Recycling Persuasive Essay Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

length: 883 words 2.5 double spaced pages rating: red free why people should recycle i am not a big earth first person but i do believe in recycling because i work at a local recycling center and i think recycling is a good thing. In fact i think everyone should recycle to make the earth a better place as a whole. A few good reasons why recycling is a good this is, the more people recycle, the less room is filled in landfills. Also, when people recycle they are reusing materials, therefore saving resources. Another good reason is that when you recycle often times you get paid back the c.r.v. If everyone recycled think of how much more space there would be in landfills across the world.

There is only so much room on this earth and we are using a huge portion of it for our trash. Clearlake, california alone on a busy day can bring in 80,0 pounds of trash to the local dump. I also see a lot of people that throw away their recycling for the simple reason of being too lazy to sort it.

I watch bag after of bag of plastic, aluminum, and glass get thrown into the bin which we haul straight to a landfill in anderson, california. If everyone in mckinleyville recycled there plastic, aluminum and glass they could save thousands of pounds a day from going to the landfill. But in fact conservation is an issue, and resources and energy aren't too plentiful.

If everyone recycled then there would be less need for new materials to be made out of unused resources instead they would be made with recycled materials. Recycling saves a lot of natural resources because every time you turn something into the recycling center part of that is reused on a future product. In fact i read once, that each aluminum can that is recycled, a quarter of that is used on a new can. When people don't recycle that plastic bottle, aluminum can, or glass bottle that is in their trash can it is only used once and then is sent to a landfill just to take up space. So why don't more people recycle? i think it is because to a lot of people recycling is an inconvenience. They have to know what to pull out of their trash, take the time to sort out the recycling from there trash, and have to have somewhere to put their recycling. A lot of garbage companies these days are willing to pick up the recycling for you.

They give you a separate trash can to throw your recycling in and you just set it out on your curb with your trash. But still some people are just too lazy to even separate it into a separate trash can and put on their curb. For example your mom in clearlake takes a recycling bin to trinidad twice a week for people in the town of trinidad to sort and place their recycling. The town of orick just opened a recycling center about a month ago to help clean up the town of orick and to aid with the recycling situation itself. So there are plenty of places for people to take their recycling, but i just don't think there is enough incentive for people to spend the time to do their recycling. When people buy many materials in stores they pay the california refund value or c.r.v. On the beverage containers they buy, so if they don't recycle the containers then they will not get paid the c.r.v.

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When you buy a beverage container in california that is glass, aluminum, or plastic you are paying four cents for any container under twenty four ounces, and eight cents for anything over twenty four ounces. So unless you take the recycling down to the local recycling center and cash in your recycling for the california refund value you are throwing that extra money that you paid for the beverage container away. Just think about it, for every twenty five sodas cans you drink that is a dollar in c.r.v.

So again why aren't people recycling? it all comes down to that they are just being lazy or they are misinformed on what to do with their recycling. In the end i would like to see everyone recycle because the more we recycle the longer the earth is going to last. If everyone recycled the landfills wouldn't fill as fast, the natural resources wouldn't disappear as quickly, and we would also keep pollution down with less objects being submitted as trash. So the way i see it, people need to stop being lazy and figure out what they need to do, and where they need to go so they can recycle too! mla citation: why people should recycle. 23 feb 2016 persuasive speech topic: recycle general purpose: to persuade specific purpose: to persuade the audience to recycle. Thesis: everyone must make a stronger effort to recycle because it is beneficial in so many ways! i. Story i never recycled until i had an english teacher who educated my class about recycling.

Everyone must make a stronger effort to recycle because it is beneficial in so many ways! d. Example instead of creating just ink cartridges that are used up quickly, the howards also manufacture energy saving and money saving replacement kits. Example instead of cutting down more trees to produce more paper, the trees can be saved by using old newspapers to make new newspapers. The epa estimates that more than 100,0 marine mammals die each year from ingestion or entanglement of plastic debris.

Discarded electronics contain hazardous materials such as mercury and cadmium, which can leak into water. In order to prevent accumulation of waste which can be harmful the concept of recycling is put to use. Recycling of waste is the making of new products from materials that have previously served their use or are not required. These materials are put into new use which otherwise could have been thrown away.

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Recycling can also be seen as an environment friendly way of disposing off these materials from our environments. Large populations of people today are realizing the benefits of recycling globally with many still unaware of the importance of doing so. Recycling benefits the people and their environments in several ways which include the following: it conserves the natural resources as it reduces the need for raw materials by industries. Natural resources provide our industries with raw materials for their industrial processes like paper factories which use timber from trees. A lot of paper which is the finished product of these factories end up as waste after being used in offices and schools. These can be collected and recycled to produce new products by the same factories.

Many paper industries today are recycling paper waste to make toilet papers and paper bags which are most commonly used around the world. Recycling also protects the environments that we live in by preventing pollution. It is common in many third world nations to find litter which comprises plastic bags and paper which cannot decompose thus maintaining their state for years on the soil. Discharge of raw sewage into our environments also worsens the situation by contaminating it. In order to ensure that our environment is protected, we should embrace the concept of personal responsibility by ensuring we re use and reduce all non biodegradable materials. The materials that we do not need and wrongfully dispose of may find their way back in our households in different ways.