Narrative Essay First Date Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

length: 1490 words 4.3 double spaced pages rating: purple price: $17.95 my first date her eyes shined like a glossy pearl just washing on a shore of black sand with the warm rays of the sun shining down on it. Just try to imagine the perfect most beautiful woman you have ever seen in your life and times that by ten fold. The day started out as any other day, but i seemed more excited than i'd ever been. My friend sean asked, seth, why are you so damn excited today? today, i replied, is going to be my first date.

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What do you mean it's about time? well, how long has it been since she asked you out? i thought for a second then answered, about three weeks. You guys have been going out for three weeks and this will be your first official date. That is how i felt i mean it was a knock out and for my first kiss too! after the shock passed i calmly did a little jerk with my arm and said, yes. Chris was and still is an amazing, beautiful girl that i am, proud to say, still going out with and have a strong relationship with. She amazed me then and she amazes me now, and her eyes are still like two pearls fresh out of a pair of clams.

I'm a lucky guy for having a girlfriend that is 'made out of the stuff dreams are made of.' to view the full essay now, purchase below justinlove threads: 1 author: darcy gill feb 5, 2008 1 hello people. It 039 s due tomorrow. it 039 s the first paper i 039 ve written in quite some time. You can go home early if you tell me you love me like a fat kid loves cake justin joked. Standing in front of me all 6 039 6 of him, his uniform stained from a hard days work he still managed looked handsome. We had been working side by side,in the kitchen at culvers together almost two years. I didn 039 t know much about him except he was a hard worker,a student, friendly with everyone and a nice guy.

90 degrees and customers kept piling in hungry for root beer floats, cheeseburgers, and hot dogs.we were trying to keeping up with all the orders. I said hi, i was worried that either you gave me a fake number or wouldn 039 t answer. When i got to his house i found him in the backyard with jon, mike and sam from work. About an hour later we piled in justins car and headed across the mississippi to pettibone park. Justin was amazing his first throw flew past the trees and landed on the grass at least 150 yards ahead.

The sun was setting over the trees, reds oranges and pinks filled the summer sky. He leaned over and kissed me it was the most amazing kiss ever.i put my head on his chest. I had never met a guy like him before.he made me feel comfortable being myself and happy being with him. The right words to say to my date always naturally rolled off of my tongue, and when the guy was at a loss of what to do, i was always calm and collected and could steer him in the right direction. It wasn apos t until that cursed evening that i realized that not everything can be could be foreseen not everything could be controlled. Joey, my date and a long time crush from the days of elementary school smiled brightly at me from the front steps.

I wanted to smile back but the very sight of his absolutely ghastly green suede tuxedo made me gag. These are for you joey managed to squeeze out as he thrust a bouquet of half wilted daisies into my hand. I hope you like them, i heard they were your favorite! thanks joey, your so sweet. I managed to chirp as i swallowed the vomit which had somehow made its way into my mouth. As joey opened the car door for me to get in i couldn apos t help be wonder, in terror about where the reservations were made.

I decided that my best course of action was to avoid nervous small talk at all costs. The last thing i needed on a date, especially a date as grand as the senior prom was for my date to babble the entire night i apos m going to come out right now and just tell you, the babbling could not be avoided, in fact it happened for the entire duration of the night. As the nervous chit chat subsided i could see that our destination had been reached. With all of my energy i tried not to give any indication that i was upset with location that joey had selected but it was just too difficult. What apos s the matter christina? he replied seemingly oblivious to the fact that we were in the parking lot of a little caesar apos s pizza! i give up joey, lets just go inside and eat so that we can get out of here and go to the dance. I don apos t think that he had ever been on an actual, formal date with a girl before. Trying to maintain his pride joey walked ahead of me and pulled out my chair for me.

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This is a seemingly nice gesture, if you an ignore the fact that he got my dress stuck on the chair leg. Joey ripped the hem of my dress! at that point i was furious, i let out a yell stop! 100 16 october 2014 my first job ever since i have been legally old enough to have a job, it has been in my interest. my best friend worked at a restaurant, the clock, so when the time came around, i jumped straight to applying for a job. Understood mandate team identity „x change compatibility flexible, assimilate change o loyalty becomes visible in at least two sets of behaviors. Second, members give their colleagues the benefit of the doubt when they have apparently.

Below is an essay on first date from anti essays, your source for research papers, essays, and term paper examples. The rest of the week felt as if the days were doubled, i didn’t think friday would ever come. Its funny how that works, it seems like time was stopped all week and now it is trying to catch up.