Outlines for Academic Papers Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

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Meeting your deadline is a given as is keeping all of your private information confidential. Whatever concerns you may have had about hiring an essay help service are things this company has aimed to address in their guarantees. You will be able to buy a paper that meets all of your assignment requirements and will always pass as your own. For students in antioch university seattles masters of psychology programs writing involves two general components: content and style.

Content pertains to the subject matter of a document style refers to the particular standards that are used to structure and organize the content of a document. This document is concerned with the writing style standards and guidelines most commonly used for writing academic papers in the social sciences. The term social sciences refers to a plurality of academic fields outside of the natural sciences concerned with societal issues. These fields include anthropology, economics, history, political science, sociology, and psychology.

Common style guidelines in these fields are established to promote clearly written communication. By setting explicit rules governing composition and format, style guidelines minimize problems of inconsistent expression as well as assist readers to give their full attention to the actual content of a manuscript. This document offers several forms of guidance to students writing academic in the social sciences. First, it sets forth basic style guidelines in the current edition of the american psychological associations 2010 publication manual. Second, it provides special guidelines, some of which are different from those in the current publication manual. For writing academic papers in the social sciences at antioch university seattle aus. Third, it also points out the most common style errors that are made in writing these types of academic papers.

Because we value sustainability and accessibility, this document is single spaced rather than double spaced as required by the publication manual. Again, see the attached sample paper at the end of this document for examples of correct formatting for academic papers submitted to aus instructors. The publication manual also provides useful sample papers that are available at w.apastyle.org for downloading. The style guidelines provided by apa are drawn from an extensive body of social science literature, from editors and authors experienced in these fields, and from recognized authorities in publication practices in the social sciences.

Writing in apa style, then, provides a format and composition mode that is both accepted by and familiar to a broad readership in the social sciences. In this sense, writing in apa style is a crucial aspect of being a scholar and professional in the social sciences. Several opening chapters specifically address structure, writing style, and mechanics of style. Chapter three describes issues such as organization, writing style, reducing biased language, and grammar. Chapter four offers specific information about mechanical skills in writing: punctuation, spelling, capitalization, italics, abbreviation, and a variety of guidelines for the use of numbers. We urge all students to read these chapters for an overview of concepts and specific formatting once oriented to these style guidelines, students can then access the publication manual as a reference source for details and specific formatting.

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The intent of this document is to provide an initial introduction to some of the established style guidelines for format, citations, quotations, and references in academic papers. Many other style considerations not addressed in this document can be readily found in the publication manual. The publication manual serves as the guideline for submitting professional journal articles for publication in professional journals. Because academic papers are less formal than published journal articles, the style guidelines presented here intentionally modify some of the publication manual’s guidelines.