How Do You Set Goals for Writing An Academic Paper Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

March 7 2009 when you think about achieving success, you have to think about setting and achieving goals. When you think about achieving academic success, you must think about setting and achieving academic goals. You cannot achieve success without working towards something that is measurable, memorable and attainable. How did i achieve academic success that year?  i learned the power of setting academic goals.

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Because i set this goal, i had to develop various academic survival skills like taking notes, studying for exams. I had to change specific academic and social habits in order to achieve success.  i changed my study habits, my sleeping patterns and even my dating routine  yes girls had to take the back seat. I achieved academic success that year because i set an academic goal and this goal became the motor or motive behind how i functioned as a student and today you can do the same. What i mean is this by establishing academic goals that are present, positive, and personal, all the required academic survival skills of listening in class, taking great notes, class participation, etc. Will become the needed actions to support the goal you have initially set for yourself.

Heres my step by step formula for making academic success are real reality in your life. To clarify setting academic goals and accomplishing them, here are 7.25 things to consider in your goal setting program. What do you really want to accomplish? what is it that you desire in school? what do you desire from your social activities? what do you desire for your life? not what someone else wants you to desire. It is unrealistic to set this goal, i have an overall 4.0 gpa, when i graduate from school if you have already completed a few semesters with a 2.5 gpa. Develop goals that are measurable ones that can be reported and charted over time. Heres an example: i read two books a month that are non school related. positive goals help your subconscious carry out the goals stated.

Words like not, never, or no should be erased so your subconscious can produce the wisdom to carry out only positive goals. Rather than saying, i will not fail this test say i  make a minimum of 90% on this exam. Theres a famous quote that says, if you shoot for the moon and miss, you will still land amongst the stars.  set your goals really high, so that it forces you and stretches you to do better. Past tense and future tense goals cause your mind to think in the past and the future.  this keeps your goals locked in the past and in the future. Set goals that are present where your subconscious can work as if the goal is already achieved.

Studies have shown that people who write goals are 50 80% closer to attaining them than those who dont have them written down. For every goal you set, identify some practical things that you can do everyday to help you obtain that goal. If you set a goal like the one above, to make 90% on the test, then you must have an action plan.  to obtain this goal, actions like spending two hours a day studying, visiting your teacher once a week, reading other books on the subject matter and working extra subject problems. In this video i share my 5 5 5 academic goal setting and receiving habit that will help you accomplish all that you desire this school year. This 15 minute strategy is what i have used to help me have productive days, and stay focused on the things that matter. Goal setting and goal achieving is the hidden secret to the worlds most successful people.

By applying the above, you have the keys to accomplish whatever you desire out of your academic career and your future life endeavors. 29 november 2010 goal setting for academic success goals are like road maps they get a person from one point to another. The best way to get results is to plan for the future, but live one day at a time. Think about the future how does one define success? what makes one happy? what drives a person? what makes a person get out of bed in the morning? does success mean family, money, security, helping others, improving the environment, solving problems, a career, or a degree? whatever a student decides, the key to academic success is to strengthen one’s will to succeed and to do this one must set academic goals. The first step in setting an academic goal is to define an attainable, relevant goal.

A student must ask himself about his own core values, what motivates the student, where does the student want to be tomorrow, next week or even a few years? what does the student want to do? be very specific with academic plans. While developing a relevant goal, make sure to also ask if what is desired is attainable. The student must think about what the most important goal is, and what is the first thing to do to start towards that goal? then plan backwards in time and outline. Start by creating a rough outline or some type of map that includes specific steps in regard to the academic goal. The beginning of the student’s road map is this map being personalized just for the student. Outline specifically the steps towards goals, keeping in mind behaviors and life events that are under one’s control. In this outline define a specific educational path most importantly begin creating new rules for life especially giving thought to what one will do with events and behaviors that cannot be controlled carter et al.

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Once the student has the big picture in mind, the third step in goal setting is setting a time table. Ask when do you want to have a goal complete, being realistic in regard to the goal and the time that will be involved to accomplish it. Finally, begin keeping track of progress perhaps by blogging or writing in a notebook to keep track of progress towards reaching the goal. Think of short term goals towards academic achievement ranging from daily to weekly, even monthly or as far up to one year. Make sure to set deadlines for each step in a plan and keep track of those carter et al.

The fourth step in academic goal setting is for the student to measure them self. The student needs to keep a written record of progress and set backs as well as finding a confidant to talk to someone the student can count on to help keep them on track carter et al. The fifth and one of the most important steps is not getting stuck if a bump in the road to academic goals get in the way, the student shouldn’t panic! the student needs to be aware that staying on track with a specific academic or any other personal goal can be rocky and may place un needed stress on them.