Hkcee English Listening Paper Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

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Sam: how about next tuesday after school? aaron: oh, i cant next tuesday, ive got that choir practice. Sam: yeah, what i was thinking was, you know how george lives really near the central library? aaron: yeah. we can put down four hours for george in the central library repeat what sam just said but whats that got to do with the school library? sam: well, george would be the best person to come with me cause because縮寫 hed would縮寫 know what hes has縮寫 found at the central library already. 65288 這裡是間接 說明george會和sam到school library 65292 但有些同學不能理解 65289 aaron: oh, ok.

the first is high blood pressure point one the body has to work a lot harder and so the blood pressure goes up. the second also involves the blood as we find that people with obesity have high cholesterol point two不少同學因不懂串cholesterol膽固醇而沒有point two的分數 interviewer: yes, theres a lot more public awareness about levels of cholesterol these dr benko: yes, the other two are more related to how people feel about themselves, if theyre obese. the first of these is that they can suffer from low self esteem and that can often lead to depression. point 3+直接了當講第四個point interviewer: hmmthe last one that obesity leads to depression point 4 repeat certainly reflects my own experience growing up. Im sure we all remember how the overweight kids at school were laughed at by their classmates. 65288 凡做以上列點式答案 65292 應注意聆聽連接詞 conjunctions 65292 例如上述的the first, the second, the first of these, the last one. Ǝ�著那條 obesity in childhood leads to_ 屬於續寫句子的題目 65292 根據考評局報告這是大部分考生失分的地方 12290 這題目難的地方是考生不知道lead to的句子結構 12290 lead to普遍是跟名詞 65292 例如:drug abuse can lead to health problems, even death.

You can download and listen to the recordings from my podcast at the sidebar of my page. here are some more tips on approaching the listening test 1.before you listen look at the questions andtry to predict the topic. Is it a number? is it an adjective, a noun? a verb? an activity? a sport? some kind of food or drink? 4. If you have fully understood the recording butcan 39 t remember the exactspokenwords, use your own words. Look at this example: how can ibrahim get a ticket for the concert? best answer: the exact words spoken: queue for a half price ticket in your own words: get a ticket £15 or less and you get your mark. If you can 39 t provide an answer, as a last resort,think of what would probably be a logical answer.

What determines our special characteristics? if you failed to get the spoken words the dna and considering you know some basic biology, provide a logical answer. From our genes or we inherit them from our parents the hkdse paper 2 is a writing paper, with some similarities with the hkcee writing paper, paper 1b. The guided task will consist of a brief writing prompt to assist candidates in producing a short text. Candidates will be asked to complete a longer, more open ended task of about 400 words. There will be eight questions for part b, and each question will be based on one of the modules in the elective part of the english language curriculum. Candidates are free to choose one question from part b, and do not have to restrict themselves to the modules they have studied though, of course, it may be advantageous for them to do so.

Brainstorming and planning candidates should spend some time brainstorming ideas and making a plan before they start writing. Two sheets of rough work paper will be provided to each candidate for this purpose. If two sheets of paper are not enough, candidates may request for extra rough work sheets. The rough work sheets will be collected at the end of the exam but will not be marked.