Benefits of Computer Technology Essay Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Our writers can help get your essay back on track, take a look at our services to learn more about how we can help. Essay writing service essay marking service place an order to begin with, tv the invention that helps us to get useful information in easiest way. I think, the most important advantage of television is that it is a huge source of informations, knowledge and entertainment. Although tv is not a new invention, people try to find many new ways to use it as a communication tool. For example, the learner of english language or any other language can find a collection of programs, movies, series, documentary and educated programs and channels that they can use to learn the language they want. Moreover, tv is an easy, cheap, and available tool to communicate with all over the world and know the latest news anytime anywhere.

For example, the learner can watch the movie while reading the subtitles, or watch a simple language program to strengthen the listening skills. Tv can also present many different shows, not only entertainment, but also news, documentary programs, educated programs, historical and scientific movies. It can be consider as the best way to keep in touch with friends from all countries over the world. It actually has so many benefits we can mention here the use to search for information and data for academic purposes. Students can always use the internet to get more information for their researches. It also became a popular way to communicate, you can send emails, use chat, voice chat, or even video chat with your friends and family. If we take a closer look, internet is playing an essential role in education nowadays.

In his article, muthukumar said that the internet is a complex storage area containing a huge maze of information from a variety of sources. The use of technologies such as the internet as a teaching tool in schools is not the issue now since it is pervasively used. Relatively, the issue is how to effectively employ such technologies and harness fully the new opportunities created by them to promote positive student learning experiences. Computer assisted learning is being widely used by teachers and studied by researchers. Teachers use computers inside classrooms and give the students assignments to integrate the technology with the homework. A number of studies have been done concerning how the use of computer for language learning affects the development of language learners' four skills listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Most report significant gains in reading and listening and most call programs are geared toward these accessible skills because of the current state of computer technology. However, most reading and listening software is based on drills.â on the other hand, using current call technology, even with its current limitations, for the development of speaking abilities has gained much attention. The use of videoconferencing gives not only immediacy when communicating with a real person but also visual cues, such as facial expressions, making such communication more real. However, when it comes to using the computer not as a medium of communication with other people but as something to interact with verbally in a direct manner, the current computer technology's limitations are at their clearest. Right now, there are two fairly successful applications of automatic speech recognition asr or speech processing technology where the computer understands the spoken words of the learner.

Learners read sentences on the screen and the computer gives feedback as to the accuracy of the utterance, usually in the form of visual sound waves.â the second is software where the learner speaks commands for the computer to do. However, speakers in these programs are limited to predetermined texts so that the computer will understand them. Who wrote this essay request removal example essays finally, cell phones are having a great influence in our live and are very convenient to keep with us. Mobile phones are the fastest way to communicate with people, and it can save many things with its 'pocket size'. However, nowadays they have been developed so much to be a device with multi purpose use. We can also use some applications in the system like gps, dictionary, entertainments, and others.

Mobile phones with cameras are now very popular also that anyone can use the camera to take pictures and videos when they have special events. However, if we want to narrow down the usage to the learning part, we can find many examples on how we can use our mobile phones in language learning. As example, many cell phones nowadays have special applications for learning and communication. We can use our cell phones as a dictionary if needed, while we can also use the cellphone to access to the internet anytime anywhere. A powerful tool to improve their education is already in kids' hands.â cell phoneâ delivery of knowledge to learn could richly supplement traditional book/print methods obsolete very soon.

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The students already have the cell phones in developed countries and are getting them very fast even in the least developed parts of the world. A very immediate and practical way to improve education for kids right now is to push getting learning material to theâ cell phoneâ screens!â to sum up, technology has many faces and means, and we should choose the appropriate use of technology to get the most benefits of it. Tv, internet, and mobiles are some examples of technologies we can't ignore using them in our daily life, and to follow the speed track you need to follow the speed of the technology. Advantages and disadvantages are issues to be further investigated in future researches.

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Print reference this reddit this technology is fast paced and it is becoming more advanced and sophisticated day by day. I believe technology is superior to the development and escalation of mankind making our lives easier. During the 1300's to the 1500's during the inca empire, couriers carried messages on foot to lengthy distances.

The first telephone was invented by alexander graham bell in 1876 which soon developed into cellular phones in the late 1900's. Over the past few years, computers have become a vastly popular household item. The luxury of emailing messages as opposed to charging up the phone bill is more appealing. Checking news, weather, and sports via the internet is a convenience that many are taking advantage of.

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Our children's lives are already getting influenced by technology ' and this is just the beginning. Computers and internet are here to stay and software titles targeting young children continue to increase. Computer science is has become a compulsory subject in indian schools today, we find computers in use everywhere, whether we go to reserve a train ticket or to a bank. This is because it is faster and helps us complete our work without mistakes/errors. So parents too have realized the need to help their children develop strong computer skills.

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Children are learning to read and write with computer games instead of homemade flash cards. They are reading their bedtime stories online instead of in bed with their parents. Slowly traditions are being broken and the computer is becoming a child’s learning tool. Many parents are buying computer learning games instead of board games and pop up books what can we conclude from this discussion? in that article, we will disclose benefits of technology and science. Allah/god blessed men with fantastic brain, men discover many innovations, discoveries by using of nature amp surrounding, science and technology make life easier. Man discover the art of making fire, by science we move go forward with the use of technology.

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