Military Leadership Essay Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

During an operation decisions have usually to be made at once there may be no time to review the situation or even to think it through. If the mind is to emerge unscathed form this relentless struggle with the unforeseen, two qualities are indispensable: first, an intellect that, even in the darkest hour, retains some glimmerings of the inner light which leads to truth and second, the courage to follow this faint light wherever it may lead. A general accepted view is that leadership is the ability to inspire and direct a group of people to achieve an objective. While going through the leadership traits, it might appear impossible to have a perfect military leader. If we study the life and works of great military leaders we find that each had his strong points and his weaknesses.

What distinguished them from common mortals is their ability to appreciate their strong and weak areas. Through training, practice and a positive attitude to improve oneself, it is possible to acquire the qualities of a good military leader. Our writers can help get your essay back on track, take a look at our services to learn more about how we can help. It can be an intuitive sensing, a precise mission, or a higher commander's intent for a campaign or battle. Regardless, it is the reference point against which the senior leader measures progress.

In fact, when properly formed, it provides its own capability to change or affirm its direction. Vision provides the capability to organize because it establishes focus for actions and guidance to the organization which will follow. Moreover, it is the basis on which senior leaders or commanders generate the moral leadership power, activate the professional resources needed to muster and sustain organizational trust, cohesion, commitment, and will to meet any challenge. Check that all the points are covered that i am going to explain in subsequent paragraph 5. The aim of this dissertation is to study and understand the nature of plausible challenges faced by a military leader of developing countries in the 21st century and the requirement of traits for the military leader to combat these challenges. While the impact of technology on campaigns and battles is significant, the man behind the gun still remains in the centre stage during conduct of the operation. The facet is more pertinent for the developing countries where the doctrine can't afford to drive the technology.

A commander must possess an electrifying personality to energize the under command and drive them to the point of exhaustion when needed. Success in the battlefield will depend on the combined effect of many teams, units, formations, and organizations. Effective command, control, coordination and interoperability amongst the services will be essential.

Most importantly, soldiers and units will be led and sustained in a manner that ensures they are physically and psychologically capable of responding. To meet the requirements of the battlefield and deal with its challenges, military leaders require special characteristics. First, they need the ability to assess the situation rapidly and form their battlefield vision. Finally, they should have a capability to learn rapidly since the free will of the opponent will ensure that most situations and circumstances appear different from what is expected.

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The importance of timely decision is even more to those leaders who don't posses the capability to compress and shorten response times with the help of technology. Those who lead looks beyond peace to determine what units and soldiers need for war, set the standards, and then train accordingly. The most important trait of a military leader of a developing country is vision and to have skill and knowledge to implement the vision.

First, the military forces require preparing for the entire spectrum of conflict from nuclear war to counterterrorist action. Second, the continued application of technology to war fighting, coupled with changes in threat capabilities and posture, has altered dramatically the human demands of combat. The traditions and precepts in the military career provide the ethical and lawful basis for our leadership actions, establishing the moral guides for what senior leaders must be prepared to do. Leader acts as the glue that binds different elements of a force together and provides the focus and motivation for all the military activities. The leaders have to train themselves in peacetime in the art and science of prosecuting war. Leaders of the developing countries do not have the luxury to utilize the advantage of superior technology.

Only then they will be able to make a faster decision making cycle conceptualizing their vision. This dissertation would study and analyse the requirement of leadership trait for the military leaders of developing countries to face the challenges of 21st century. For primary sources the content analysis method is used where data were collected from various publications, books written by eminent scholars, daily news papers and previous research carried out on the subject. For secondary sources the survey method is used where data were collected through the discussion with number of mid level military officers and civilian officers and lectures delivered at the dssc by various renowned scholars. Chapters one deals with introducing the subject of the topic of dissertation and the methodology of the research.