Get to Know Me Essays Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Below is an essay on get to know me from anti essays, your source for research papers, essays, and term paper examples. Get to know me, after a little investigation, i found out that the way i think about myself is similar to the way other people, like, friends and family think about me. I always tend to make friends of different ages which actually made me noticed how decent and sympathetic i am. Like, i can always be stubborn, but at the same time, i can be tolerant and considerate. I never head for things that hurt others to satisfy my self confidence and that actually causes me to be mysterious, as well by hiding my feelings and thoughts in case if they were to hurt somebody. Lastly, i find myself very artistic i always spend my free time drawing or designing dresses, buildings, cars, etc.

Certainly, some things in my personality had sort of effects resulting other things, and obviously, they are positive effects. I acknowledge that i also have weaknesses as i have strength and everybody in the world must have both at some point. Starting with my strengths i was raised in a sociable family that made me a very outspoken and sociable person. Unintentionally, i always find myself surrounded by many friends and people that are. After thinking for quite a while about what topic to write this diagnostic essay on, i decided to write about one week i volunteer at a kid’s day camp during the summer.

I would show up every morning while the dew was still clinging to the blades of grass at blythe park. I would arrive an hour before everyone else to prepare the circles of safety and to collect tinder that would litter the ground under the giant pines. The circle of safety was about a 2 foot diameter circle of bricks i would order from the bothell parks department about one week before camp started.

This fire pit itself was made on the site of the old brick building plant that was destroyed by a fire a while ago. So when i built these fires, i started out slow so that the smoke from the fires didn’t disrupt any of the neighbors that surround the park. The camp started out with a thirty minute morning ceremony type of event to wake the kids up and to get them excited about the activities they are going to be able to participate in that day. When i heard them start to sing camp songs, i would know that i would have thirty minutes to get the fires hot enough to cook on before the first group came to cook. Throughout the day, though i would be supervising all of the groups that would come in to the fire pit, i was always safe. And with that attitude, i have taught these kids fire safety and the discipline it takes to properly maintain a fire and to keep it under control. I always tell them that a fire is a living thing and that is not to be underestimated.

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Every year, it seems that more and more campers enjoy coming to the fire pit and learning from me. This is one thing that will always confuse me because i was one mean cuss in the fire pits, and yet the campers say that they have learned so much from me that they always want to come back and learn more. Poland spring, me the author's comments: i would love to have feedback on my writing, negative or positive i would appreciate it all.

D i find it amazing sometimes how people can judge you by the music you listen too. If you listen to classical music or broadway, you are labeled sophisticated or stuck up. But i have to ask, what do you label someone who listens to everything? i think when people meet me they easily slide me into the category of their choice i am tall, blonde, and get told i should be a model. But how is that you can fit someone into a category, a slot, to assume by their appearance and their taste that they are who you think they are? questions upon questions, it seems.

I would like to think i know my friends, and that they know me, but taking a step back i am shocked at how little people really know who i am, what my taste is, what my beliefs are. I met someone once, we were giving him a ride and an old eminem song came on the radio i like rap so i turned it up, and he still assumes to this day that i go clubbing and know how to break dance. All because of one song! another person thinks i am this troubled, lost teen because i was listening to evanesence when i met him, and still others think i am as air headed as reese witherspoon in legally blonde because i was listening to one song i liked by a girly band! i think i can shock even myself with my different taste in music. But i can turn around and crank up some punk rock and dance all night to it all night. When i wear black and skater clothes, here i am, catagorizing! it doesn't mean i know how to skate, and when i wear pink and put flowers in my hair, it doesn't mean i am afraid to break a nail. I like to go dirtbike riding and play in the mud, but i freaked out last night because there was a moth in the house! fishing? heck yeah! but make me touch one of those slimy, wriggly worms? no thanks, i'll wear gloves! shooting guns, hunting.