Operating System Term Paper Text

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An operating system is the program that manages all the application programs in a computer system. This also includes managing the input and output devices, and assigning system resources. Operating systems evolved as the solution to the problems that were evident in early computer systems, and coincide with the changing computer systems. Three cycles are clear in the evolution of computers, the mainframe computers, minicomputers and microcomputers, and each of these stages influenced the development of operating systems.

Now, advances in software and hardware technologies have resulted in an increased demand for more sophisticated and powerful operating systems, with each new generation able to handle and perform more complex tasks. The following report examines the development of operating systems, and how the changing tehcnology shaped the evolution of operating systems. First generation computers 1945﷓1955 in the mid﷓1940's enormous machines capable of performing numerical calculations were created. The machine consisted of vacuum tubes and plugboards, and programming was done purely in machine code. Programming languages were unheard of during the early part of the period, and each machine was specifically assembled to carry out a particular calculation.

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These early computers had no need for an operating system and were operated directly from the operator's console by a computer programmer, who had immediate knowledge of the computers design. By the early 1950's punched cards were introduced, allowing programs to be written and read directly from the card, instead of using plugboards. Second generation computers 1955﷓1965 in the mid﷓1950's, the transistor was introduced, creating a more reliable computer. Computers were used primarily for scientific and engineering calculations and were programmed mainly in fortran and assembly language. As computers became more reliable they also became more business orientated, although they were still very large and expensive.

Because of the expenditure, the productiveness of the system had to be magnified as to ensure cost effectiveness. Job scheduling and the hiring of computer operators, ensured that the computer was used effectively and crucial time was not wasted. Loading the compiler s was a time consuming process as each compiler no works cited length: 1462 words 4.2 double spaced pages rating: blue price: $26.95 operating system paper introduction operating systems have come a long way since the times of a separate windows system and disk operating system dos. According to capron 2001 , an operating system is a set of programs that lies between applications software and computer hardware it is the fundamental software that controls access to all other software and hardware resources p. Operating systems have three main functions: to manage computer resources, to establish user interface and to execute and provide services for application software. The computer would just be useless machine with no direction or purpose without an operating system. According nickerson 2001 , the most important system software is the operating system because without it computers would be extremely difficult to use p.

Operating system compatibility in the workplace watts smith and cheng 2004 define compatibility as, the ability of all hardware and all software in one unit, such as a computer, to work together with. Retrieved nov 14, 2004, from cheap computer information center web site: to view the full essay now, purchase below this paper is a general overview of unix operating system. Key concepts covered are interactive multi user operating systems, the design objectives of unix, file store organization, text processing and programming, the role of c programming language with regard to portability and reliable system software, process control signals and fork , error logging and recovery from system failures, modifiability and application.

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The design objectives of unix, file store organization, text processing, and programming. The role of the c programming language with regard to portability and reliable system software a. Advantages of recovery procedures the purpose and function of an operating system is, to manage software that manages the computer hardware and software resources.

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It also provides common services for the computer programs, an operating system is a vital part of a computer system, and most applications require an operating system. An operating system acts as a middle component between the applications and you the person who is using it, and the hardware or applications that are trying to perform any function. An operating systems starts when, you first turn on your computer and ends when you turn your computer off. Some of the functions of an operating system are, booting your computer up, an operating system manages input and output devices that you are using on your computer. An operating system also provides a graphical user interface to create a user friendly environment for the person who is running the operating system.

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One difference among windows, linux, and mac os x operating systems is, mac os x operating system is, mac os is the operating system used by apple for their macintosh computers. Mac os has an intel processors however, it is not compatible with regular pc hardware and pc based operating systems, such as windows or linux. A second difference among windows, linux, and mac os x operating system is, linux is an open source program that is ever expanding. This means anyone is able to change it if they have the knowledge on how to do it. People who have the knowledge on linux are able to add to the code or they can add to the functions of the code. People can also add to the code or change it to make it accustom to their own taste. A third difference among windows, linux, and mac os x operating systems is, linux is a free operating system.