Essay Writing Overpopulation Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

According to a report of the united nations, namely 2010 revision of the world population prospects , the world population has reached about 7 billion people in 2011 with the average annual growth rate at around 1.1 per cent. There are numerous contributors explaining this serious problem, both subjective and objectives ones. it is first argued that as a result of better living standards, the advancement in technology and discovery of treatments for many diseases that used to be the culprits of a large number of deaths such as malaria and measles, people can be no longer susceptible to common diseases and live longer than ever.

As the wars happen much less compared to the past, there has been a steep decline in deaths and humanity is on its way to endless prosperity. Despite having already several daughters, a host of families endeavour to give birth to a boy who can inherit legacy and carry on the family name and lineage due to the mindset prioritizing males over females, especially in less developed countries. Unwanted pregnancy which also contributes to overpopulation is on account of the lack of knowledge about sexual relations and contraception/ birth control. What can be done in order to solve this serious worldwide problem? one obvious measure is to give the problem a higher profile in the media so that the public become more aware.

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The equality between men and women should be raised intensively all over the world so as to wipe out the ideology of male supremacy. one possibility is to have up to two children per couple and governments can help by implementing strict penalties on having more two children. This solution has been significantly successful in many countries with the purpose of reduction in birth rate. The intensive promulgation of education progammes in schools and remote areas ought to be organised with the purpose of decreasing unwanted pregnancy. Education can be the most effective measure to deal with this problem, but it requires more concerted efforts among citizens and government themselves. Moreover, it is good idea is to support poor countries with the funding of contraceptive provision and education programmes. as suggested above, a series of subjective and objective reasons can be the culprits of overpopulation.

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Government, international bodies and citizens are all responsible for solutions of this serious phenomenon with educational measure being the most efficacious way. Please correct this essay for me, thank you so much! write an essay for overpopulation students are searching: write my paper for me more than ever before. There are also more companies answering their plea to: write an essay for me and some are much better than others. Students should consider the following points when looking for essay writing services to write essay for me. This is one of the main concerns of students, as they do not have a lot of cash to spend freely. A company should offer their services at reasonable prices, but this should be compared to the quality of their services.

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You will be able to buy a paper that meets all of your assignment requirements and will always pass as your own. Overpopulation is typically characterized as a not desirable condition, which means that population is exceeding the existing resources’ capacities. First of all, it is the decrease of mortality rate, which is caused by technological and medical advancements. Secondly, the high immigration volumes to the developed countries trigger overpopulation in there.

Here are the possible ways to resolve the issue or ease the effects of overpopulation.

    solutions to the issue of overpopulation.
education is a proper way to solve a lot of problems nowadays. By providing people with access to the necessary knowledge from different spheres we can be sure of getting positive results shortly.