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Second graders are the life of the topic of the life of over the finishing touches on the mistakes. Net: get professional editing packages help you need please help me teachers/ english professors with my essay. Feel free to email me about my mistakes @ email removed the scarlet ibis the short story the scarlet ibis by james hurst is about an older brother, the narrator who has a younger brother that might not be really all there. The narrator from the beginning dislikes doodle because doodle is born as an invalid brother.

So the narrator decides to push his younger brother, doodle so he would be able to do normal kid activities. His embarrassment at having an invalid brother made the narrator push doodle to the extreme limit which will lead to doodle’s death. It was bad… having an invalid brother… so i began to make plans to kill him by smothering him with a pillow pg. The older brother’s bad intentions for doodle are revealed early in the story by the quote. He was a burden in many ways… a long list of don’ts went with him, all of which i ignored once we got out of the house pg. The quote shows that the narrator simply did not care much for doodle’s wellbeing.

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This supports the fact that the speaker can and will do things that will lead to doodle’s death. One day i took him up to the barn… and showed him his casket… ‘and before i’ll help you down from the loft, you’re going to have to touch it.’… ‘don’t leave me, brother,’ he cried, and… he touched the casket he screamed pg. The older brother, the narrator, simply wants to force doodle to touch the coffin that was meant for doodle to be placed in. This shows the cruelty of the narrator because he forces doodle to recognize what death means.

These small acts of dislike and loathing by the older brother will eventually lead to a bigger, major event the death of doodle. The narrator’s embarrassment of having an invalid brother is the reason why the narrator pushes doodle to do activities that will lead to doodle’s death. I was embarrassed at having a brother at that age who couldn’t walk, so i set out to teach him… i heaved him up… he collapsed… and i heaved him up once more daniel 346 347. The narrator feels ashamed about having a brother that can not walk, and so he started pushing doodle to learn how to walk. Even though doodle is in no condition to do this, the narrator ignores this and continues to push doodle to the extreme. School only a few weeks away… i made him swim until he turned blue and row until he couldn’t lift an oar daniel 350. The quote shows that the narrator does not want to be ashamed of having a crippled brother so he is pushing doodle past his limit.

I purposely walked fast … his face turned red and his eyes became glazed … he collapsed … and began to cry daniel 350. Clearly seen from the quote is that the narrator shows cruelty to his brother by purposely pushing his brother to his limit. He only is doing this so that when school starts, he will not be humiliated by having a crippled brother. Because of his lack of care toward doodle, the narrator is at fault for doodle’s death.

The faster i walked, the faster he walked, so i began to run … doodle … had fallen behind, cry out, ‘brother, brother, don’t leave me! don’t leave me pg. 425 ! the quote shows that doodle has been pushed to an extreme, and that it is the older brother’s fault for making doodle work so hard that his body failed. The knowledge that doodle’s and my plans had come to naught was bitter, and that streak of cruelty within me awakened pg. The cruelty toward doodle had long existed in the narrator, and he decided to express it by leaving doodle far behind. I ran as fast as i could, leaving him far behind with a wall of rain dividing us … soon i could hear his voice no more pg. The quote shows that the narrator took off and abandoned poor doodle to fend off for himself.

Because of the total lack of tender love and care for his crippled brother, doodle, the narrator is to be at fault for doodle’s death. When finished with the story, the reader can see that the narrator is indeed responsible for the death of doodle. Because the narrator was the older brother, he had the responsibility of watching and taking care of doodle. However, the narrator was too blinded by the humiliation and shame of having a crippled little brother that he forgot the fact that doodle was fragile and must be treated with care.

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