Expository Essay About New Technology Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

How technology affects our lives christopher david mccray january 20, 2012 karen shively how technology affects our lives have you ever wondered how much different life would be without the continued study and advancement in technology? a lot of conveniences that we now know and cannot imagine living without make our lives easier and more comfortable. Today technology is being used in ways that were not imaginable thirty to forty years ago. Technology is now being used to make advances in the field of medicine, fine better ways to produce clean energy, and needless to say it creating a more efficient and effective work force. We see the effects of technology and its changes every day in how communicate, learn, and how it affects healthcare. The past 150 years has seen some of the greatest advancements in technology in history. From the steam engine to the solar panel to the iphone, every child will be able to find something to write about with these technology writing prompts. prompt 1: less than 50 years ago, the average family owned one telephone, one or two televisions and a few radios.

Today the average household has at least five devices that need an internet connection and as many as six percent of households own at least 15 such devices including smartphones, tablets, televisions, gaming consoles even digital photo frames. But can there be a bad side to being so dependent on technology? prompt 2: most inventions have pros and cons to them. What do you think is wrong with it? prompt 3: transportation is a necessary part of modern life. prompt 4: the telephone has become a very important part of everyday life.

Write an essay explaining how the phone has changed american life and the different ways the family uses it. prompt 5: weigh the risks and rewards of space flight by explaining why you would or would not like to be a passenger on the space shuttle. prompt 6: describe an experiment to be conducted on board the space shuttle. prompt 7: think about what your life would be like without the electric lightbulb. Describe a typical day for you during the dark of winter and think about how you would adjust without being able to turn on any lights. prompt 9: write a story about something that has been recycled, like a can, newspaper, or plastic bag, and its adventures along the way.

Do you feel these changes on how we communicate have caused more stress or have made life easier for this generation compared to your parents and grandparent 39 s lives? prompt 11. What types of laws do you think we 39 ll need for this new invention? what will the speed limit be for flying cars? how will take offs and landings be handled? will we need to drive to an airstrip to start our journeys or will the car be able to lift off right from our driveways? prompt 12. Your principal has decided that students in your school can have several new computers in your classroom. Write an essay for the school newspaper about how the new computers will be used to benefit your learning. Amp url + 160 160 160 160 160 160 full 3/4 1/2 160 160 expand tighten 160 160 technology and us. Locke you know we've all been waiting for it, and it's finally possible time travel is real, and you can try it yourself, with only a laptop! i discovered this myself one day last week after school.

I got home at four o' clock, and decided to get on the computer and check my facebook account. Then, in what seemed to be about five minutes later, i heard my mother yelling that it was dinner time and checking the clock, i realized it was six already! all joking aside, i'm sure many people today find this situation all too familiar getting trapped in that tricky vortex we call technology. Between all of these relatively new things like the internet, cell phones, and ipods, it's no wonder that, if what many scientists are now saying is true, all this technology and connectedness is changing the way we function in our daily lives. These researchers believe things like digital multitasking, google, and social networking are changing us our interactions with others, our decisions, and even the way we think! electronic multitasking is one of the major themes in recent research in this area. It may not seem like a big deal, but about 40% of middle and high school students say that when using the internet, most of the time they are also using other media, like watching a movie or listening to music. One possible effect of modern internet usage like this is what david levy, a researcher, calls popcorn brain.

Does life online give you 'popcorn brain'? cnn health . web. By this, he means that our minds are so used to the fast 'popping' electronic world of instant gratification that we have become unsuited to life away from it, where things move much slower. You could say that we were rewiring ourselves to be impatient, by never having to be bored, constantly connected. Other effects may be faster decision making skills and responses, which can be a good thing.