A Day In The Life of a Farmer Essay Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

They are the backbone of the nation.they produce the food crops and the oil seeds. Image source: publishyourarticles.net/wp content/uploads/2015/06/india women tilling earth.jpg the indian farmer is busy day and night. She dries them in sun and piles them up because she will use them as fuel during the wet monsoon months. The indian farmer celebrates the social function in the simplest manner possible.

He gets up early in the morning, takes his plough, and with his cattle goes to his field even before it is full daylight. We find him working on his field sowing, ploughing or reaping in biting cold as well as in the host winds of summer. Image source: fcaministers.com/wp content/uploads/2013/08/life is the word.jpg he works ceaselessly till noon, when his wife or children bring for him his mid day meal. Having eaten his meager food and having washed it down with a glass of mutha or the cool water of a flowing broke or well, he again resumes his work. At the door of his humble cottage, he is greeted by his children, some young and some a bit grownup. There is smokes and chats with his fellow farmers, who like him come there for recreation. In this way, having passed an hour or two in laughing and talking, he return home for his well earned rest.

When he falls ill, he finds that there are no medical facilities for his treatment. The mud huts in which he lives often fall down during rain and his humble belonging are all ruined. Moreover, the villagers are sympathetic and extend greater co operation to each other in times of distress.

Such fellow felling and brotherhood are not heard in city, where even next door neighbors do not know each other. A number of reforms are needed to make the life of the farmer, happier and healthier. It is a good sign that the government is giving its utmost attention to the problem. The jawahar rozgar yojana was launched to improve the condition of life of the rural poor. The life of an indian farmer twenty years hence would be quite different from his life today. He would no longer be in debt, as at present, but would walk with his head raised high. Good quality seeds, fertilizers and pesticides are already being provided to him.

In the 1830s, 40s and 50s when pioneers first settled iowa's rich prairie lands, most farms were just 80 acres. By 1900 many iowa farms were larger than 80 acres, and most farming was done with simple machines and horses. Women planted large gardens of potatoes, carrots, lettuce, pumpkins, beans and radishes. Throughout the 20 th century, as machinery developed, farms began to grow bigger.

As farms grew larger, many farmers moved off the farms their grandparents once occupied. Today, the iowa countryside is dotted with abandoned farm buildings that once held crops and provided shelter for animals. Being a successful farmer today requires knowledge of advanced technology, educational preparation and business skills.

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Many farmers learn about the business and practice of agriculture through a training program at a college or university. Sometime he goes to the chopal or the village square to discuss this village matters. The farmer remains busy in tiling the fields, sowing seeds and reaping crops throughout the year. An indian farmers day starts in the wee hours in the morning and ends in the late hours of the day. Image source: c1.staticflickr.com a farmers life becomes all the more pitiable when his crops fail.

Since the farmers are poor, they borrow huge money from the money lenders at high interest. Many times farmers involve their small children in petty works to earn a little money. Since the indian farmer is generally uneducated, he is unaware of technological advancements and scientific development.

He is unfamiliar with the latest technology and equipments developed in the field of agriculture. He is ignorant of the programmes and policies of government which are meant to bring relief and comfort in his life. Due to his ignorance he fails to reap the benefits of those programmes and policies. His ignorance becomes the cause of his victimization either at the hands of money lenders or nature.

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The governmental and non governmental organizations should come forward and make him aware of the latest technologies, programmes and policies. My life as a farmer in a village is located sixty miles from shanghai, china. I have worked my whole life as a farmer in the country side outside of shanghai for nearly thirty years. My family consists of 2 children age from sixteen and twenty years old and my wife of 32 years. East meets west: chinese duty based confucianism meets opt out system in hiv testing and biobank yonghui ma this chapter is comprised of two parts: in contrast in contrast to the previous chapterto the previous chapter, the first partthis chapter concerns with the applicability of and compatibility. Welcome to the farmers life!  my name is brian and im glad youre here as i hope to have some great discussion with you about agriculture. We can talk about anything really, but let me tell you about my areas of interest that steer most of the topics here.

 i raise corn, soybeans, popcorn and wheat on an indiana farm with my dad and grandpa.  im also a proud purdue ag alumni with a bachelors degree in soil and crop management.  on this blog youll to see a lot of pictures from the daily activities on our farm.  but this site goes deeper than just pictures of what we are doing on any given day.  ill explain just why it is we do certain things and talk about subjects that get me excited about farming.

 from gps based yield and application maps to tractors that drive themselves, im all about the latest and greatest in ag tech.  i think the real power of mobile actually lies in using social media to connect ag to people who arent familiar with farming.  there are types of farming i know nothing about and have connected with other farmers from all over the world to help me learn.  this is most certainly a hot topic, and if you have questions about biotech crops im more than happy to have a conversation about them. Learn more about these machines in 55 years of agricultural evolution in john deere combines. Our newest venture is cover cropping and i know ill be posting a lot about cover crops as we learn more about them.

 for those that dont know what a cover crop is, they are plants with varying capabilities such as nutrient scavenging, weed suppression, soil building, and erosion control. Well also talk about many other subjects like ethanol, food issues, international agriculture, and farm policy. These are posts that have done well for me bringing in visitors and generating comments. And google+ ! the ancient chinese had lived in primitive villages, and were mainly farmers or hunters. Many villages were surrounded by a strong wall to protect the village from enemy attacks. The farmers, who were also called peasants, rented the land paying for its use by various services such as working on the nobles land or entering war. There were public wells for drawing water and a local meeting place would be held in a courtyard.