Five Paragraph Essay About My Life Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Motor driven systems how to determine gear ratio in motor driven systems tips never plagiarize taking someone apos s work without giving them credit it is illegal and your teacher will most likely give you a zero on your paper. Summarize your argument with some degree of authority this paragraph should leave your reader with no doubt as to your position or conclusion of logic. Essentially, the thesis statement is your tagline for the essay and the final sentence of the introduction. It should lead the reader into the first piece of evidence you use to support your thesis statement, your argument. Brainstorm to find the best supporting ideas the best supporting ideas are the ones about which you have some knowledge. My life is like a 5 paragraph essay i said this to my mother one day after school.

It was an epiphany i had come to based on years of consideration of my interactions with the rest of the world, especially my peers. I had been writing 5 paragraph essays in my curriculum for years – the canned essays that supposedly teach us how to communicate properly. They always have the same form: paragraph 1: introduction – state your topic/argument 1 sentence and then 3 supporting reasons paragraph 2: discussion of reason 1, back up with at least 3 facts. And usually they just ignored it, because if they don’t understand, why bother trying? so i got into the habit of justifying everything i said and did. I would compose a proverbial 5 paragraph essay every time i had something to say.

Then when i said or did whatever it was, i wouldn’t just say my topic sentence, but i’d give the whole 5 paragraphs. I thought that if i could just explain myself properly, people would listen to me. Everything i say or do has logic behind it, and i thought that if i made that logic clear, they would stop bullying me, and start listening, because what i had to say was important or at least, it was important to me. The 5 paragraph essay was the right way to communicate, and i thought that if i mastered and used it, then people would hear me.

But if you really listen, you’ll find that i’m pretty good at getting my point across. Show more this is for my english com 1 class i just need it revised! thanks so much. A person needs to achieve certain goals in life before they can call themselves successful, and well i want to become successful. My professional goals in life are to get a good education, find a good job that makes me happy, and find a job that makes enough money for me to support my family, and my future family and of course graduation from college. Now i’m going to college i can now achieve some of my personal goals in life as a student at the art institute of philadelphia. Personal growth, success in the media arts and animation field is a new life adventure for me as a student attending college.

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I really want a job in video game development this is my all time big career dream. You may find this hard to believe, but i believe playing video games was the first step for my career. If i don’t have an education i would not be able to function properly at the work place and i would not understand what to do. To maintain a good job that will make good money will require me to go thorough schooling and training.

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Education is the first and foremost way to become successful, the job i choose need a good college education. I expect my education in media arts and animation will really help me bring all my thoughts and ideas to life with the right training. I see myself as a top performing employee in a well established organization, like video game development itself.

I plan on enhancing my skills and continuing my involvement in related professional associations. Once i gain additional experience, i would like to move on from a nominal position to management. One day i want to become a ceo of my very own video game company and still produce my ideas through the experience that i will gain in my education in media arts and animation. In the society that we live in now, having a college degree is very important to me. All my classes are well put together and i never got to the point where i just want to give up, i like pushing myself to the limits. It’s brings out who i’m truly am, and it help me realize what my weaknesses are so that i may work on them.

Homework study tips expert grace has worked with students for many years as an academic advisor and college enrollment counselor. She currently works as a student success coordinator at a university in georgia, where she teaches courses to help students improve academic performance, enhance research skills, and expand information literacy. As you 39 ve probably noticed, essay writing assignments can pop up in any class. An essay is a literary composition that expresses a certain idea, claim, or concept and backs it up with supporting statements. It will follow a logical pattern, to include an introductory paragraph make the claim , a body support , and a conclusion summary of statements and support. Continue reading below essay exams are also a test tool used commonly in the social sciences.

Any time you have to write a timed essay, you should begin with a frame based on the parts below. In short, there 39 s just no avoiding essays, as long as you 39 re in school! luckily, you can learn to craft a great essay if you can follow the standard pattern and write in a clear and organized manner. The introduction is the first paragraph in your essay, and it should accomplish a few specific goals. Capture the reader 39 s interest. it 39 s a good idea to start your essay with a really interesting statement. Avoid starting out with a boring line like this: 34 in this essay i will explain why rosa parks was an important figure. 34 instead, try something with a bit of a surprise factor, like this statement: 34 a michigan museum recently paid $492,0 for an old, dilapidated bus from montgomery, alabama. 34 the second sentence sounds much more interesting, doesn 39 t it? it would encourage most people to keep on reading.

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Introduce the topic. the next few sentences should explain your first statement. 34 the old yellow bus was reported to be the very one that sparked the civil rights movement, when a young woman named rosa parks. Make a claim or express your opinion in a thesis sentence. at the end of your introductory paragraph. You will place a powerful thesis statement. your thesis sentence should provide your specific assertion and convey a clear point of view. 34 in refusing to surrender her seat to a white man, rosa parks inspired a courageous freedom movement that lives on, even today.

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34 your instructor will be looking for the specific elements above when reviewing your introductory paragraph, so be sure to review your first paragraph to make sure it meets these three goals. The body of the essay will include three paragraphs if this is a five paragraph essay , each limited to one main idea that supports your thesis. You should state your idea, then back it up with two or three sentences of evidence or examples. Example of a main idea: 34 it took incredible courage for an african american woman to make such a bold stance in 1955 alabama. 34 offer evidence to support this statement: 34 this act took place in an era when african americans could be arrested and face severe retribution for committing the most trivial acts of defiance. 34 include a few more supporting statements with further evidence, then use transition words to lead to the paragraph that follows.

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 all of your body paragraphs should follow the pattern of statement, supporting ideas, and transition statement. Words to use as you transition from one paragraph to another: moreover in fact on the whole furthermore as a result simply put for this reason similarly likewise it follows that naturally by comparison surely yet the fifth paragraph of your five paragraph essay will be your conclusion. The final paragraph will summarize your main points and re assert your main claim from your thesis sentence. Once you complete the first draft of your essay, it 39 s a good idea to re visit the thesis statement in your first paragraph. You might find that the supporting paragraphs are strong, but they don 39 t address the exact focus of your thesis. By doing this, you will ensure that every sentence in your essay supports, proves, or reflects your thesis.