Evi Homework Page Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

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This option may be re enabled by the project by placing a file with the name .htaccess with this line: the evi app is developed in partnership with digistorm education and alaress. It is designed to give parents, students and teachers a seamless environment with ready access to important information about events and daily activities at melbourne girls grammar, as well as key contact details. The evi app provides an easy way to access personalised content and communication from evi.

Key features: the dashboard: the dashboard provides an overview of the latest notices, unread notices, timetables for staff and students and a timeline view of the day’s events. As content is added to groups that you are a member of and follow, you will receive a notification that will allow you to click through to the relevant evi page. The calendar contains details on all melbourne girls grammar events and key dates, click on the event to see the most up to date details and information. The calendar can also be used as an ediary with students having the ability to add homework tasks for completion. The calendar menu item will show how many events are in your calendar for that day.

Students and staff will see a reminder in the app to any due work and its relevant date within evi. The notices section contains daily communication from the college to parents, students and staff. Timetable: parents, students and staff can see a copy of their 10 day timetable with an easy to read view of the current day’s timetable. By clicking on the class, students and staff will be able to access the class’ evi page. Links to other frequency used online sites for parents, students and staff are provided here for easy access.

Clicking on notifications allows you to review your message settings in evi that will apply for both evi and the evi app. From here you can choose the frequency and method for a range of different content within evi, as well as choose to follow groups to receive messages. The best way for students to become ready for college is to become great at time management. If we, as teachers, do not give homework aka: opportunities to become time managers , how can we expect students to be ready for high school, much less college? i know the questions and concerns. The reasons as to not give homework beyond the list written in the 1st paragraph what about help at home? too much help? not enough? what if the parents teach them a different way? i'd rather the students not be confused. I hate grading/ checking homework! i don't have enough copies/textbooks to send home. However, i started questioning why do we give homework beyond the generic answer of practice.

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Practice what? math problems? reading strategies? what are we really wanting students to practice in the long run? then i asked myself a question: how did homework help me? that question is what made me view homework in a different light. I was that weird kid who forced her brothers to play school rather than house or dolls. I grew up in suburbia in a school district that i was blessed beyond belief to learn in. By the time i was in high school, i was making straight a's and traveling with the varsity basketball 2 3 times per week and still had to complete homework. In college, i took 15 18 hours per semester and made great grades without feeling stressed and yes. I am not trying to boast, but i am saying this to support the fact that having a steady homework routine.

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The homework routine started in elementary school. in today's society, in the 3 different school districts i have worked for, homework is nothing compared to back in my day i don't think i am that old. My first year teaching, a grade level teacher i worked with told me she never sent math homework home because there weren't enough consistent parents to help. Kids would fall behind and be ashamed the next day for not doing their homework, so she didn't assign it. However, when are we going to place the responsibility in the student's hands.

When does learning become their responsibility and not the parents? it takes forever for habits to form, and it is much easier at a young age when routines can be put into place. But if we as teachers never send homework, or give time in class for them to do it instead of at home, how can we expect students to learn how to study at home on their own, or do their assignments? how are we creating life long learners if we cant teach them how to teach themselves at home? i told my students this week that i was doing them a disservice. I wasn't giving them the opportunity to become responsible and learn how to balance their tasks. I don't want them to think of me as being mean by assigning more homework, but i don't want them to ever think that they can do everything at school or at their job. They have to spend time outside of their job in order to become really great at it. Well, that was a turn off, wasnt it? i just finished reading a book entitled the homework myth by alfie kohn.

The book targets academia, not parents, and so i had to slog through it to understand its principles. Why would i do that? well, at first, i thought it might give me some insight on the problems i have with getting my kids to do homework. After reading the book, however, i suppose its greatest value is in ce continuing education hours. It isnt that the book is off base, it is only that it is an idealistic view of a complex issue.

Are we discussing the kids or the parents? how often have you told your kids, i just dont know how to communicate this concept to you? the translation of that phrase is i havent got a clue what this means. I had a foster child who came home with a math assignment to compute the area of a circle sector in congruent planes. Or was it to figure out the area of a plane flying over congruent crop circles? i didnt have a clue. Evidently, he believed that without the guidebook we wouldnt venture into the forest. Kohn, most studies show only an associative relationship between homework and learning, not a causal one. Or, in terms im more comfortable using, studies show that kids who do a lot of homework sometimes perform better when their learning is assessed than kids who do no homework, but it cannot be shown that they do better because they do the homework. Did some teachers do a better job of teaching the skill in the classroom? are the grades used to measure progress skewed? are the teachers too subjective? okay.

If i show up to teach a class of 7 th graders and i have a migraine headache, i might not be as effective as i would if i felt fine. And teaching a class of 7 th graders could result in a migraine, a factor that should not be overlooked. And kohn points out that many studies that support the idea homework fosters learning rely on faulty data.

That is, they ask the kids how much homework they do and they get one answer, another answer comes from the parents and still another from the teacher of how much he or she assigns. In fact, in the national assessment of educational programs, kids who did little or no homework fared as well as those who did. According to lyons, in the beginning of his teaching career he gave out homework, but as he himself mastered the subjects less homework was necessary for the class to learn. The results? his students scored higher on advanced placement tests and had more enthusiasm for learning. In other words, kohn raises the question of whether the amount of homework a teacher assigns might be inversely related to that teachers effectiveness in the classroom. Spending much time on a subject is useful only if we want the student to repeat a specific behavior, not understand a concept. Kohn says students given a lot of math problems to practice, for instance, are less likely to consider what makes sense in solving a problem and more likely to concentrate on what they should do.

I sent him back to school to retrieve his text book we live half a block from the school and read the section myself. I could conceive of no way to relate the information to him in a way he would understand. Finally, i resorted to doing the problems the way i had learned to do them eons ago when the only writing tools we had were charred sticks we plucked from the fire once we had mastered making fires. I did not understand the concept. in short, although i could prove to him that my answers were right, he would not accept them because i hadnt arrived at them the way his teacher did. Now, understandably, his perceptions would differ from a child who was not delayed, but the idea is the same. He was not taught why the problem was solved the way it was, how it might apply to him in later life arguably it will not be of use to him or even shown how to think the process through. And thats okay if the student understands when the formula applies in life.

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