Persuasive Essay on Community Service to Graduate Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

I think that students should be required to do a community service project before they graduate. Besides their graduation project, i think that it would be great to see students give back to the community. They could clean up roadsides, help out at the humane society, or help raise money for a good cause like breast cancer research there are a lot of things that a student could do.

I also think that it can give the students good work ethics even though they won't receive money for the good things that they do. It might even give them a glimpse of what they might want to do with their lives. By katrina spinelli community service should absolutely be necessary in order to graduate high school. Most students already do community service outside of school or for school related functions so getting it done would not pose a significant problem. For example, i know that our local churches and youth groups do community service annually.

Doing things for the community can help introduce students to important people that may help them later in life. Community service will look very good on any college application, can provide interesting essay material, and supervisors may write wonderful recommendation letters. It is a fantastic and necessary requirement for students to complete community service in order to graduate high school. By kayla smith when people donate their time, money, or material possessions, a warm feeling surrounds them and their communities. All seniors should definitely be required to perform community service in order to graduate for several reasons.

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The first reason is that those students moving on to college are required to include service hours on their college applications however, even if students do not plan to attend college, they should experience what it is like to help others. The community helps support school functions their tax dollars provide their education. Performing community service gives the community a big thank you and helps create a positive community. By jen johnson in a time when gratitude and thankfulness seem to be in decline, community service should be a mandatory requirement of students before they graduate. The task is not one which entails an outrageous amount of work and can leave students with an experience that shows them that giving back is not only good for those they are giving to but for themselves as well. The community gives the school and education system support, funding, and other various aids.

For students to do a reasonable amount of service that gives back to these people and organizations is asking very little. For example, at rockwood, national honor society members are asked to complete five hours of community service. A moderate amount of service hours is very little to ask and would help students to see that being helpful is a wonderful thing as well as a new perspective of their community. Clair shanksville performing community service is a great way for young adults to learn the concept of civic responsibility. However, it should not be mandatory for high school students to complete in order to receive a diploma.

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This project can range from anything to career exploration, job shadowing, or simply helping with an important event. While taking part in these projects students have the choice as to whether or not they would like to perform community service or not. Rather than high schools attempting to make community service part of their curriculum, universities, community colleges, and technical schools could have their enrolled students perform a community based project in the school's community during the student's senior year of college in order to receive their college degree. By these students participating in a community service project at an older age, they will appreciate and be honored to benefit their school's community.

By riley papson turkeyfoot personally, i feel that students should perform community service to graduate. Community service not only helps you to give back and improve your community, but it also helps you as a person stand out amongst others. When writing scholarships and college applications, colleges will notice and like the fact that you volunteer your time for a cause. There are also awards for community service such as the challenge program award for community service.

Giving back to your community also gives you recognition amongst your fellow neighbors. In turn, this gives you a new, brighter image that people will come to know you for. Volunteering can also be done at a number of places: a fire station, a humane society, a birthright office, or even a local charity. It gives you a feel of the world outside of high school and lets you get a feel of different jobs and professions.

By lora skylling required community service offers its benefits to high school students. Students whose community service is done voluntarily gain unique experiences not afforded to those who opt out of the service hours. If schools required community service from their students, everyone would participate in community service that they would have otherwise never known. The experience would therefore assist the students in realizing the impact of volunteer work and open further opportunities for them. Colleges look for students who have participated in their share of volunteerism as it helps distinguish students from the large number of applicants who have done well in school.

Students may continue to participate in forms of helpful volunteer work later on in their lives, and without the mandated community service as required by the students' high schools, that aspect of life experience would likely not be ventured. By elena thompson north star as a student that is involved in the student life at my school, i do not think that community service should be mandatory to graduate. I firmly believe this for one reason, some students are just too busy to try and fit something else into their already hectic schedules. I am involved in various sports, clubs, and activities, as well as being employed part time, and i just do not have the time to fit in community service. The school encourages its students to become involved and to throw another thing to be mandatory to graduate is just too much. I think that community service is great thing, don't get me wrong, but for a student that is active in and out of the school, it's just too much to handle. If a student isn't involved in as many activities, i think that the school should recommend for them to do some community service, but not make it mandatory to graduate.

By lindsey buncich conemaugh township students today have many opportunities to be well rounded with extracurricular activities. They can participate in athletics, musical activities, academic clubs, and many more. However, one activity i think students should have to experience is some form of community service. Helping people, cleaning up around your community, or even donating something to a local charity can be a very rewarding experience for students. Requiring each graduating senior to perform several hours of service would give them an opportunity to experience what serving others can do for them. When a teenager volunteers their time and talents, they are doing things for others that will also impact their own lives.