Argumentative Essays on Legalizing Prostitution Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

length: 564 words 1.6 double spaced pages it's time to make prostitution legal prostitution has long been called the world's oldest profession. For as long back as we have records, evidence can be found of people selling sex for some sort of gain. When the colonists were running around slaughtering the natives, they also were enjoying the pleasures of local prostitutes. In fourth century, athenian orator apollodoros stated we have courtesans for pleasure, and concubines for the daily service of our bodies, but wives for the production of legitimate offspring and to have reliable guardians of our household property. And yet in progressive america, a land were people claim to be the most socially advanced, prostitution is an illegal act that results in the sheltering of rapists, drug dealers. Legalization of prostitution could solve a lot of problems caused by its illegality, but it's unlikely that those rich old white guys in washington are going to make the change. They prefer to ignore the issue, occasionally making the token gesture at trying to end it completely.

Reality check folks, if prostitution has been around this long, it's not going anywhere. You can throw more laws at it, up the punishment, even do like minnesota and post those arrested for prostitution not those just found guilty and stick their pictures on the internet, but you aren't going to change reality. Why not the rest of country? if this country were to legalize prostitution, we could make a fortune while also improving the health of our country and the character behind it all.

Let's take prostitution off the streets by requiring services be offered in a brothel or on appropriate web sites. As for the common streetwalker, arrest them for solicitation, but just solicitation, no more tacking on the prostitution part. Where prostitution is legal in nevada, the number of aids cases among the workers is now down to 0 where the illegal hookers have topped 25% infection. By having it legal, prostitutes will no longer have to fear going to the cops when they get raped or beaten. Most of the rapes go unreported though because they'll just get arrested for being a victim.

How sick is that? with legalized prostitution, families won't have to wonder how a prostitute died if they get murdered since today's cops don't give a fuck if a whore gets popped. Now those victims can report their attackers without fear of being arrested of doing what they were forced to do. Sure, those religious nuts will scream about it forever like they are still fighting abortion, birth control, and taking religion out of schools , but who cares. There will always be prostitution even gene roddenberry knew that when he added those dabo girls to ferengi casinos. So let's make it safer for the workers and the clients, while upping our countries income tax earnings by making it a legal profession. Starting february 1st, 2010 all graduate students are obliged to proofread their essays and research papers via college academic centers prior to submitting them in class. We are happy to announce our partnership with a professional essay writing service.

Please note that all manuals and writing samples posted on this blog are copyright protected. We advice to properly cite any information copied from this resource when publishing in online. Struggling with term paper? get professional academic paper help at exert us researchers. The 21st century has seen many changes in the worldviews of the global community. Different bodies campaign for the rights of people indulging in practices that the global society has seen as taboos for the last twenty centuries. These include the rights of same sex marriages, human cloning, physician assisted suicide, abortion, and prostitution.

This is because the society realizes that each individual has a right to choose his or her lifestyle in a democratic world. Prostitution is an old practice in most countries, but few countries have legalized the practice to date. This paper discusses the controversy surrounding prostitution legalization, and supports the stand against prostitution legalization. Proponents of prostitution argue that prostitution is good way of increasing the government’s revenue.

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Thus, legalizing prostitution would create employment opportunities, and increase tax returns for the government. The proponents also believe that prostitution is should be legal since it is a harmless act. Legalizing the practice would help the government control the spread of sexually transmitted diseases and underage sex workers through reverse psychology. In this case, making the act of prostitution legal would increase the number of women willing to work, improve the conditions under which they practice, and reduce the number of men willing to seek their services.

On the other hand, the government has several alternatives for creating job opportunities for its citizens without undermining the morals of the society. Embracing these alternatives will help the government raise its taxes without sacrificing the decency of its citizens. Further, if reverse psychology principles were a good alternative, then so many people would not be still eating junk food at mcdonalds. This implies that making prostitution readily accessible and available may not reduce the art of the practice. Concisely, prostitution degrades the morals of the society by making women mere sex objects and increasing the rate of std transmission. Argument in favor of legalizing prostitution prostitution is defined as the engaging in, or agreeing to engage in, sexual conduct for a fee.

Women are pushed into entering prostitution for many reasons including lack of education, poverty, and personal choice. Prostitution is currently illegal, but there is much controversy surrounding this issue. However, there is only an arrest figure of about 100,0 prostitutes in 1995, and the number of arrests has been fairly consistent since then. The general consensus has shown that law enforcement has been generally ineffective in the removal of prostitution from our society.

There are many people involved in prostitution, seventy percent of which are female, twenty percent male, and ten percent customers. Picture in your mind this scenario: jane is a 26 year old single woman who makes her living working the streets as a prostitute. Within minutes she is picked up by john, a lonely single man looking for a quick fix. When they finish, john hands jane one hundred dollars and he takes her back to the corner where she had been picked up a few hours earlier. No one was injured, hurt or put in danger, not until she is walking back to her car and is stopped once again.

This time, however, she is stopped by police who arrest her for prostitution, a crime in most areas of the united states. As many see it wrong because they think women are forced into it and that it gives people with a lack of education a ‘way out' this is not always true. They could be dealing illegal substances, working at mcdonald's, at a strip joint, or anywhere else.