How to Change Paper Size In Openoffice Writer Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

paper size

click f o rmat gt p age. In the paper forma t section in the f ormat menu, select the name of a paper size. To see the list of selections in the ldquo f ormat rdquo menu, click on the. The ldquo w idth rdquo is set to 8.50 inches and the ldquo h eight rdquo is set to 11.00 inches. The line to the left of the curser, , is the left margin and the line above the cursor, , is the top margin. Words, numbers, and graphics can be placed anywhere on a sheet of paper except for a small border at the four outer edges of the paper. The word margin is used to describe the boundary lines where the borders end and the words begin.

All future added words, numbers, and graphics will stay within the lines that indicate the margins.

change the margins

click f o rmat gt p a g e. In the ldquo l eft rdquo dialog box under margins.

Change the number in the dialog box to .50 by doing the following: move the pointer over the left dialog box. Staying inside the l eft dialog box, move the pointer all the way to the left without changing the back into an . Press the delete key enough times to delete everything in the ldquo left rdquo dialog box. Type .50 two other methods to change the number in the dialog box is to highlight the number, then type .50 or to click on the to select .50. In the r ight dialog box and in the t op dialog box, change the number in the dialog box to .50 use the same method as used for the ldquo l eft rdquo margin in step 3. Change the number in the b ottom dialog box to .55 press the ok button.

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Click i nsert gt foote r gt d efault.

page numbering and page count

add in the footer

click in the footer. Click i nsert gt fiel d s gt p age number. Click i nsert gt fiel d s gt page c ount.

show field names instead of a number

if there is no check mark before the words f ield names. The name of the field such as date fixed instead of the date 09/01/07 will appear in the footer.

activate the ldquo tips rdquo feature

when the tips feature is activated and the cursor is placed over an icon. if there is no check mark before the word ldquo t ips rdquo , click on the word t ips to place a check mark before the word t ips. the menu closes and the tips feature is activated. if there is a check mark before the word ldquo t ips rdquo , click the ok button.

create a template

a template can be made with the same settings as the page made at the beginning of this tutorial.

The template can be used any number of times to open a text file with the same settings. Click f ile gt t emplates gt s ave. Click my templates under c ategories if it has not been selected.

The blue background behind the words, ldquo my templates rdquo , indicates it has been chosen. Click f ile gt c lose. you will get the message below.

create a new document from a template

click f ile gt n ew gt templates a n d documents. The untitled1 writer file has the same settings that were created in this tutorial and can be used as any normal text file.

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Editing essay proofreading and proofreading tips will show you that editing an essay is easy with custom. High quality of custom papers our college paper writing service is the leading provider of top quality college papers to. Openoffice writer custom paper size students are searching: write my paper for me more than ever before. If you want to change the default paper size, then perform the steps below and keep reading further. changing the page size of your document first, open a new writer document. Then from the paper format section, change the letter to a4 as per the following.