Essay on Reading And Its Importance Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Whether you are engaged in a novel, pouring over a newspaper or a just looking at a sign, reading skills allow you to interpret and become engaged in the world around you. According to the national institute of child health and human development, reading is the single most important skill necessary for a happy, productive and successful life. Using a smartphone, reading from an electronic tablet or researching on a computer has opened the floodgates for finding and accessing information. A student with the reading skills necessary to access and use information is not just learning to read but reading to learn.

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With proper reading skills, she can explore topics ranging from how spiders spin silky webs to the details of the wright brothers' first flight in north carolina. Reading aloud is widely recognized as the single most important activity leading to language development. Among other things, reading aloud builds word sound awareness in children, a potent predictor of reading success. Children who fall seriously behind in the growth of critical early reading skills have fewer opportunities to practice reading.

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Evidence suggests that these lost practice opportunities make it extremely difficult for children who remain poor readers during the first three years of elementary school to ever acquire average levels of reading fluency. 2004 reading aloud to young children is not only one of the best activities to stimulate language and cognitive skills it also builds motivation, curiosity, and memory. Talk to me, baby! 2009 , paul h brookes pub co. reading aloud stimulates language development even before a child can talk.

Talk to me, baby! 2009 , paul h brookes pub co. research shows that the more words parents use when speaking to an 8 month old infant, the greater the size of their child's vocabulary at age 3. The landmark hart risley study on language development documented that children from low income families hear as many as 30 million fewer words than their more affluent peers before the age of 4. Meaningful differences in the everyday experiences of young american children 1995 , paul h. Brookes publishing co. the nurturing and one on one attention from parents during reading aloud encourages children to form a positive association with books and reading later in life.

Reading aloud is a proven technique to help children cope during times of stress or tragedy. When i talk with parents about preparing their child for success in school, they listen very carefully. Many of our parents have not finished high school, and some have not finished elementary levels. They are so relieved that they can ‘read’ books just by telling a story about the pictures. Medical director, reach out and read wisconsin have ceased except for the facilities afforded to rome by the quarries, the forests, and the ease of transport. readings in ancient history: illustrative extracts from the sources, 2 vols. Its technology that is, stability , by its symbol systems printed text, pictures, and graphics , and by the way it influences specific processes reading .

The primary symbol system used in books and other print media consists of orthographic symbols that, in western culture, are words composed of. In a 2005 speech to the american library association, then senator obama described his view of the importance of literacy: in this new economy, teaching our kids just enough so that they can get through dick and jane isn't going to cut it, he said. The kind of literacy necessary for 21st century employment requires detailed understanding and complex comprehension. Education secretary arne duncan’s response to the 2013 national assessment of educational progress earlier this week reinforced a pragmatic approach to literacy: if america's students are to remain competitive in a knowledge based economy, our public schools must greatly accelerate the rate of progress of the last four years and do more to narrow america's large achievement gaps. It is an urgent moral and economic imperative that our schools do a better job of preparing students for today's globally competitive world.

Reading is indeed crucial to success in school and in careers.  but we worry that discussions of reading, especially public policy discussions, focus almost exclusively on its utilitarian value. In our study of the out of school reading lives of 14 eighth graders who were avid readers of texts often marginalized in schools romances, vampire stories, horror stories, dystopian novels, and fantasy , we strove to understand the nature and variety of reading pleasure.  we found that our participants were remarkably articulate about why they read what they read.  here’s what they taught us. One reason our participants read was to experience the pleasure of entering a story world. Karen explained: i like to get away kind of when i read…i choose a lot of fantasy because it sparks your imagination and lets you go somewhere else. We called this the pleasure of play, following john dewey, who writes that play puts itself forth with no thought of anything beyond. Our participants so fully entered the world of the stories they read that the characters were almost real to them.   the pleasure of play is what readers experience when they become lost in a book.

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Play pleasure was important to our participants as an end in itself, but it also was a prerequisite for others kinds of pleasure.  perhaps our most striking finding is that our participants drew pleasure from using their reading to help them become the kind of people they wanted to become, a kind of pleasure we termed inner work. According to jungian scholar robert johnson, inner work is the effort by which we gain an awareness of the deeper layers of consciousness within us and move to an integration of the total self.   helen’s comments about her reading reflect johnson’s definition: well, i learn about myself through books when i imagine myself in the different situations. Would i run and hide or would i, you know, stand up and take it? and then you say well i like to think that i would stay, but maybe i really would run away and the next time you’ve got that fight or flight thing going on, you kinda think back to which one you want to be doing. You can sort of help yourself change in that way, and when you really admire a character in a book who’s really brave and stuff, you kind of can idolize them and become more like them.

So it’s not really learning about yourself, it’s learning about what you could be. The pleasure of play and the pleasure of doing inner work were the most intense pleasures our readers experienced.  but they weren’t the only pleasures.  as alex explained, reading also provided an intellectual pleasure:  reading’s like being a detective almost. It’s taking the evidence and the information and everything that’s happened, taking all that and putting it together. Processing through it and seeing what ends connect, and then finding, once all those ends connect, what that last piece is.