Academic Writing Utu Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

€�the list below aims to compile courses of interest for doctoral candidates in different scientific fields. When registering for a course, please follow the instructions provided by the course organiser. Shortly after closing 160 the course registration course specific registration deadlines available in the list below you will get an e mail concerning your participation in the course. Lecturer ilr institutul limbii române romanian language institute ноябрь 2014 – настоящее время 1 год 4 месяца бухарест, румыния institutul limbii române ilr este organ de specialitate în subordinea ministerului educației naționale și cercetării științifice, înființat prin hotărârea de guvern nr.

Misiunea ilr este promovarea limbii, culturii și civilizației românești în străinătate, prin mijloacele specifice sistemului de educație. Lectoratele de limba română din universități din străinătate cursul de limbă, cultură și civilizație românească în unități de învățământ din state membre ale uniunii europene atestarea cunoștințelor de limba română. Evidence from acoustic studies of speech after neural and muscular manipulations of the tongue graduate student with personal funding at the graduate school of language technology kit graduate school , 2003 2006 posts and positions of primary importance: 1.8 30.9.19 and 1.4 31.5.20. Research assistant clinic of oral diseases, turku university central hospital, finland: recording speech material, collecting patient data, conducting acoustic and statistical analyses, writing scientific articles, presenting study results in scientific congresses 1.8.2001 31.12.2002.

Lecturing and assisting with undergraduate courses, co supervising graduate students, recording speech material, collecting participant data, conducting acoustic and statistical analysis, writing scientific articles, presenting study results in scientific congresses 1.1. Researcher department of phonetics, university of turku, finland working in ‘integrated resources for speech technology and spoken language research’ project funded by the academy of finland. Designing and conducting usability experiments for annotation software tool, analyzing and reporting results of experiments in collaboration with the personnel of the department of french translation studies and the department of information technology university of turku 1.9.2005 31.5.2006.

Senior researcher department of phonetics, university of turku, finland working in ‘multidisciplinary studies of the production and perception of speech: learning and plasticity effects in speech perception and production’ project funded by the academy of finland. Recording speech material, collecting participant data, conducting acoustic and statistical analyses, writing scientific articles, presenting study results in scientific congresses 1.7.2006 30.9.2007. Recording speech material, collecting patient data, conducting acoustic and statistical analyses, writing scientific articles, and presenting study results in scientific congresses. Postdoctoral fellow department of speech pathology amp audiology, university of alberta, edmonton working in the head and neck surgery functional assessment laboratory irsm, misericordia community hospital, edmonton.

Principal investigator of the research project ‘effects of microvascular reconstruction on speech production after treatment of oral cancer’. Conducting acoustic and statistical analyses, writing scientific articles, and presenting study results in scientific congresses. Recording speech material, conducting acoustic, perceptual and articulatory analyses, performing statistical analyses, writing scientific articles, presenting study results in scientific congresses. Postdoctoral researcher suthers laboratory, medical sciences department, indiana university at bloomington.

Acoustical society of america, international clinical phonetics and linguistics association peer reviewer for scientific journal folia phoniatrica et logopaedica invited speaker ‘effects of oral reconstruction and treatment on speech production: supervisors: prof. Suthers the collective bargaining agreement between the university of montana missoula university faculty association ufa and the montana university system has a number of modifications outlined below. The agreement covers the period from july 1, 2001 to june 30, 2003 or two academic years, one of which has already commenced. · the section entitled reassignments ufa has been modified to add the potential reassignment of 2 ufa members for service on the collective bargaining team.  required funding for such reassignments was deleted from the contract.  such reassignments may occur without additional cost.

· non tenurable appointments were redefined in revisions to policy 143, adding the category clinical faculty. · in the section on rights of non tenurable appointees, non tenurable employees who are hired in one fiscal year and the immediately subsequent fiscal year continuing will receive the normal salary increase for that year.  in addition, such continuing non tenurable employees will be guaranteed reasonable consideration according to their teaching experience at um when applying for other non tenurable appointments. · effective ay 2001 2002, no probationary appointment may be made to a line which is not supported by at least 50% state appropriated funds.  previous contracts required at least 65% state appropriated funds. · all references to the utu university teachers union were changed to ufa university faculty association. · under section 9.310 eligibility for tenure application, it was clarified that faculty must have completed five years of credited service before making application for tenure.  in addition, this section provides for the possibility that a faculty member may apply for both tenure and promotion simultaneously.  under no circumstances may tenure be granted to an assistant professor. · in the faculty evaluation section, with reference to the student evaluation committee, the department chairperson and the dean are no longer required to sign the sec report.  instead, the form is signed by the chairperson of the sec and the faculty member being evaluated. · with regard to the faculty evaluation committee, a minimum of three tenured or tenure track faculty must be on the committee and only tenured or tenure track faculty can vote on tenure or promotion decisions.  in addition, this section guarantees confidentiality when the fec solicits information from non tenure track, probationary employees or from students.

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· section 10.240 department chairperson’s recommendation requires that the names on the list of recommendations for merit increases will be ranked in order of priority by the chairperson. · the dean’s evaluation and recommendation was changed to require that only the recommendations for merit be rank ordered by the dean.  rank ordering tenure or promotion recommendations is no longer required. · eligibility for sabbatical assignments was clarified to require that an applicant must apply for the sabbatical in the academic year prior to beginning the assignment and that the individual must have completed six years of satisfactory service at um prior to the year for which the assignment is sought.  in addition, the responsibility for sabbatical awards is moved from the president’s office to the provost’s office. · market adjustments were removed from the compensation section.  the previous contract provided for $25,0 within the compensation increase pool.  instead, market adjustments were authorized from a budgeted amount $102,0, up to.4% , at the discretion of the administration and after recommendation by the president and approval by the commissioner of higher education. · the section on grievance procedures was clarified to include the expectation that the parties will meet informally to attempt to resolve issues before filing a formal grievance. · section 19.810 was amended to provide for timelines in the selection of an arbitrator.

· appended to the contract and clarifying certain sections, are letters of understanding regarding: academic equipment and the library rights of non tenurable appointees compensation and ufa reassignments. 2001 2003 collective bargaining agreements all references in the cba to the university teachers union utu will be changed to the university faculty association ufa. All references to union will be changed to association.  the ufa administration/contract maintenance committee will hereinafter be referred to as the ufa administration committee. 3.600 reassigned time – utu   old language up to two 2 designated representatives of the utu shall, upon request to the administration, be granted a one course equal to or less than five 5 credit hours reassigned time per semester in work load with no reduction in pay. The portion of the assignment from which the representatives will be reassigned shall be determined by the administration in consultation with the utu executive committee. 9.100 non tenurable appointments  old language the categories of non tenurable appointments are defined by university policy 143.0. This section applies to those holding non tenurable appointments who are included in the bargaining unit as defined in section 3.100.

Non tenurable appointments, also known as adjunct appointments, include four types: lecturers, adjunct faculty at any rank, research faculty at any rank, and visiting faculty at any rank. A non tenurable appointment includes faculty members identified in university policy 143.0, as well as any appointment, however designated, not supported by a state appropriated tenure line position i.e. Where the faculty member is paid from grants, contracts, or outside funding sources susceptible to discontinuance by persons or entities other than the university.

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Each faculty member appointed to a non tenurable position shall be informed in writing by the dean that the appointment is non tenurable and therefore carries no expectation of reappointment. 9.100 non tenurable appointments   new language the categories of non tenurable appointments are defined by university policy 143.0 as revised. Non tenurable appointments include five types: lecturers, adjunct faculty at any rank, research faculty at any rank, clinical faculty at any rank, and visiting faculty at any rank. 9.110 rights of non tenurable appointees   old language 3. In the case of reappointment, have the normal increase in force for a given year section 13.200 added to their salary prorated by fte.

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