Mental Health Law Dissertation Topics Text

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We have provided the selection of example mental health dissertation topics below to help and inspire you. If you need help with the topic and titles for your own dissertation then our writers are avilable to help. Click on the button below for more information about our topics with titles service: topics with titles service measuring suicidal intent amongst those who survive overdoses. conscious of the array of ethical research safeguards that will need to be in place prior to primary research being undertaken for this dissertation, this is nevertheless a fascinating subject area within the field. Using face to face and focus group interviews, this study will contextualise existing secondary literature with the actual accounts of 30 people who have survived deliberate overdoses and live within wolverhampton. Through assessing the answers and comments garnered the researcher seeks to evaluate the extent to which the overdoses administered were realistic attempts to end life rather than being cries for help. Studying survivors of nearly lethal suicide attempts: an important strategy in suicide research.

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Risk factors of future suicide in suicide attempters a comparison between suicides and matched survivors. lowered self esteem, depression, and in need of help: an assessment of the effects upon lone carers of mentally disabled spouses. increasingly socially isolated and without access to full time professional support services, full time carers can, as this study demonstrates, start to feel overwhelmed and resentful as a consequence of the burden of care placed upon them. Interviewing care profession also restrained by increasingly tight budgets and the carers themselves this is a qualitative piece of primary research that seeks to tell the 'human story' of the lives of carers. Geographically specific, it is envisaged that this study will involve interviewing 30 full time carers of spouses with mental health disabilities in rotherham. It is further envisaged that the findings from this research will, with the suggestions thereafter proffered to improve the 'working conditions' of carers help to shape future government policies in this sensitive area of personal care. Eds , physical illness and depression in older adults: a handbook of theory, research, and practice. The subjective well being of people caring for a family member with a severe disability at home: a review.

An emotive subject: insights from social, voluntary and healthcare professionals into the feelings of family carers for people with mental health problems. body image perceptions amongst sportsmen with bulimia nervosa. concentrating on those professional sportsmen who suffer ridicule in the press due to their fluctuations in their weight, and respond to such pressures by developing bulimia nervosa, this is a dissertation that combines the theory and practice of mental health with real life situations. Interviewing health care professionals as well as professional sportsmen who have suffered from or are still suffering with bulimia nervosa, this dissertation will not only comment on societal triggers but also proffer an array of agency based intervention approaches that could be used, given the responses received from suffers, to further aid recovery. Perfectionism, social physique anxiety and disordered eating: a comparison of male and female elite athletes. Prevalence of eating disorders in elite athletes is higher than in the general population. a study of the longer term psychological effects of divorce upon the adult children of divorcees. media attention following the fall from grace of the former cabinet minister chris huhne, has made especial note of the role that his son played in alerting the police and media to his father's illegal action. Noting thoughts of 'revenge' and 'hatred' as a consequence of the betrayal of his mother, newspapers have highlighted the psychological impact that divorce can have especially on boys when they feel that their mothers have been betrayed by the actions of their fathers.

Reviewing existing secondary literature and conducting primary interviews amongst both female and male students at the university of portsmouth whose parents have divorced, this study will chart, using a likert scale, the different recorded psychological effects of divorce on a sample group of 20. Though a small scale study, the results will be contextualised via reference to the secondary literature making this a relevant study upon a contemporary issue raised by the media. Attachment styles and personality disorders: their connections to each other and to parental divorce, parental death, and perceptions of parental caregiving. a review of the psychological well being of people with mental health disabilities who secure full time employment. the change from unemployed to employed status can be stressful as a consequence of the return of a formulaic structure to days, heightened expectations, and tiredness.

For those with mental health disabilities the short term effects of such changes can be even more challenging. In addition, now that firms such as remploy have closed, the focus of opportunities for disabled persons to find work has shifted even more markedly in favour of the private sector. Against this backdrop and the economic realities of the longest depression since the 1930s, this dissertation evaluates the changing psychological well being of six people who secure full time work placements over a three month period.

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Conducting interviews prior to them commencing their new employment it charts their fears, anxieties and expectations as they progress from being 'in possession of start date' through their first three months of work interviewing them at monthly intervals. This is a challenging dissertation that combines theory with practice and a number of ethical research issues. an assessment of the thought processes recorded by child arsonists with especial reference to those in foster care. this is a cutting edge research proposal. It combines issues of mental health, community care, the role and responsibilities of fostering agencies and foster carers as well issues of criminal responsibility and the safeguarding of individuals.

Working with disturbed children in residential and foster care within solihull, this is a dissertation that will require a very solid knowledge of how to conduct ethical research involving minors and the data protection responsibilities that such research entails. Using both primary and secondary research this is a dissertation in which it is envisaged that a range of interviewing techniques will be used semi structured, face to face, group facilitation so as to maximise the potential of the researcher to elicit valuable information out of both child arsonists, their carers, and the others who are affected by their actions as well as agency professionals. Decreased juvenile arson and firesetting recidivism after implementation of a multidisciplinary prevention program. Female juvenile arsonists: an exploratory look at characteristics and solo and group arson offences. Interventions with arsonists and young fire setters: a survey of the national picture in england and wales. a qualitative study assessing coping with uncertainty amongst women at risk of familial breast cancer. whilst there exists a glut of academic research focusing on breast cancer and the need for early diagnosis, there has been less study carried out on the mental anguish faced by those women who grow up in families with a history of the disease.

Working with three generations of women in four families, this qualitative study seeks to address this gap in existing knowledge and understanding. This is a dissertation that would ideally suit a student with an interest in family psychology as well as mental health and will require advanced skills in the arena of empathy, tact and diplomacy. Psychosocial aspects of risk communication and mutation testing in familial breast ovarian cancer. Coping style, psychological distress, risk perception, and satisfaction in subjects attending genetic counselling for hereditary cancer. Working closely with support agency personnel in bradford, this is a dissertation that combines issues of sexuality with the theories and practices of mental health in a dynamic cultural vortex. A number of ethical research issues will arise in the preparation of this study and the writer will need to be fully aware of how to undertake primary research that conforms to the ethical responsibilities expected within universities.

Sexuality and religion: a challenge for diversity strategies in uk social care service development and delivery. The quest for intimate/sexual citizenship: lived experiences of lesbian and bisexual muslim women. The adjustment of lesbian, gay, and bisexual lgb older adolescents who experience minority stress: the role of religious coping, struggle, and forgiveness.