Essay About Elderly Home Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

length: 4574 words 13.1 double spaced pages of nursing home staff interviewed in 2004, nearly 40% admitted to committing at least one psychologically abusive act toward a resident and 10% admitted to physically abusing a resident in the preceding year. 1 not only are nursing home residents at risk of being abused by their caretakers but they are also at risk of being restrained, which may lead to a form of abuse. With five percent of the elderly population, or one to two million instances of elder abuse occurring yearly there is no doubt that elder abuse deserves serious consideration.

Among one of the most difficult and perhaps most important decisions is where the elder person will live and how long term care needs will be met when he/she is no longer capable of doing so independently due to the incapacity that accompanies many with old age. Nursing homes seem to be the popular choice for people no matter the race, gender, or socioeconomic status with 1.5 million americans being admitted to them yearly. Though this checklist is not all encompassing it provides simple guidelines a person can easily look to in order to put his/her mind more at ease and feel secure in placing a loved one in a nursing home facility. Because there is no guarantee against elder abuse occurring in nursing homes it is important that the resident, where possible, and the family of the resident remain involved on a daily basis and demand the quality of care the elder person deserves.

to view the full essay now, purchase below topic: older people should live with their family members children, grandchildren. Or live in special places where they are taken care by professionals? people always need a place to live, especially when they are getting older. While some people continue living with their family, some go or are made to go to places that are built particularly for the elderly, which we call nursing home and stay for the rest of their lives.

With these 2 ways, the need for a house is fulfilled, but i believe that staying at home with family members does a better job in creating a good living environment for old people due to cost, people 39 emotions, and family values. Firstly, let 39 s consider the amount of money we need to pay for the nursing home. However, if an old man has a family, but refuses to live with them, either his family or he has to pay to live in a nursing home. If you want the best living conditions for the elderly, the service may cost you a lot of money. Moreover, living in good medical conditions, people seems to live longer, which means the amount of money you pay is remarkable.

Secondly, we have to think about what the elderly feel to decide what is the best for them. A lot of people misunderstand that living with good medical conditions leads to happiness. An old man living in nursing home can have many friends however, he is truly happy only when they are able to spend the time with their family, maybe just having dinners together every night. What is more, the elderly will not feel that they are useless when living with their family because there is one important thing that they are involved in educating their children or grandchildren.

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As a result, what if a boy 39 s parents are always busy and his grandparents are not there to raise them? obviously he is unhappy and become a cruel in the future. Besides, watching their parents kick their grandparents away, a kid will do the same thing when they are mature, which destroys beautiful family values. Some people may think that living in a nursing home provides good medical service. In short, living with the family is a better for the elderly because it don 39 t cost them money, it brings them real happiness and it maintain good family environment. Everyone has the right to choose where to live, but from where i stand, nothing is better for you than your family.

In general, society considers the elderly as persons above the ages of sixty or sixty five. This is usually the beginning of old age as a person becomes less active in political, social and economic affairs. Though there are elderly persons who are in good health and active members of their communities, majority are the ones whose physical and mental functions are on the decline. Since they are not able to get along on their own, majority of the elderly persons require attention and care from their loved ones as well as friends. Consequently, psychologists use the term elderly care to refer to the personal as well as medical attention that this group of the population receives. nursing homes and assisted living introduction nursing homes.

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