Is Capital Punishment Right Essays Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

вќ carmical, pg 2 therefore the argument of whether the death penalty is right or wrong is just a conflict of morals. By looking at both the pro's and con's of the death penalty, and methods of execution, there might be a better understanding of the death penalty. People believe that we have no right to play god or that the method of executing someone is cruel and unusual punishment. On the website the campaign to end the death penalty вќ they give five reasons to abolish the death penalty. Actually governor george ryan suspended all executions two years ago due to the fact that an innocent man was executed.

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Recently a man named anthony porter was cleared of murder by students at northwestern university, literally after he had been fitted for his burial suit. In the last several years, you hear more and more about the possible executions of innocent inmates on television and in the newspaper. In the old testament, there are several verses saying that the death penalty is wrong. There were several religions that stepped up to oppose the death penalty, most not capital punishment: the world that we live inwhat is the nature of capital punishment. Capital punishment is an extreme type of death in which prisons take away their life.

Capital punishment should be banned from the world because what are we teaching our future kids, that it is all right to kill a person. Right now capital punishment is just starting to be used more and slowly the crowding of death role is starting to d!ecline and no longer are criminals being taken off death role and given life sentences. Also right now new laws are being put into effect that will allow capital punishment to be used more, so that violent criminals can be punished quickly and more effectively.there are groups that do not support capital punishment and would do anything to stop it. The jury could choose to give the convinced criminal the life sentence without parole, those were the tow major changes when t. Capital punishment is in essence taking a human life in exchange for some wrong doing committed by a person that has been deemed to be so offensive to society it warrants the ending of the accuser s life. I believe the obvious arguments against televising or making public an execution are first and foremost the condemned person s right to privacy, and also the simple fact that watching a human life end would be shocking and upsetting to many members of our society. From the reinstatement of capital punishment until present day we have had protests and arguments for and against the inst.

While some people feel that capital punishment will not discourage crime, capital punishment should be legalized in all states, because it is morally just and it will deter crime. Hopefully capital punishment will be legalized in many states to eliminate violence from american life. Capital punishment is one of the most controversial topics among americans today. Since every person has his or her own opinion on the topic, either for or against, the question always raised is is it morally right? to many death penalty abolitionists, the answer is very clear and they believe capital punishment is not only morally wrong, but ethnically wrong as well.

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Human beings do not have the right to take a life of another individual moreover, innocent people are being executed. Many times the race of the accused clearly plays a part in whether or not the death penalty is required. As americans we are taught to be in favor of the death penalty however three things would have to be proven. That it is morally correct, that there is a valid amoral reason for it, and the risk of executing the innocent. One argument, based on morality, commonly used against the death penalty is that it is an insult to the purity of human life. If one believes that, morally, murdering someone who does deserve the punishment of death, one must also decide whether it is justified in every case.

There has been much debate on the exact purpose of punishment and to this day is still not agreed on. It is clear to me that it is morally correct to punish criminals however, the actual moral level of punishment is difficult to establish. Relief and piece of mind is certainly something that some victim’s relatives hope to receive from the execution of the criminal. The execution puts an end to it all or a sort of closure in a way that a sentence of life without parole would not. The relatives must ask themselves if the relief they receive from the execution is really worth the criminal’s life. Capital punishment one of many issues that have been core of moral and legal discussions over history has been the death penalty capital punishment. As well there are also many countries that have abolished death penalty and murderers thus get life sentences for their crimes while in other countries like china and many usa states are still cruelly punishing a lot of people in this way.

Even though the death penalty has been a controversial subject, it is not acceptable by no means in this era, in my opinion it should be abolished in every nation because it violates human rights and is an instrument of discrimination against most vulnerable classes. One reason i am against death penalty is that no one has the right to kill a human being therefore the death penalty is a violation of the most important human rights we have which is life. One person who has been a criminal and has murdered people has to be punished with life imprisonment not with death penalty. Life imprisonment is a fair punishment and at the same time it respects dignity and moral of humans.

Some examples of cases that can be sentenced to life imprisonment are: murder, drug dealing, human trafficking and robbery. It is important to consider that there are many cases of murderers who have been regretted inside prison and this issue has been the reason for their life changing after many years of bad behaviors. However, this is just one of many good reasons why it is necessary to change this law in all the countries that are still using it. 7 works cited length: 23 words 6.7 double spaced pages rating: red free capital punishment is a controversial topic discussed in today's society. Capital punishment is often not as harsh in other countries as we may call harsh in our country. There is a heated debate on whether states should be able to kill other humans or not. But if we shall consider that other countries often have more deadly death penalties than we do.