Find An Argumentative Essay Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Creating an argument outline although there is no set model of organization for argumentative essays, there are some common patterns that writers might use or that writers might want to combine/customize in an effective way. For more information on how to create an outline, click here to read developing an outline from the purdue university on line writing lab. We are glad to introduce you our database of free argumentative essay samples.

These examples of argumentative essays are to help you understanding how to write this type of essays. The leading tone in an argumentative essay is the position of proving that the presented point of view is the correct one and possesses more truthful arguments than any other opinions. The author through proper reasoning, inducting and making conclusions, must prove the assertions or the theories of the argumentative essay. If the author fails to apply the reasons and conclusions to the topic of the essay such essay is considered to be an unsubstantiated opinion. Essays are very common in high school and college, and youre usually required to write these essays without much input from the teacher about them. Much of your learning about the types of essays is expected to have come from elementary school and junior high school.

If youre writing an argumentative essay and need some help, try the examples and tips below. If you want to know more about the argumentative essay, read a brief summary on four essay types in this article. However, there are some differences between the two even if theyre commonly considered to be the same. They usually focus on your side with occasionally one paragraph devoted to the opposing side. Argumentative essays are usually longer in length, ranging from as little as five paragraphs to as many as necessary. While the focus is mainly on your side, there is also a discussion regarding the opposing side that goes far beyond a single sentence or a paragraph.

Argumentative essays focus more on the facts to persuade the reader as opposed to calling to their emotions on a topic or issue. Its important that you plan your essay out before you write, and that includes several different aspects. Youre going to want to pick a topic first, but your topic should be something that has two conflicting points or different conclusions. Only consider topics that interest you it will make your writing that much easier. Keep in mind that an argumentative essay is based more on facts as opposed to emotion.

When picking a topic youre interested in, be sure to pick one that you can support with evidence and reasoning. Look through the list of topics carefully, and begin making a mental list of the evidence you can use on topics you like. Once you find an interesting topic, dont just research your side if you already know it. Do some reading on both sides of the argument, and list the points for both sides. It will come in handy later when you go to write, and this way youll know that the side you pick is based on the facts instead of just your emotions. As an example, consider the topic from the above link regarding traditional versus alternative medicine. The ahha has an excellent page that lists the different points of holistic alternative medicine compared to conventional traditional medicine.

Descriptive Essay Family

Using a page like this, you can easily find the main points of both sides and consider the side you would take. Afterward, you would do more thorough research on each topic to find evidence to support each point. Like all essays, the argumentative essay has three important parts the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. Keep in mind that the length of your essay depends on the assignment given to you.

Your thesis will be the position youre going to be taking on whatever topic you chose. This particular area can include as little as three paragraphs to as many as necessary to complete your assignment requirements. Use one paragraph for each point, including the strongest points of the opposing side. Because the idea of this essay is to argue for your position, be sure to spend more time on your side than on the opposing side. Introduce the opposing side first, and present the strongest points along with any evidence used to support them.

Essays on Communication

Depending on your topic and assignment length, this could take anywhere from one to three paragraphs. Again, you should use one paragraph per point, and include all evidence to support your position. You can even include examples of how your evidence refutes the evidence of the opposing side. Emphasize that your position is the best by summarizing the main points of your argument. Most conclusions are only a paragraph in length as the conclusion is expected to be a summary of the entire essay. At this point, you may very well be thinking that youre done with your essay, but youre not.

Without it, your essay could have large holes in the logic, or it could have grammatical issues that make it difficult for your readers to read. If you need extra help with editing and revising, there are a couple of free tools available online. If youre typing up your draft on a computer, most word processors come with some basic built in editing tools. If youre concerned your skills arent up to snuff for your own essay, consider editing a couple of example essays first. You can also try using the above editing and revising tools to test them out before inputting your own essay. These are common items that are missed during the first and second reading, and theyre usually not caught by editing and revising tools either. The idea behind an argumentative essay is to draw people to your position by detailing the important points of both sides and giving the evidence to support your claim.