Impact of Globalization on Culture Essay Text

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Our writers can help get your essay back on track, take a look at our services to learn more about how we can help. Essay writing service essay marking service place an order the term has its roots in the japanese term dochakuka which first appeared in the late 1980s in articles by japanese economists in the harvard business review. The term originally meant adapting farming technique to one's own local condition. According to the dictionary meaning, the term 'glocal' and the process noun 'glocalization' are formed by telescoping global and local to make a blend 1 . Glocalization seems to be a problematic term as it is seen as meaning different things to different people. Roland robertson, conceptualized glocalization as, the universalization of particularization and the particularization of universalism 2 . Khondker expressed it as a process combining the twin processes of macro localization and micro globalization.

Thus in his view 'local' is the provider of the response to the forces that are 'global'. Nevertheless what we adhere to in this paper is the robertsonian view of glocalization which argues that any focus on the global must have a focus on the local for the two are mutually constitutive of each other it is not as simple as the global being proactive and the local being reactive. He attributes this to the debates centering on the relationship between the global and the local. The global was scripted as being homogenizing because of the economic and cultural flows associated with it proactive and the local being a site of heterogeneity fighting to keep out globalization reactive. Rethinking globalization in this way leads to the recognition that it is not a process that operates exclusively at a planetary scale, but is constantly being localized in various ways and with different intensities. With local cultural stasis upset by outside forces, a re stabilization process sets in to enable the emergence of a new culture more able to cope with the disorder brought on by, in this case, globalization robertson refers to glocalization as the interpenetrationâ of theâ globalâ and localâ resultingâ in uniqueâ outcomesâ in differentâ geographicalâ areas'. At a 1997 conference on globalization and indigenous culture, robertson said that glocalization means the simultaneity the co presence of both universalizing and particularizing tendencies.

The process also denotes the commonly interconnected processes of homogenization and heterogenization. Theorists of glocalization typically challenge the assumption that globalization processes always endanger the local. Rather, glocalization both highlights how local cultures may critically adapt or resist 'global' phenomena, and reveals the way in which the very creation of localities is a standard component of globalization. There is now a universal normalization of 'locality', in the sense that 'local' cultures are assumed to arise constantly and particularize themselves vis a vis other specific cultures. Globalization is seen as not only a macro structure but to highlight the reality of micro globalization.

Internal globalization means that large numbers of people around the globe are now exposed to other cultures on a daily basis without crossing borders on a regular basis, simply through the variety of communication media. Furthermore, they might encounter immigrants, refugees, or tourists in their own locality. They might also encounter cultural artefacts and commercial establishments that bring other cultures into close proximity to their own. The increasing presence of mcdonalds restaurants worldwide is an example of globalization, while the restaurant chain's menu changes in an attempt to appeal to local palates are an example of glocalization. Perhaps even more illustrative of glocalization: for promotions in france, the restaurant chain recently chose to replace its familiar ronald mcdonald mascot with asterix the gaul, a popular french cartoon character.

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Dannie kjeldgaard and soren askegaard analyze the whole glocalization discourse with respect to youth culture and view them mainly as consumers. According to them youth culture is an institutionalized facet of the market, emerging predominantly from western cultural currents and diffusing globally. Early youth cultural styles diffused primarily in the west but also to other parts of the modernizing world. Youth culture, like other spheres of social life due to the process of glocalization, is increasingly shaped by and constitutes global cultural flows. They put forth appadurai's analysis who analyzes the global cultural economy by using the landscape metaphor to illustrate such flows within five scapes: ethnoscapes the flow of people , technoscapes the flow of technology , finanscapes the flow of finance and capital , mediascapes the flow of mediated images , and ideoscapes the flow of ideas and ideologies. These flows increase the availability of symbols and meanings in consumers' everyday lives in such a way that much of what is available in one place is also available in any other place.

The glocalization processes constituted by these flows shape socio cultural reality in dialectical processes between the local and the global. Through these processes, the styles characteristic of youth culture spread globally, instigating the development of local versions of youth culture through appropriation and creolization. They are mainly of the opinion that members of the youth market interpret and rework global cultural practices and meanings to fit into their local contexts.

Consumption practices are inscribed in local historically constituted cultural discourses and in particular consumers are reliant on their predominantly class based, socio cultural resources for negotiating global meanings and practices in their daily lives. Their study addresses several knowledge gaps by showing that the often noted homogeneity of global youth consumption practices overlooks their deeper structural differences and diverse localized meanings. These deeper differences flow from the manifestations of a transnational market ideology in glocalized forms.

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Identities are rearticulated in local versions, although these appropriative reworkings are never totally free of ideological influence. The ideological models carry with them preferred readings, which consumers have to negotiate. Who wrote this essay request removal example essays to understand the impact the process of glocalization has on culture we first need to understand what the term culture denotes. It is in the domain of culture that we think, express ourselves articulate our aspirations and decide our mode of life. In general culture can be said to refer to the social construction, articulation and reception of meaning. 'culture can be seen as a lived and creative experience for individuals as well as a body of artifacts texts and objects.

It embraces the specialized and professionalized discourses of the arts, the commodified output of the cultural industries the spontaneous and unorganized cultural expressions of everyday life and the complex interactions between all these'. 3 the essence of a culture is defined by its responses to the ultimate questions of human existence: death, hope, tragedy, love, loyalty, power, the meaning and purpose of life, and the place of the transcendental in human existence. But the responses to these questions are different and vary from region to region thus producing different values to the different elements relating to culture. The responses to these questions are affected by different socio cultural political even technological criteria thus having a whole different outlook to the way life is lived and perceived. According to him in the context of the global there can be two concepts of culture. The other he classifies as culture as a general human software which refers to it as a trans local learning process. Culture in the first sense of the term has an inward looking sense of a place while the second is essentially in the sense of outward looking.