Genetically Modified Food Essay Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

These foods are genetically enhanced to make them last longer taste better, and shield themselves from pests and weeds. Genetically modified foods are in everything, you ate them for breakfast and you will eat them for lunch. You need to learn about these foods to save your family and friends from the terrible effects of these foods. You will learn what these foods are, the bad effects of them, and what will happen if we don 039 t take action and put an end to them.

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A tomato called the flavrsavr was the first genetically altered food to be put on the market. Little bits of dna is drawn from the organism, then biotechnologists make changes to the dna to change the characteristics of the organism. After the biotechnologist is finished changing the dna, they inject the new dna back into the organism. Just by changing small things in the foods we eat, we can have significant consequences for humans, plants, animals, and the ecosystem.

Over 70% of the foods we eat are genetically altered and many of the effects they have on us are bad. These foods have caused many terrible environmental effects, radical changes in diet, and major health issues. When genetically modified foods were new, the biotechnologists thought of all the good effects their foods could have on people around the world. The changes made in the dna of genetically modified organisms have caused entire species of seeds and insects to go extinct. This is because the herbicides and pesticides injected into the organism kills off all bugs or plants that mingle with it.

Also, genetically engineered organisms have contaminated other crops, insects, and plants this has lead to the evolution of superweeds. Many weeds and pests that have been contaminated are extremely invasive and are a danger to other species in the ecosystem. The ecosystems that were once places of balance are now disordered and endangered. Aaem has called on physicians to educate their patients and encourage them to avoid genetically altered foods. Radical changes in our diet and changes in the way we process foods are a few results of eating modified foods. Babies have shown signs of addiction to altered foods which may lead them to malnutrition, obesity, or other health problems as they grow older.

The producers of genetically modified foods assure us that there are no safety or health problems with their enhanced foods, but over fifty deaths and 2500 disabilities are recorded. That may just be a few people, but the numbers will only grow as we eat more and more genetically enhanced foods. Certain types of cancers and birth defects have also been proven to be caused by eating gm foods. Over the past 20 years, the chance of getting deadly food allergies in children has tripled. Parents have to check for things their children are allergic to in everything they buy.

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What they say about these foods may be true based off of what they know right now, but we don 039 t know what dangers they 039 ll have in the future. That power plant was safe until the earthquake and tsunami took out the cooling systems. A disaster with genetically modified foods will be unforeseen and will be as bad as the fukushima meltdown disaster. Until we can gain all information and conduct all safety tests to learn all that we can about these foods, we cannot feed them to the world. Genetically engineered foods were also made to decrease hunger throughout the world. A twenty year study done by doug gurian sherman shows absolutely no decrease in hunger anywhere in the world.

This is because scientists attacked the wrong problem, the world doesn 039 t need more food, it needs better distribution tactics. Many third world countries hamper distribution so their people can 039 t get any food. They can 039 t pay for their groceries so why bother making more food for a cause that can 039 t pay for it? biotechnologists and agriculturalists didn 039 t make these foods because they care about benefitting the world and helping the poor, they made genetically modified foods because it benefits their businesses.