How to Start Your Own Resume Writing Service Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

how to start your own highly profitable resume writing service

here's a business you can start for virtually nothing, parlay into a million dollar enterprise in five years or less. Many established resume writing services in the large metropolitan areas are reporting annual incomes of $250,0 or more. Even the smaller operations, in towns as small as 15,0 are experiencing sales of $50,0 or more. No special knowledge, education or experience are required for total success in this business. An awareness of the general format of the modern resume, and the ability to keep oneself up to date on refinements or new approaches to presenting resume material are about the only prerequisites to successfully operate a resume writing service.

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Probably the most exciting and motivational aspects of this business idea are the low investment and risk factors involved, and the growing demand for resume service. Up until the past couple of years, few if any americans really had to look for jobs. People in general have either forgotten how to look for a new job, or never knew how in the first place.

Since the start of world war ii, back in 1941, the american worker has been spoiled by an affluent society and an ideal market for the job seeker. Usually, all he had to do whenever he lost a job or wanted to change jobs was to report in to the local branch of his local employment service office, check in at his union office, look at the want ads in the sunday paper, or call a few friends and ask about job openings. But no more! times have changed! there are fewer jobs and an increasing number of people applying for those jobs that are available.

Just recently, the post office department in a large west coast city advertised that applications would be accepted on two days only, for 600 upcoming openings. Would you believe that twenty thousand applicants showed up to fill out applications? can you imagine the post office personnel people reviewing all those applications, and then interviewing all those people, ac cording to the fair employment practices act? on another day, word got out that there was going to be an opening for a forklift driver at a local warehouse. Fifteen hundred men and women showed up even before the job was advertised! times are tough, and we're moving ever deeper into the age of specialization. Employers are demanding to know more about the applicant his work record, natural talents and personality traits. They want more information upon which to base their interview selections than just the cold facts on the application form. Personnel managers are placing a higher premium on their time, and delegating to others the job of weeding out the unqualified applicants from those whose backgrounds and goals come closest to fitting the needs of the company.

To get in to see the person doing the hiring nowadays, the job applicant has to sell the short stopper, and that calls for a professionally written resume. Industry estimates are that by the year 20, most of the jobs worth having will require a written resume before even an initial interview is granted. And that's where you can fit into the picture with your professional resume writing service. Of the 20 percent who do have resumes, many are ineffective they simply do not adequately present the applicant's total qualifications.

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Everyone with or without a resume is looking for this key: a professionally written resume, a sales presentation of their qualifications and experience that will get the job for them the job they want. They don't know how, and they don't have the time and they're willing to pay you to put it all together for them. Just as you're willing to pay a doctor, dentist or investment broker, those who need a resume are willing to pay you for this service. The market exists in every city and town in this country, and the demand for this service is growing daily.