Ethical Questions for Essays Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

The recent wave of accounting scandals in corporate america has led to a resurgence of interest in the subject of business ethics. As a result, most business firms, large and small, have developed and implemented an ethics statement to affirm that ethical behavior is an important element in the work environment. Of course, there are some firms who do not have such a formal, published statement, but nevertheless claim to have a code of ethics underlying their business practices. Such firms point to their organizational values, as embodied in a vision or mission statement as proof of their ethical behavior. The company i work for, standard parking corporation spc , belongs to the latter category. Spc's mission statement reads, to maximize the value provided to our clients through excellence, innovation and efficiency in management services provided by a superior team of transportation and parking professionals dedicated to the highest levels of customer service. The preceding statement reflects the values of spc, including the values expected from the individuals who constitute the organization.

As sims observes, some commonly held organizational values are the importance of resources, return on investment, the welfare and well being of employees, service to customers and clients, and loyalty to the organization. 1994, yes i believe ethical behaviour will pay off in the long run for any business. There is many challenges in ethical leadership at any level is: self interests for leaders have to be put aside and priority must be given to mutual and organizational interest. They have to be true and honest in their behaviour so that others will realize it and support it by the behaviour. It may not stay good at all as some tough decisions and remedial measures towards others have to be taken. There will be times when leaders will face pressure when they have to decide on things like benefit versus ethics. Our writers can help get your essay back on track, take a look at our services to learn more about how we can help.

Essay writing service essay marking service place an order some situations may come where the leaders may feel left alone for their decisions made. The health care industries make profit along with providing health care to the customers. Although these industries practice ethics, they view ethical behaviors in a seperate way. Ethics are defined as those standards that compel a person to stop from doing crimes against others such as stealing, assault, fraud etc. It is not legal to practice because laws are made to protect rights and not manage ethical principles.

Ethics as a practice is somewhat ambiguous as interpretation plays a huge role as to how people see right from wrong. In order to understand the true nature of ethics we must answer the following questions: 1. What character traits are required for a truly human life? practicing ethics is more difficult than defining ethics. Microsoft company who's has survived to maintain its position as the software giant is also another company who's ethics has been questioned. Is it the normal competitive spirit of microsoft to work towards the downfall of its competitor netscape or is it unethical??the beauty industry also convinces customers that cosmetics and perfumes will make them better and more popular.

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Is this behavior legal? yes it is questionable and based on personal interpretation. The following questions provided by the markua center for applied ethics helps us to ascertain ethical behavior. Does the issue go further than legal or concerns? while these questions help us getting the infor necessary to understand the problem, we also need to know the values. These questions based on a desired approach tell us if the outcome is ethical when a problem arises. The process could be made easier or difficult by incorporating ethics in the decision. By getting rid of choices that would not benefit all the involved parties, would make the decision asking process easier.

This is a small operation but complex as it uses dangerous chemicals in finishing of their products. The other one is located on a river which flows into a lake which is used for other purposes. The management must consider the ethical outcome to the environment to decide where to built.

Ethics can be used in the decision making process that would make it easy to remove this location as an option and help to validate the additional expense and exchange. Ethical implications could have a positive and negative outcome in the decision making process. If a decision is not made in an ethical manner outcome will be negative but using it will give a positive outcome.

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It may not benefit the bottom line but will surely benefit the community and company. Take the case of a sales person,desperate to make a quota for the sales of a product to the customer. This may be in case even though the customer may not need the product at that time. The customer may even have a feeling that the he might not have their best interest in heart. Thus we can see that this type of decision making did not pay off in the long run. Who wrote this essay request removal example essays taking the positive side, this sale would have increased not only through this customer but also due to referrals due to excellent customer service if he had used ethics in his decision making.

Maybe in the first stages the customer may not be that satisfied but in the long run it might overcome the initial turndown. Thus by using ethics in decision making process make the decisions fairer only that it respects the rights of those parties involved. If a person does not make the decision ethically, the decision will be influenced in the direction of disbelief. Thus in order to make ethical decisions, the decision makers must strive to live in an ethical manner. Retrieved october 4, 2010, from bieng a ethical leader one should be aware of how their decisions might impact others. They should serve the society with benevolent interest thus overcoming their self serving mentality. By putting the needs and interests of group before their own, the leaders will be able to motivate their followers.