Games for Teaching Academic Writing Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

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online curriculum for prek to 12th grades 1,0+ student paced multimedia activities language arts, math, science amp social studies interactive, project based activities detailed reporting for teaching writing is an ongoing process. most people agree that writing skills are increasingly important and often not adequately taught. When writing is taught in schools, writing instruction often takes a backseat to phonics, handwriting skills, and reading comprehension. many homeschool parents find that teaching writing may be more challenging than other subjects where there is an answer key.

effective writing is a vital life skill that is important in almost every subject in school as well in the work world. Additionally, standardized tests increasingly contain a writing component in some cases this includes a requirement to write an essay on a timed test! included on this page: at first, many parents think that learning to write is primarily a question of grammar. They first think of teaching proper sentence construction, appropriate use of tenses, and punctuation. The time4learning system includes a superb set of lessons for teaching punctuation, vocabulary, word choice, spelling, paragraph structure and other components of correct writing.

there are many types or modes of writing such as descriptive writing, persuasive writing, informative writing, narrative writing, and creative or fiction writing. Many students are familiar with the basic writing assignments such as book reports, social studies reports, short stories, and essays on topics such as: what i did on my summer vacation. But these writing assignments should be thought of as applications of basic writing modes. For instance, a book report is usually a type of descriptive writing, and an essay on dinosaurs might include both informative and perhaps persuasive writing. Writing is an extremely complex task that is not only difficult to learn but also hard to teach.

Frustration with written work is a hallmark of alternative learners and children who are diagnosed with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and dyslexia. Developing the skills necessary to become a good writer requires the use of many of the thinking skills, repeated practice, and the willingness to learn from one’s mistakes. children who struggle with writing typically have difficulty in one or more of the following four areas: handwriting: the capacity to write legibly and efficiently. writing fluency:  the capacity to write quickly, efficiently, and completely. written organization:  the ability to organize ones written thoughts in a coherent and orderly fashion.

While handwriting may be considered a basic skill, early difficulty with writing letters, fine motor control skills, or coloring within the lines is often an early signal of difficulty in written expression. Poor or very slow handwriting, which may have a variety of causes, is a direct measure of the output that young children are able to display in written tasks. As a result, there are many children with great ideas and the capacity to express themselves that may be hindered when they need to put the pen to paper and write, but who would do well by dictating or typing. When children struggle with the mechanics of handwriting, they can become extremely frustrated with any type of writing task.  simple handwriting difficulties can lead to disinterest in learning the skills that promote written organization, the development of good content, and techniques that facilitate advanced writing skills. Fortunately, there are a variety of technologies such as typing, speech recognition systems, and dictation devices that can circumvent these difficulties. It becomes very important for children who become frustrated and discouraged with handwriting skills to utilize these technologies at an early age, before they have become despondent and have given up on developing their writing skills.

focus: children who struggle with handwriting need sustained focus and persistence to produce legible handwriting working memory: keeping in mind the shapes of letters while one is writing is important in the early development of handwriting skills. Fluency is described as the capacity to efficiently and quickly produce written material of a high quality. Individuals who struggle with writing fluency may have problems getting even a few words onto paper and often do not finish their written work.

Academic Writing Victoria University

Because of this, their written work is typically shorter and of poorer quality than that of their peers. A common underlying cause of difficulty with writing fluency is poor and slow handwriting skills children need to put forth an inordinate amount of effort in order to write legibly, or they give up legibility for speed. Other reasons for difficulty in writing fluency include language l earning disabilities, difficulty in translating verbal or oral ideas onto paper, a lack of instruction or strategy as to how to initiate and sustain written work, and a poverty of content and understanding about the area of interest. time management: the capacity to recognize time constraints and work efficiently. focus: knowing how to get started on a written task and sustain ones attention and effort to completion. self control:   the capacity to overcome the frustration that often occurs with a difficult written assignment. Written organization is described as the capacity to organize ones written thoughts in a systematic manner this is the ability to communicate a beginning, middle, and end in a piece of writing.

Written organization facilitates the capacity to convey ones thoughts in writing. It is a skill that builds upon expressive language capacities, organizational strategies, and practice. Individuals who struggle with written organization may have good ideas, but they have difficulty in getting started on writing assignments and may present information in a jumbled fashion. Children with learning and attentional difficulties frequently struggle with written organization. Individuals who are able to identify themselves as poor spellers have a number of tools such as spell check and auto complete that can help them to manage this difficulty in their writing. However, learning to spell properly is a vital skill, and children who dont address spelling deficits early on will have a difficult time overcoming them later in life. working memory: visual working memory helps people capture the overall structure and formation of the letters in a word.