How to Start a Career Research Paper Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

A common starting place is to take a personality assessment quiz, like the myers briggs, to outline some of your general personality traits and derive suggested careers for those traits. Gather a short list of questions to ask yourself to help you decide on the best career. Are you good with people? perhaps a career in sales, teaching or non profit public services. Or do you prefer working alone with data? perhaps a career in laboratory research.

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Take notes on your interests and strengths, then link those characteristics to different jobs and careers. In many classroom environments, teachers assign subjects to students for a career research paper, making the decision for them. Conduct internet, career center and library research to acquire basic facts and figures about your career choice. Campus career counselors and librarians are reliable resources and will point you in the right direction.

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How old is the career? doctors have been around longer than computer programmers or welders. What are the responsibilities of the career? some careers are a lot more demanding than others, either physically or intellectually. Formulate more detailed questions about the career to answer during additional research.

Does the career require a degree or other advanced certification? if so, what kind and how much? a mechanical engineer will need more schooling than a salesman. What is the average pay grade for the career? is there room for advancement? formulate even more specific, personal interview questions that will generate information beyond what is available at a library or career center. Gear your questions toward finding out things like how long they've been working in the field, how they like the work, how many hours per week the career requires and what the day to day life in that career is like. Locate someone who works in your chosen career field, make an appointment and conduct an interview.

If you are going to record the interview, get express permission to record from the person you are interviewing. Recorded interviews will be more useful for qualitative information about the quality of the career, the demands it makes on a personal life and the career's prospects for the future. Be sure to include paragraphs that describe the career, explain what it takes to enter it, report the pay range and other relevant statistics. Also include at least one paragraph based on your interview, reporting the actual experiences and perspectives of someone working in the field. Conclude by touching on the highlights of the previous paragraphs and giving the paper closure. Some analysis of the information you gathered and how well the career fits you will also work in the conclusion. Best answer what do psychiatrists do? psychiatrists are doctors who look after patients with mental health problems, such as depression and schizophrenia.

Unlike other acute specialties in which drugs and operations play prominent roles in the management of patients, management of mental health patients involves a combination of measures, such as drugs, psychological counselling, improving home environments and social networks, and occasionally physical treatment such as electroconvulsive therapy ect. Therefore, their management depends on a wide range of professionals, including clinical psychologists, social workers, community psychiatric nurses, and occupational therapists. Although psychiatrists play a leading role in treatments involving drug and physical treatment, their skills and roles overlap to some extent with other professionals. Therefore, trainee psychiatrists receive some training on basic knowledge in psychology and basic skills in various forms of psychotherapy. However, the psychiatrist often relies on the skills of these other professionals in deciding the best form of drug or physical treatment to give to each patient.

There are few mental health disorders for which there is a definitive diagnostic laboratory test. Most psychiatric diagnoses are made on the basis of a full history and mental state examination. This is why good communication skills are essential to be a good psychiatrist and why psychiatrists sometimes disagree on the exact diagnosis of patients. Another distinctive aspect of psychiatry is that patients sometimes have no insight into their own illness. These patients sometimes need to be treated against their will without their consent. To safeguard the rights of the patients, mental health professionals need to follow precise procedures in the mental health act before they are allowed to admit and treat patients against their will. What is the day to day work like? the workload and duties vary widely between jobs.

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The senior house officers shos are usually responsible for the day to day management of inpatients, review them regularly, and present updates at the ward round. Quite a lot of time can be spent in meetings, such as community team meetings, where team members representing different professions can discuss the problems and needs of patients living in the community. Shos are also involved in administering ect and assessing patients presenting with deliberate self harm. There is protected time for consultant supervision, psychotherapy training, and attending teaching sessions including at the local mrcpsych course. On call duties are usually less hectic than acute specialties and many rotas allow you to be on call from home.

Some hospitals have teams of nurses trained to deal with deliberate self harm assessments and patients who present in crisis. They help to reduce the workload for the trainees and make the job more pleasant. The career structure the recent option of a four month general practice attachment as a house officer might be more relevant to psychiatry than the traditional six months in medicine and surgery. A career in psychiatry begins with a place on a junior sho rotation that usually involves posts in general adult and old age psychiatry.