Master Thesis Tuhh Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

increasing accuracy at generating verified sandboxes for cyber physical systems using reachability computations. entwurf und entwicklung eines metamodells und graphischen editors fьr hybride automaten. an interval based abstract domain for jakstab supporting up to k arbitrary disjunctions.

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applying precision improving rules to reachability computations for hybrid automata in hycreate. improvement and evaluation of jakstab's interval domain with a focus on bitwise operations. semantic preserving transformations from atlas testcase descriptions to teststand sequences. fallbasiertes schlieяen in strategischen spielentscheidungen auf der nao robotik plattform. investigating the influence of different counting conditions in count matrix based code clone detection.

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static data flow analysis for vulnerable permission configurations of android applications. flow insensitive points to analyses for frama c based on tarjan's disjoint sets. numerische fehlerkorrektur und programmflusskontrolle zur behandlung von soft errors. bidirectional predicate propagation in frama c and its application to warning removal. a frama c plug in for finding equal valued expressions using dataflow analysis. validierung des schleifenerkennungsalgorithmus von wei, mao, zou und chen. entwicklung eines universellen visualisierungs und datenverwaltungstools fьr asynchrone messwerte.

automated generation of unit tests from uml activity diagrams using the ampl interface for constraint solvers. burrows wheeler compression with modified sort orders and exceptions to the mtf phase, and their impact on the compression rate. test case coverage analysis of state based automata for fuel cell systems in commercial aircraft. 3d modelling, feature extraction and segmentation of modern warehouse environments using laserscanners.

selecting attributes for automated clustering of disassembled code from embedded systems. reusable qvt patterns for state machine model transformations and their verification in vmts. static single assignment for program slicing on binary intermediate language. evaluation of standard information retrieval system related to specific queries. modelling and verification of qos properties of a biomedical wireless sensor network.

detection of zeno sets in hybrid systems to validate modelica simulations. boolean analysis for path senvitive interprocedural analyses of asynchronous programs. reverse engineering und analyse eines auf rs 232 basierenden protokolls zur reimplementierung. das risikoorientierte und automatisierte testen einer medizinischen software mit hilfe von black box regressionstests. run time load analysis of multi threaded aplications by inspection of inter process communication. entwicklung eines datenloggers fьr beatmungsdaten und mutationsanalyse fьr robustheitstests.