Obesity Research Papers Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

length: 945 words 2.7 double spaced pages rating: red free did you know that 20% of idaho’s population is obese? according to the cdc center for disease control and prevention approximately 127 million adults in the u.s. Are overweight, 60 million adults are obese, and 9 million adults are severely obese. One third of the american adult population is affected by obesity each year and is increasing. The definition of obesity varies depending on what one reads, but in general, it is a chronic condition defined by an excess amount of body fat. A certain amount of body fat is necessary for storing energy, heat insulation, shock absorption, and other functions. The normal amount of body fat expressed as percentage of body fat is between 25 30% in women and 18 23% in men.

Women with over 30% body fat and men with over 25% body fat are considered obese. We chose this topic because as athletes representing lewis clark state college we think it is important to live a healthy life style. Calculating bmi top of form 1 weight lbs 65532 ÷ height in 2 65532 x 704.5 65532 bmi bottom of form 1 this is called your bmi body mass index . If the ratio is roughly 27 or more you are considered obese, but if the ratio is 40 or more you are considered severely obese. Other methods of finding out if you are obese is by your waist circumference, blood tests, or skin fold measures.

There aren’t any specific symptoms, but with obesity there are major health problems that contribute to the disease. Some risks from obesity are arteriosclerosis, sleep apnea, skin disorders, gallstones, type two diabetes, cancer prostate, breast, uterus, colon, and gallbladder arthritis, and depression. These risk factors will have a higher probability on an obese or overweight person with one or more of these health related problems. Obesity has been seen in america since the 1960’s, but now it has become a health concern.

Over taking smoking as the leading cause of death if the trend continued in 2004 of 400,0 deaths. There is no real reason or understanding why one culture will grow bigger than another, but it is obvious why a certain individual will gain weight. Some psychologists say that it is the age of new technology that brings less activity in the american culture with t.v. Some risks of individuals gaining weight are obese parents, obese childhood, food, pregnancy, medications, hormone problems, activity level, and age. People may have passes down genes or learn inactive lifestyles from their older peers. When people use medications like steroids or antidepressants to gain weight they are not able to lose the weight they gain.

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Hormones can effect the weight a person puts on because they are not able to control their body. In some cases experts even believe that when a person is obese their body is able to set an ideal weight higher than it should be. An article in the breaking news tells a story of a child’s family in britain thinking it was normal for their child to be obese. It stated that researchers found that only a quarter of parents recognized when their child was overweight.

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This is interesting because today in america’s society the media promotes having the perfect barbie doll body. It seems now that with the increase of obesity societies are gradually excepting obesity as normal. To prevent obesity a person can see their doctor or dietitian about diets, exercise, and nutrition.

Riding a bike to work or walking , count your calories, reduce alcohol, check your bmi, join a club or group for motivation, expert setbacks, and avoiding stress because it can sometimes make a person eat more. If this doesn’t work treatments of dietary therapy, physical activity, behavior therapy, drug therapy, combined therapy, and surgery are other options to defeat obesity. Seeing people die from a preventable disease like obesity, in a world full of motivation and exercise is sad. As athletes representing lewis clark state college we work hard to stay in shape to set good examples for others. It could change your life! works cited the american accreditation healthcare commission, obesity, symptoms guide,      allrefer.com health, copyright 2003 a.d.a.m. The american heritage dictionary of the english language, fourth edition copyright © 2004, 20 by houghton mifflin company.

Finally a cure for obesity, what is obesity? , american obesity association, copyright © 2002, w.obesity.org broad perspective: parents see obese children as normal weight, breaking news, nov.5, 2004, w.keepmedia.com mla citation: obesity in ameirca. 23 feb 2016 obesity in america has gotten out of control over the last few decades with more than 30.5 percent of adults considered obese by current medical standards. The world we live in today, is a world where obesity is killing more people than smoking.  i believe that americans are not getting sufficient exercise and are consuming too much unhealthy food.  these foods are causing damage to people’s health. Obesity is defined by a measurement known as body mass index also referred to as bmi. A person is considered obese if they have a bmi of 30 or greater.  this number can be calculated from an individual ’s weight and height. Bmi does not calculate the percentage of an individual’s body fat but is a helpful estimate of a healthy body weight.

There are many different categories for bmi a normal and ‘healthy’ bmi is between 18.5 to 24.9, overweight bmi is between 25 to 30, and obese is between 30.1 to 34.9. In 1994 it was recorded that 59 percent of men and 49 percent of women have bmi’s over 25 critser. The increase in portion size is definitely linked to why americans have also increased in size. Super size fries, big gulp drinks, and jumbo shakes are all examples of exploding portion sizes obesity society . These names are recognized by almost every american and should be avoided by every american. Increased portion size is causing americans to eat more calories than they use in a day. Recent studies have shown that people eat more when they are confronted with larger portion sizes.

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Fast food is easily available and americans cannot resist it.  in america today it is cheaper to eat snacks and fast food than it is to each fruits and vegetables. Fast food is available 24 hours a day, easily accessible, cheap, promoted heavily, and designed to taste really good and have people want more. Another reason why american’s are consuming so much more fast food is because the traditional family meal has been eliminated from many people’s routines. Today’s families have very conflicting schedules and meeting up for meals is difficult. Food prepared at home is healthier and also allows people to control the portion size.

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For example a hamburger and french fries from burger king contains 50 grams of fat and 20 calories, which is the fat and calorie quota for one day. The average adult shouldn’t consume more than 65 grams of fat or 20 calories a day cardello. Fast food companies trick many americans into thinking they are making a healthy choice. These restraunts are trying to offer salads and lower calorie foods on their menus to attract customers. However, what americans don’t know is that some of the salads offered actually contain more calories than the burgers. Most of the salads offered come with very high calorie and high fat dressings, which turns a healthy meal into an unhealthy meal.

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American’s need to be aware that many salad dressings are unhealthy and should be avoided. Instead, people should choice dressings that contain zero calories and that are low in fat. In the past 20 years, the average weight of an american man increased from 168 to 180 pounds, while the average american woman increased from 142 to 152 pounds. Robinson english i 13 november 2008 a big problem: the causes, effects, and prevention of childhood obesity childhood obesity is not merely an issue in the united states it is an epidemic. The number of overweight and obese children in america has increased at an alarming rate over the past years, and there is no chance of it slowing down unless action is taken. A fast food craze has swept over the country, consequentially leaving a trail of poor nutrition in its wake.