How to Write An Essay on The Bill of Rights Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

This bill contains the rights of freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of petition, right to be protected from unreasonable searches and seizures, right to bear arms, right to not give housing to soldiers during peace time, freedom of the press, freedom to equal justice, and the right to freedom and security. These rights keep the people personal lives away from the government with out any distburbing of ?being free. The peoples rights are mostly contained in the first amendment of the constitution. As a final guarantee of citizen rights, the tenth amendment set?s aside, or reserves, many powers of government for the states or for the people.

When we get up in the morning and choose what we want to do, when we practice our religions, and when we assemble in peace every day. Most of these rights are listed in the bill of rights, and we are able to exercise them every day. Viewing the bill of rights i begain to under stand how are nation established and strived for so many years. I agree with all of the rights listed in the bill, but i feel that the bill should contain more and further rights pertaining to the people and criminals of the united states. Essay on bill of rights students are searching: write my paper for me more than ever before.

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