering the following as my thesis: foreign involvement was a crucial factor in the spanish civil war. Does that work? as for arguments, i was thinking that the first two would be something along the lines of: the republicans wouldn 039 t have been able to hold out as long as they did without the aid of the international brigades. The nationalists 039 crushing victory wouldn 039 t have been possible without the aid of germany and italy. Are these fair arguments? also, does anyone have any suggestions for a third point? any help would be greatly appreciated! the spanish civil war is frequently remembered as a crucial and important moment in the history of spanish people. To be possible to understand how thousands of persons were killed during this war, it must be ask why the spanish civil war broke out in first place.

In fact, there are five main reasons or causes fig.1 which almost simultaneously led to the civil war in spain in 1936. Before the spanish civil war spain was ruled by the king but due the great depression that drove the country into an economic collapse and massive unemployment in spain and as a result the king was forced to abdicate on 14 april 1931 and spain becomes a republic. The new republic emerges and immediately faced a number of major problems due the current circumstances: two important regions in spain wanted independence catalonia and the basque region. Our writers can help get your essay back on track, take a look at our services to learn more about how we can help. Essay writing service essay marking service place an order the roman catholic church was hostile to the republic and the republic was hostile to the highly influential roman catholic church. The government believed that the army had too much say in politics and determined to reduce its influence. Spain was primarily an agricultural nation and the 1930's depression had hit prices for crops.

Prime exports such as olive oil and wine fell in value and previously used agricultural land fell into disuse. Iron and steel were especially hit as no one had the money to pay for the products. Unemployment in both agriculture and industry rose and those in work had to put up with a cut in wages as the economy struggled to survive the depression. The republic faced losing the support of those whose support it desperately needed the working class.

There are several versions or way to tell about the spanish civil war however this essay will focus only in the causes of the spanish civil war and how theses causes had led to the spanish civil war. Figure1: the main five causes of the spanish civil war the main causes for the beginning of the spanish civil war and why these causes had lead spain into the spanish civil war the political situation in spain 1931 to 1936. Disparate most of the other countries of western europe at that time, the spain have never completed its revolution. Significant economic and social sectors of the country remained under the control of the feudal classes.

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In other hand the weak and vacillating bourgeoisie was unsuccessful in take effective measures to insure social and economical progress while the economic and political privileges of the dominant classes were left intact. As a result of this the progress and development of some sectors were suppressed during the 19th century until the situation of 1931. On april 13 of 1931 unsolvable contradictions between the financial, landowning and the popular forces reached the point of rupture and the king was forced to abdicate giving place to the second republic. Throughout the year 1932 the working class was divided into social democracy and anarchist tendencies.

The communist party was not sufficiently strong to assert its leadership of the labour movement. In 1933, in response to the actual situation, during two years, the government unleashed a severe campaign of repression and terror known as the bienio negro. Furthermore, in october 1934 the formation of the popular front was begun with an extensive popular uprising against the government, especially in asturias, madrid and barcelona see fig.

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The formation of the popular front had strong communist support and participation. On 15th january 1936, manuel aza a helped to establish a coalition of parties on the political left to fight the national elections taking place on following month. This included the socialist party psoe , communist party pce and the republican union party. The popular front, as the coalition became known, advocated the restoration of catalan autonomy, amnesty for political prisoners, agrarian reform, an end to political blacklists and the payment of damages for property owners who suffered during the revolt of 1934. The anarchists refused to support the coalition and instead urged people not to vote. In the elections of 1936, the forces of reaction suffered a devastating defeat mainly because its management was weak and vacillating. However, its fatal mistake was to ignore the repeated warnings of the communist party in honour the election agreement, the reaction to defeat was not taken quietly.

Therefore when franco attacked on july 18 of 1936, the country was completely unprepared for the attack and the civil war begun. Regional situation 1936 1939 the regional situation begun much before 1936 however the situation stars to intensify violently in 1921when an army was sent to spanish morocco to bring down a rebellion, critics said that was a massacre and that just emphasise how incompetent spain's government was. In the following years, spain people experienced a new regime when king alfonso agreed that general primo de rivera should take control of spain. Who wrote this essay request removal example essays however, rivera did not display the classic features of a dictator.

Just after the morocco incident, in 1934the northern province of asturias arose popular front , not against progress, but for it and against the newly elected right wing government. In the first place, it showed the capitalists and land holders that the people were not going to wait further but were going to divide the land and control their jobs. In the second place the asturias revolt taught the people that to win they would have to expel the government and perform their own laws and traditions. In the third place combating the government make the workers and toilers understand the value of unity in action and the meaning of revolution also gave them great experiences in the art of civil war. The defeat of the workers forced the revolutionary identities to take to parliamentary activity in the next election.

In fact, asturias was among the most industrialised areas of spain in the 1930's just like catalonia and basque see fig.2 which wanted their independence because of the diversity of employment in asturias, the traditional competitive unions cnt national confederation of labour and the ugt general union of employers , represented members in the industries, agriculture and service sectors. Hence, the present government could not allow the country to split out by giving them the independence, these provinces were actually essential for the country progress and development as a whole taking into consideration its industrialization and geographic location, see map below. In summary such regions were more advanced organizationally and industrially comparing with the rest of the country therefore they wanted the independence not just because of its socio economic advantage but also to keep their traditions such as benefits reform , language and habits. Later, the traditional language was prohibited in those acts involving the public administration or the mass media, being only tolerated at some folkloric or clerical activities but in other hand the most important reason was that the people in these regions wanted make themselves free of the oppression and incompetency of the present government and this in fact contributed considerably for the spanish civil war broke out in 1936. Figure 2: the spanish map showing the locations of asturias, catalonia, and basque just before the war in 1936 frances lannon, page 10 not hindering the fact that spain were already in the middle of political and regional crisis when the world wide recession reached spain the country was upside down, world wide recession had led to a dramatic cut in the demand for coal and to reduce costs the mine owners have reduced the wages and employees.

Simultaneously, the national federation of farm workers was cut in the agrarian reform and as result became involved in a bloody strike in june 1934. The civil guard had been called in to deal with strikes in industrial areas in may and september of the same year. On 1st september an attack on a socialist women's meeting by the civil guard saw 6 people killed. The election of a right wing government and their hostility in relation to reforms was the final straw.

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The liberal left alliance which has ruled the first republican government collapsed. This let in a right wing coalition which included ministers from the extreme ceda confederati n espanola de derechas aut nomas party. On the 3rd october, ceda's assumption of the agriculture, labour and justice ministries seemed to point in fascism by legal means, as elections had done in germany and austria.

As we are always expanding we are looking to grow our team of freelance writers. To find out more about writing with us then please check our freelance writing jobs page. The historic privileges of the roman catholic church were reduced and priests are now paid by the roman catholic church's chest. The government and the roman catholic church were made two separate entities which should be like that since the beginning. Many army officers were made to retire early, the wages of those who worked in industry were increased but they were to be paid by the owners of those industries not by the government.