College Essays About The Ocean Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Growing up right next to the ocean and experiencing it in many different ways such as sailing, surfing, and fishing is what contributes to the person i am today. Through surfing i am able to open my mind to countless ideas and rid myself of anything holding me back in my everyday life. While in or on the ocean, i experience feelings and thoughts that bring true inspiration and motivation to my life. Experiencing the ocean at a young age was what anchored my heart in a deep love for the sea. While i was young, not only did i enjoy surfing but i spent a lot of time sailing and fishing as well. Learning the multiple parts of my laser sail boat and spending time sailing through huntington beach harbor where i lived was just one of the ways for me to connect with the ocean. Fishing was another way that i spent quality time on the ocean whether near catalina or san clemente island or even mexico.

Fishing was also a time when i connected and made countless memories with my grandfather and other family. Spending countless days on the ocean allowed me to have heartfelt memories with family enjoying the high seas. Being on the ocean constantly in my life today brings me back to many childhood memories and helps me to create more and more memories and genuine enjoyment in my life.

Being submerged in the deep ocean water is an out of body experience for me and i am so fortunate to be able to have this amazing feeling quite often. I have never felt freer in my entire life than simply swimming out in a big bay in hawaii or paddling out to a reef in santa barbara. Every time i go in the ocean, i fall in love with its vast characteristics that cannot be absorbed through just one experience. Surfing in my recent years has brought me to have a great passion and appreciation for art. My passion for art grew significantly when i began painting and expressing different artworks of mine onto my surfboards. While surfing i experience the true essence of my being and take full enjoyment in every minute spent in the ocean.

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Creating and appreciating art allows me to continue the same enjoyment as being in the ocean and expressing myself as i feel inspiration from the most amazing thing in nature: the ocean. Through studying as an art major, i believe i can discover a career in which i can take complete interest in and truly value what i am doing. Through finding enjoyment and a passion for the profession i am in, i believe i can be very successful at what i do. Pursuing a career in the arts is a dream for me because it would allow me to put extreme passion into what i do and take genuine enjoyment in the arts. Essaying on any subject requires a thorough study especially one on ocean essay, a streamlined flow, and a suitable structure that would accentuate the subject being talked about and convey all in a few powerful words. To substantiate further if you are assigned the task of oceans essay you might be brimming with thoughts and expressions about the ocean, to dash off with a descriptive essay paper on the ocean.

Much as the high tide of your flow of words can bring ashore a good ocean essay, it has to leave a mark, an imprint that registers in your reader’s mind, into his/her oceanic recesses, that any time he/she would want to write a descriptive essay ocean, your quote should spring up to the mind. For instance, to start about your ocean essay, you first marshal your thoughts and bring that highlight about oceans that hold a universal appeal. Related readings: english essay writing, correct essay format and how to write a good essay introduction. An ocean essay is always interesting, as there are so many things that you can mention in it.

You need not go further to see what is beyond the horizon, or what is over the sky, or what the other end of the world unfolds: because the ocean encompasses all, the earth, the sky, the ether, the air, and the sun and you can add this in your ocean essay.  the ocean, the mystique gem of nature, holding the power and energy of the universe is a visual treat and a quiet retreat from the daily hustle and bustle. The soothing effects of the ocean are being researched and even proved in many experiments and have been a topic for many an ocean essay. From a holistic perspective, the ocean essay should be visualized to draw the mind to peace and calmness.

Technically, the ocean essay should talk about it being a huge water body is also home to rare species of plants and animals. Moreover, it is not without reason or reasoning that oceans’ purity has to be preserved and efforts by environmentalists are spearheaded towards it. More related readings: narrative essay paper writing, personal essay help and persuasive essay paper writing assistance. You can also mention in your ocean essay what it means to say is that the ocean is a bed of resources that can be channeled for various purposes.

€�   a typical extract of an ocean essay description, which can take you on course about writing essays on any subject especially ocean essay. Our academic writing experience delivers on any topic of essay writing with expertise especially ocean essay. The originality we put forth in our research based works makes us a sought after writers’ service. You could avail of it as well by placing an order for ocean essay, and experience the original. The world’s oceans have largely been left out of the mainstream discussion of global climate change. Yet, as one of the largest natural reservoirs of carbon, the surface ocean plays a critical role in the global carbon cycle. Over recent years, human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels have increased the amount of carbon dioxide gas emitted to the atmosphere and the amount that dissolves into the ocean.

Over the last decade, scientists have discovered that this excess co2 is actually changing the chemistry of the sea and proving harmful for many forms of marine life. A more acidic ocean could wipe out species disrupt the food web and impact fishing, tourism and any other human attempt that relies on the sea. According to an estimate by scientists, over the last 250 years, oceans have absorbed 530 billion tons of co2, triggering a 30 percent increase in ocean acidity.

Projections show that the southern ocean around antarctica will actually become corrosive by 2050. Carbon dioxide is a critical part of earth’s atmosphere it traps heat and prevents the earth from being covered in ice. Normally, the earth’s carbon cycle maintains a natural balance of carbon in the atmosphere, land, and ocean through the breathing of the planet. Scientists estimate that one third of all the carbon dioxide produced by human activities has been absorbed by the ocean. Click go descriptive essays about the ocean check out our top free essays on descriptive essay about the. Descriptive essays about the ocean students are searching: write my paper for me more than ever before.

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