How to Help My Son With Homework Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Hi mister micawber i didn't know where to write to you privately so i chose to write here. I asked several questions a couple of years ago and received answers from you which ı liked very much. ı couldn't understand how a later helicopter could be the same as an earlier helicopter and you'd been of much help to me and so had i to my students. That was an earlier question and now i have a later question are had better and should the same or are there situations where we have to choose between had better and should? thanks in advance for your help. Vedat aksu teacher of english turkey age 34 submit your rating is it a constant struggle to get your child to do homework? need advice on making homework time more effective? many parents struggle with the demands of increased homework and their child’s lack of motivation to get homework done after a full day at school. In addition to tutoring services for pre k to high school levels and beyond, centre pйdagogique la renaissance also provides workshops for parents in laval area schools. Here are a few tidbits from our popular workshop series for parents called help! my child hates homework! setting your child up for success it’s essential to set up your child and your home for homework time success.

Though it’s tempting to have your child complete his homework at the kitchen table while you are preparing a meal or doing other household chores nearby , the kitchen tends to be like grand central station in most homes. There are constant distractions and plenty of opportunities for your child to waste time. Regardless of the size of your home, choose an alternate spot away from the main action of the household and stick to it. Your child will learn to associate quiet time and study time with this homework spot.

If you have a very young child, you can reassure him that you are not far away and will check on his progress at intervals you will choose e.g. And create a homework basket. this basket should be lightweight and portable, and contain basic school supplies your child needs to do his homework. The basket can be kept at the homework spot or stored in a closet when not in use. No more kitchen junk drawer! if you have more than one child, create two separate homework baskets to avoid fighting and blaming and insist on separate homework spots. Get creative! even if you have a small home or apartment, a folding tv tray and chair can make for a great homework spot in the corner of the living room or even at the end of a hallway. The goal is that your child knows that this is his spot or his office , and other family members must be on board by staying away from that area as much as possible during the designated homework time.

Here are a few tips and tricks that address 9 common concerns parents have about homework. my child often forgets his agenda or homework at school this is a common problem with students who lack organizational skills. When your child’s agenda is forgotten at school or not filled out for the day, it’s difficult to determine what your child has for homework. A popular solution is the buddy system in which your child’s teacher will select a responsible student to be your child’s classroom buddy. The buddy will check that your child’s agenda is filled out and in his schoolbag, along with whatever books, binders or duo tangs needed. Ask your child’s teacher to suggest the name of a student that your child can exchange phone numbers with.

When your child doesn’t bring home his spelling list for the big quiz tomorrow, the telephone buddy can dictate the words over the phone. my child won’t do her homework unless i practically do it for her there is a fine line between supervising your child’s homework and doing it for her out of desperation. When your child sits there for two hours mulling over an assignment that should take 30 minutes, it seems quicker and easier to just sit there and do it with or for her. Though it’s important to be implicated in your child’s learning, constantly giving an answer or correcting each question on the homework page the moment your child completes it doesn’t teach your child to try on her own or to practice her autonomy. For an older child, every 5 10 minutes should be enough to reassure your child that you are there, but will not stand next to her or supply answers until she has tried on his own. Try supervising the first one or two questions to make sure your child is on the right track, and then walk away.

Do not send the message that your child is incapable of doing the task on her own. If your child gets too used to the idea of you supplying an answer or clue almost immediately, you remove the responsibility from your child and in turn, the motivation to try on her own decreases over time. my child has a lot of extra curricular activities that leave little time for homework you don’t have to deprive your child of cherished hobbies or physical activity, but you must be reasonable in your ratio of homework time to extra curricular activities time. The number of hours of extra curricular activities should be no more than half the number of hours your child is expected to be doing homework in a given week.