Essay on School Uniforms Pros And Cons Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Kids come to school looking really good in their uniforms and it's always good to know that you're not the only one wearing a school uniform. Bullies are identified much quicker because they're not wearing a different outfit every day. Wearing the same uniforms encourages students to behave friendly, helps to develop good social skills and a sense of belonging to a special community of the school. Also, when students wear the same uniforms, they feel more connected with each other and learn to pay more attention to the person s identity, but not to the person s clothing. If students wear uniforms with their name tag and school emblem, they feel that they represent their school and are expected to behave more considerately. It allows students to focus on their lessons, physical or other activities instead of spending time for choosing their clothing every day.

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If your kid leaves the house, as kids are ought to do, they will still need something to wear. Kids these days buy clothing still amp don't wear them which explains why they have a large wardrobe with unworn clothes in it. Are an unfair additional expense for parents who pay taxes for a free public education 7. I do believe that we are at school to learn, but we're also there to find out who we are and what we stand for identity. There are things called phones/pagers/internet/communicating with other people to access these resources. If wearing a uniform is forced upon the students they turn rebellious and try to alter the uniform the way they like by tightening or shortening it according to their desires.

At times when syllabus is more and time is less, the pressure is created and this is a fact that true potential of human beings explodes only when pressure is put on them etc. If we don't have proper way to know about ourselves, and our strengths and abilities we can't lead in this society. If we don't have exams, we don't and won't learn and at least we don't try how to grow up our personality. It's so sad that a student who know's traffic rules but don't know how to cross the road.

Partially killed education, nowadays student are just running behind marks and nobody bothers about learning the basic concept, in this cut throat competition scoring highest marks became more imp than gaining knowledge. The above preview is unformatted text the pros and cons of school uniforms according to the u.s. Department of education, in 2007–08, about 18 percent of public school principals reported that their school required students to wear uniforms, also during this time approximately 55 percent of public school principals reported that their school enforced a strict dress code. There is a big debate of having school uniforms throughout the public school system. School uniforms would help the students focus on learning, keeping the violence rate down, and the looks of a uniform is much more classy. School uniforms used to be the exclusive property of private and parochial schools. But over the last 15 years, a growing number of public schools have built their dress codes around uniforms.

pros: school uniforms are easier and safer parents and kids alike often cite one major reason to love school uniforms: they make getting dressed so easy. You never have to fight with your kids about what they're wearing to school, and they never have to choose what to wear: just put on the uniform and you're out the door. When every student is wearing the same thing, kids feel less pressure to wear designer labels or specific types of clothes. Kids' backpacks and other accessories provide opportunities for students to express themselves through fashion. Many educators believe that uniforms create a sense of discipline, order and even community. Studies even suggest that uniforms can reduce school violence by eliminating opportunities for students to display gang colors.

cons: uniforms limit individual expression among those who dislike school uniforms are students and parents who say the enforced conformity unnecessarily squelches creativity and individuality. They believe that a well enforced dress code is enough to keep students from wearing distracting or offensive clothing to school. Foes also question whether teaching kids to conform is good for society as a whole. Further, opponents say, school uniforms are expensive, which places an undue burden on low income families. Many also believe that unless the school requires purchase from a specific vendor, kids who can afford to will buy name brand items for their school uniform.

Finally, many public schools with uniform policies allow families to opt out, which negates their purpose entirely. If your kids currently or will attend public school, it's increasingly likely that you'll be faced with a uniform policy. How do you feel about this trend? there are many pros and cons of school uniforms, and sometimes things vary depending on who is doing the arguing in most cases, though, the discussion centers on whether uniforms can create a serious learning environment, whether they can promote equality and possibly reduce bullying, and whether they impact children’s ideas about self expression and conformation. Critics are well spoken on both sides of the uniform conversation, and something that is a pro for one person may be a con for another. a lot of the research in support of school uniforms says that requiring children to wear the same thing will actually help boost test scores and improve learning. When children don’t have to think about what they’re wearing they may be less distracted, which can help them focus more on the tasks at hand. When everyone is dressed neatly and professionally the classroom takes on a more serious feel, too. Young people who approach learning as more of an honor than a burden tend to perform better, and some people argue that uniforms can achieve this. school uniforms may reduce bullying and teasing as well.

When everyone is wearing the same thing it is not as easy to pick people out for being different, at least not on the surface. A certain amount of teasing and bullying is bound to happen with young people, but uniforms can sometimes act as a deterrent. This, in turn, promotes a healthier, safer learning space where students aren’t afraid to be themselves and take risks. Kids may also feel less peer pressure to wear certain types or brands of clothing. one of the most commonly talked about pros of school uniforms is their ability to create a level playing field. This is particularly important in schools where students come from varying socioeconomic backgrounds. Poor children dress the same as their wealthy counterparts in these situations, which reduces stigma and can help kids focus on what they have in common rather than the things about their lives that are different. uniform opponents frequently argue that forcing children to dress in the same manner can limit their self expression, and possibly stunt their creativity. According to some scholars, students in these settings may look for other, often less acceptable ways of establishing their identity.

Girls may be more likely to use makeup early, for example, or shorten their skirts to look provocative boys may resort to extreme accessories or sometimes alter their uniforms to differentiate themselves from others. Drug use, smoking, and other forms of rebellion have been seen in both genders. according to some, standardized clothing might also send the message that is it acceptable to conform to standards imposed by others. Children who grow up feeling subjugated to authority might have trouble later on asserting themselves or standing up for values different from those imposed from the top. Free societies typically put a lot of value on individualism and self governance, and young people who are overly willing to comply may find it difficult to succeed in these environments. arguments about actual uniform quality can be both a pro or a con, depending on the circumstances. When the garments are made well, of sturdy material and with quality workmanship, they will often last for years and will withstand multiple washings. This is generally a positive thing, since it means that children can get a lot of wear out of them and parents don’t have to spend so much on clothing. When the material is shoddy, however, or when it doesn’t wash well, it can pose problems.

School uniforms are one of the requirements that public and private schools often have. The presence of uniforms in schoosl is significant because it allows the children to look neat and nice. Actually, the uniforms used in the schools come in two categories: it can be in formal and informal.