Layers of The Earth Writing Assignment Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

The earth is the only planet known to man where life exists and we are the proud owners of such a precious planet. Earth essay is popular in schools and colleges and is aimed to improve a sense of responsibility to earth that sustains all life. Few of the topics for an earth essay are earth’s geography, earth day, green earth essay, earth’s composition, earth’s core, earth’s atmosphere, etc. An earth day essay could talk about its importance for humanity.  your earth essay could talk about how we endanger our planet and the huge variety of life on it through mismanagement of the various natural resources.

The earthquake custom essay could also discuss how we can conserve the meager resources we have to benefit the future generations.  earth essay could focus on the diverse flora and fauna, various geographic areas and ecosystems co existing. An earth essay for your school paper should exhibit your knowledge and subject matter expertise. Earth essay for websites and blogs should provide interesting information to your readers. Good research, subject knowledge, and good presentation will result in the good earth essay. Your earth essay whatever topic it may be on should be unique and have an edge over others.

Related readings: abortion essay writing help, career essay writing and cause and effect essay writing assistance. When faced with so many choices and very little time writing your own earth essay might seem a little tough. Whether to create awareness, inform readers, or complete your paper you can find reliable help online for your earth essay. They can give shape to your original ideas in the form of a professionally written earth essay. Write a poem about something that used to exist on earth but does not anymore or is very rare to find. The planet had been destroyed and after centuries the planet was becoming habitable again.

Write a story about a character who suddenly develops powers to communicate with earth. Write a story from the perspective of a teacher working in an impoverished school district. The teacher wants to teach the importance of preserving earth to children who have more serious and immediate problems at home. Write a story about a group of environmentalists who travel the country teaching about the importance of earth. related articles unit 4: earth's changing surface 5e lesson plan model many of my science lessons are based upon and taught using the 5e lesson plan model. This lesson plan model allows me to incorporate a variety of learning opportunities and strategies for students. With multiple learning experiences, students can gain new ideas, demonstrate thinking, draw conclusions, develop critical thinking skills, and interact with peers through discussions and hands on activities.

With each stage in this lesson model, i select strategies that will serve students best for the concepts and content being delivered to them. These strategies were selected for this lesson to facilitate peer discussions, participation in a group activity, reflective learning practices, and accountability for learning. The earth's changing surface unit focuses on some processes that change earth's surface slowly, over a long period of time, and some that occur abruptly. In order for students to develop an understanding that the surface is constantly changing, they take part in a variety of guided inquiries geared towards scaffolding this understanding.

In the first part of the unit, students explore the structure of the earth and processes that cause changes to it. These lessons include earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, physical and chemical weathering, erosion and deposition. They need to develop an understanding of these processes and how they change the earth's surface for the second part of the unit which focuses primarily on minerals, rocks, and the rock cycle. Students apply their understanding of these processes as they investigate the formation of rocks and the cycle of changes they go through in a lifetime. lesson synopsis this is the second part day of the structure of earth's layers lesson. In the first part of this lesson, students took part in a quick write by answering the question: is it possible to dig our way through the ground to the the other side of the earth? and completed a guided gallery walk to obtain information about each one. This lesson continues with students creating a scaled model of earth's layers, comparing the data matrix they recorded details on yesterday, and writing evidence based responses.

Finally, they apply all they have learned about the layers of the earth by constructing an explanation to the question: why is it important for people such as engineers to know about the layers of the earth? next generation science standards this lesson will address the following ngss standard s: 5 ess 2 develop a model using an example to describe ways the geosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and/or atmosphere interact. I address this standard in fifth grade because my students have not had science prior to fifth grade. They have a limited science background and need a lot of scaffolding throughout these standards. By engaging students with guided inquiries and common core related activities to support this ngss standard, i am providing them experiences to prepare them for later lessons involving minerals, rocks, soil, and plants. why do i teach with this lesson? i teach the second day of the structure of earth's layers lesson with a focus of using the science and engineering practice: developing and using models by having students create a model of the earth's layers. This model enhances students' connection to yesterday's information they read and recorded in a data matrix.

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Many of my students a have very limited background in science as the elementary school's within my district do not formally teach science prior to my students entering the 5th grade the middle school. I find it important to provide a variety of learning opportunities that build their vocabulary and understanding of concepts in order to facilitate scientific thinking for future inquiry lessons related to earth's changing surface. In this lesson, students construct a model of the four layers of the earth to use as evidence for constructing evidence based responses to real world applications. By exposing and engaging students in obtaining and communicating information, i am providing them with a foundation that will support their experiences in later lessons involving processes that change the earth slowly and rapidly. Students create a model of earth's structure that represents the four layers of the earth rsquo s surface and use it as evidence to a scientific explanation.

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Students apply scaled data to create a model of earth's four layers in order to accurately illustrate each layer's thickness. Constructing explanations and designing solutions: students use the matrix data and their scaled model of earth's layers as evidence to support their explanation on why knowing about the layers of the earth are important to engineers. Students use their scaled model to recognize that earth's layers vary in depth, temperature, and material. This will set up students to be more expressive and develop thinking skills during the activity. The first half of the year, i model what group work and/or talks ldquo look like and sound like.

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Rdquo i intervene the moment students are off task with reminders and redirecting. By the second and last half of the year, i am able to ask students, ldquo who can give of three reminders for group activities to be successful? rdquo who can tell us two reminders for partner talks? rdquo students take responsibility for becoming successful learners. Again before teaching this lesson, consider the time of year, it may be necessary to do a lot of front loading to get students to eventually become more independent and transition through the lessons in a timely manner. Geologists believe that man acts as a geological agent in quickening erosion. While it may be argued that human activities like reservoir building and storing of water or restricting flood have reduced erosion, but they still hasten erosion because the majority of the erosion happens above dams. This leads to the formation of quarries, due to the glacial corries which are a result of artificial cutting. Human activity has led to changes in geological conditions as a result of destruction of sea coasts or land reclamation that has negative impact on nature and so on.