Isc 2012 English Paper 1 Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

three hours candidates are allowed additional 15 minutes for only reading the paper.  _ attempt all four questions. the intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets . You are advised to spend not more than 50 minutes on question 1,40 minutes on question 2,30 minutes on question 3 and i hour on question 4. _ question 1 you are reminded that you will be rewarded for orderly and coherent presentations of material, use of appropriate style and general accuracy of spelling, punctuation and grammar. 30 b the sounds of laughter and loud voices attract your attention to a room in your kouse. C today, in out global society, if young people go abroad to study or to seek jobs, they cannot be termed unpatriotic.

F write an original story with the following beginning: i was not more than fourteen at that time. question 2 as student, at the end of class xii, requests the principal of his school for a certificate or testimonial which he needs for his further studies. Imagine that you are the principal and draft a certificate, keeping the following points in mind: 20 duration of acquaintance students academic record students conduct involvement in co curricular and extra curricular activities leadership qualities feedback obtained from teachers and any other relevant information. question 3 answer sections a , lb and c. a in each of the following items, sentence a is complete, while sentence b is not. complete sentence b, making it as similar as possible to sentence a.

Write down sentence b in each case.  10 1      a we must endure what we cannot cure.               b had the 3         a as soon as winter comes, brids migrate to the south.             b ive never 7         a i have never seen a film as bad as this.             b this is 8         a he said, i will definitely visit you tomorrow.             b he said that 9       a we would have sympathy for the less fortunate.

5 1         the soccer player was shown a yellow card for arguing_ the referee. 3         the exhibition was a complete sell_ 4         how can she put_ with such indisciplined students ? 5         the man broke_ the cordon and rushed to the dais. 9         anna wasnt looking where she was going and she walked_ a lamp post. c fill in the blank in the passage given below with the appropriate form of the verb given in brackets. Do not write the passage, but write the verbs in the correct order: 5 after they_ 1 walk for a while, they_ 2 see an isolated cottage.

Ba English Paper Karachi University

They _ 3 peep through the broken widow,_ 4 look for someone who_ 5 guide then back to the main road. They_ 6 find that the cottage_ 7 be dirty, cobwebs_ 8 hang across the roof and it_ 9 seem to be unoccupied. A , b and c that follow: the hidden box 1    i opened the iron gate and walked as softly as i could up the weed tufted gravel drive. The wind and rain had whipped a coating of gritty dust against the panels, showing that it had been shut for years. Standing on a derelict flower bed, i tried to push open the first window on the left. I clambered through the opening and found myself crawling along the deepest window large i have ever seen.

It was a dark morning and the weather had stained the windows with blears of grey wash which kept the brightest part of the weak light front coming in. I had a sudden impulse to have clone with my task and be out of this house forever. I walked across the bare boards, knelt down in the corner and passed my hands about the floor in search of the lose board. I put my hand down and crooked a finger into the loose reclining handle, but the match suddenly flickered and went out and the handle of the box, which i had lifted up about a inch, slid heavily offmy tmger. Without stopping to light another match, i thrust my hand into the opening and, just when it should be closing about the box, something happened. 4    i cannot hope to describe what it was but it had frightened me very much.

It was s o m e change which came upon me or upon the room, indescribably subtle, yet momentous. It was as if the daylight had changed with unnatural suddenness, as if the temperature had altered greatly in an instant or as if the air had become twice as rare or twice as dense as it had been in the twinkling of an eye. Perhaps all of these or other things, happened together, for all my senses were bewildered all at once and could give me no explanation.

The fingers of my right hand, thrust in the opening in the floor, had closed mechanically, found nothing at all, and came up again empty. The box had gone! 5      i heard a cough behind me, soft and natural, yet more disturbing than any sound that could ever come upon the human ear. That i did not die of fright was due, i think, to two things: the fact that my senses were already disarranged and able to interpret to me only gradually what they had perceived, and also the fact that the utterance of the cough seemed to bring with it some more awful alteration in everything. Sweet broke out on my brow and my eyes remained open for a long time without a wink. 6    in the darkest corner of the room near the window, a man was sitting in a chair, eyeing me with a mild but unwavering interest.                               1 neglected                      2 urge 3 significant                     4 explain ii      for each of the words given below, write a sentence of at least ten words using the same word unchanged in form, but with a different meaning from that which it carries in the passage: 4 .

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