Fantasy Books Essay Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

The fantasy genre consists of many interesting features that allow the reader to float into an imaginary world were you can have an unthinkable adventure through walls and misty mountains or across a new un explored world that is protected by a force of power willed by the place. This assessment will explore the unique fantasy characteristics in the following text types. The hobbit, shrek and the book cover of harry potter and the philosophers stone are all fantasy text types that all have unique fantasy characteristics to watch individual story. Some are a quest, good and evil characters and that it is always set in an imaginary land and there are new undiscovered animals and language lay waiting to be found. One of the most important things of fantasy characteristics is that the main character leader has a quest to find an object or something which could.

Stories like that seem so real that sometimes the fantasy and the reality become intertwined and hard to separate. I once had a girl who was puzzled because she didn't realize that dragons didn't exist. I in no way want to encourage children to live in a world that is outside our realm and believe in the things that happen within a fantasy novel. However, i do enjoy seeing the excitement brewing within students when they are really into a fantasy novel. There's definitely a different passion for fantasy than there is for any other genre.

As a middle school sixth grade teacher i notice that the majority of my students prefer fantasy novels to most other genres. I have noticed the trend in fantasy take a huge upswing over the past decade or so. It's almost as if the other genres have taken a back seat and are waiting in the shadows for things to calm down. Since i see such resounding interest in fantasy i decided that i should write a curriculum unit focusing solely on that genre.

If this is what interests our students, why not use that material to provide a teaching device. We've all had our moments of teaching a lesson only to look out and see the bored faces out in the crowd. If fantasy is what interests the students then perhaps that interest will be enough to keep our students focused for the reading and english objectives we are required to teach.

If a student is resistant to fantasy, that might pose a challenge in teaching this unit. However, i believe that the teaching approach in this unit and the stories that will be taught will draw any student into an enjoyable experience with fantasy. My goal is to have pairs or small groups of students write an original piece of fantasy with illustrations mdash basically, to create a fantasy picture story book.

But very often the spark cannot surface due to all the school that they are given. Hopefully the magical world of fantasy will intrigue the students enough to be free to write about it. We will incorporate as many literary devices as possible, such as plot, characterization, point of view, conflict, foreshadowing/flashback, tone/mood, and setting. We will also concentrate on including them in the original fantasy stories we write. Some of the stories i am intending to use would be novels such as harry potter, chronicles of narnia, rabbit hill, the wonderful wizard of oz, james and the giant peach, the indian in the cupboard, alice's adventures in wonderland, a wrinkle in time, the lord of the rings and charlotte's web. We will also incorporate some fantasy short stories such as jumanji, curious george, sylvester and the magic pebble, the tub people, the velveteen rabbit and the rainbow fish. what is fantasy? how can one identify a fantasy story? when we speak of just the word itself we are referring to an imagined dream or event.

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When we refer to fantasy in the context of literature we are referring to stories that have certain definable elements that make the story unreal. They vary from mythical beasts roaming an imagined world to natural settings in which animals take on human characteristics. There are recognizable conventions of fantasy, such as toys coming to life, tiny humans, articulate animals, imaginary worlds, magical powers, and time warp tales. A story needs to possess only one of these features in order to be classified as fantasy. I tell my students simply this: a fantasy is any story in which at least one element cannot be found in our human world. Why should we acknowledge this genre at all? isn't it leading children into unreal dreams and causing confusion between what is real and what is not real? i don't think so.

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Just because a story contains animals that talk doesn't mean that the animals are not expressing the same emotions as fictional characters. Can't a child learn about love just as easily from charlotte's web as from old yeller. In fact, it seems to me it takes more imagination and a more open mind to believe that charlotte had feelings and could show love than it does to respond to the connection between a boy and his dog. It certainly takes an open mind to believe that there is a middle earth and that dwarfs, elves and humans can bond and protect one another. I believe that fantasy not only does not lead children astray and cause them confusion, but that it actually broadens their mind and causes them to think beyond what we consider to be the limits of reality. After saying what fantasy is, we should take a minute and look at what it isn't.

Fantasy is not any of the following genres: realistic fiction, historical fiction, or science fiction. Realistic fiction is a story in which all the action, characters and setting could happen, it just didn't. In other words, the characters act like you and me and they live in places where you and i could live.

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Many times the author has styled the character after someone he or she knows, but just made some minor changes. In fact the setting of the story plays a major role in the action of the characters and the events that happen. The characters act and dress in the style and manner of real people of that time period.

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One distinction i make in defining historical fiction is that it can only be historical fiction if the setting of the story precedes the time when the story was written. In other words, a book that was written in 1950 about children in the 1950s does not become historical fiction in 2006. It will remain realistic fiction even though the setting and characters are now in the past.

Science fiction in some way involves a medical or technological advance that has not yet occurred, or a mode of advanced life that has not yet been discovered. We as humans are brilliantly coming up with new advances in medicine and surgical procedures. If you had asked someone in 1930 if they thought there would be any way that one day everyone would not only have a telephone at home that can call anyone in the entire world, but also that virtually everyone would also have a cellular phone that had all the capabilities of a home phone, and more, and was something that could fit in the smallest of your jean pockets, they would have said it was impossible. Of course each of the above genres can be combined with one another to make various stories.