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Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

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He provides consulting services for english language learning projects through englishfeed. If you would like to learn how to write a business report in english follow these tips and use the example report as a template on which to base your own business report. First of all, business reports provide important information for management that is timely and factual. English learners writing business reports need to make sure that the language is precise and concise.

The writing style used for business reports should present information without strong opinions, but rather as direct and accurately as possible. Continue reading below conclusions are drawn on the findings which provide reasons for recommendations. Recommendations the recommendations are specific suggestions made based on the conclusions of the report. Teachers can print this examples for use in class in lessons using sound teaching writing strategies.

Some problems were encountered when requesting vacation due to what is perceived as long approval waiting periods. Most employees complain about the lack of dental insurance in our benefits package. The most common suggestion for improvement was for the ability to process benefits requests online.

    older employees, those over 50, are having serious problems with our hmo 39 s ability to provide prescription drugs.

    Our benefits request system needs to be revised as most complaints concerning in house processing. Information technology improvements should be considered as employees become more technologically savvy.

    meet with hmo representatives to discuss the serious nature of complaints concerning prescription drug benefits for older employees. Give priority to vacation request response time as employees need faster approval in order to be able to plan their vacations. Discuss the possibility of adding an online benefits requests system to our company intranet.
a report is divided into four areas: terms of reference this section gives background information on the reason for the report. procedure the procedure provides the exact steps taken and methods used for the report.

findings the findings point out discoveries made during the course of the report investigation. conclusions the conclusions provide logical conclusions based on the findings. recommendations the recommendations state actions that the writer of the report feels need to be taken based on the findings and conclusions.