How to Start a Midterm Paper Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

When student hear the words ldquo midterm paper rdquo they divide into two groups. Some students nervously figure out how to survive this new coming misfortune, others do not pay attention to it. Midterm papers are very important since they develop your academic writing skills which are essential for higher education. Besides, it can be very exciting since you will research a topic you are really interested in.

In the majority of cases topics given for midterm papers are very broad, so you will be able to choose something for yourself. Midterm papers can be very helpful since you may take the topic which you will thoroughly research in your term paper. You may start studying the topic and collecting the appropriate information which you can use for your term paper as well.

How to Write a Critical Analysis Essay of a Film

Apart from giving broad topics teachers usually give detailed instructions on how to write the paper. Moreover, you have such a priceless opportunity to find out the drawbacks of your midterm paper and avoid them in your term paper. It is well known that requirements for this kind of academic writing are a bit lower than those for term papers.the most important thing you should remember is that you should choose a topic which is really interesting for you, so that you could enjoy the process of your midterm paper writing. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that if social and economic responsibilities were shared by multinational corporations, they could make a deeper impact on the developing world.

  the multinational corportations mncs nestlé and groupe danone danone , both european based food manufacturers, each have complex corporate social responsibility csr programs however, there are obvious missed opportunities for collaboration which could enhance not only their collective impact on the countries in which they work, but their global public perception. It should be noted that while nestle and groupe danone as well as many other food and beverage mncs are under intense international pressure regarding bottled water, this paper will focus on their general csr initiatives and how they could work more efficiently together. Nestlé and danone are both signatories of the un global compact, a strategic policy initiative for businesses that are committed to aligning their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti corruption. 1   as signers, they pledge to adhere to a common set of values that reflect their commitment to global sustainability and responsibility.

  the different programs and corporate business practices through which nestlé and danone express their global commitment are outlined below. Nestlé is a 135 year old company based in switzerland that manufactures products such as cereal, ice cream, pet food, coffee, and most notably, bottled water including the poland spring brand. Nestlé is governed by a clearly defined code of business practices including specific rules condemning bribery, corruption, harassment, discrimination, or non compliant conduct.

  according to the 2002 nestle people development review, nestlé’s principal asset is the fact that they are a global organisation comprised of many nationalities, religions, and ethnic backgrounds all working together in one single unifying corporate culture. 2 nestlé does this through employee training programs focused on literacy, external management, scientific knowledge, and other educational programs.   by encouraging their employees to enhance their job skills through training, nestlé is making an investment in their employees’ quality of life, thus fulfilling part of its duties outlined in the global compact. In addition to its treatment of employees, nestlé stresses that it treats the environment respectfully.

  its website highlights programs that help reduce water waste, promote conservation, reducing energy consumption, and focusing on recycling.   proof of these efforts is seen in nestlé’s 3% reduction in energy usage between 1998 and 2007. Nestlé’s approach to csr is their commitment to creating shared value csv , a program that focuses on nutrition, water, and rural development in order to create a healthier and better world. 3   through csv, nestlé runs programs that provide clean water to developing countries, provide institutional and management support to farmers, and educate families about nutrition. Nestlé’s 2007 csv report focuses on social and economic challenges in five areas:   manufacturing and environmental footprint, nestlé employees, supply chain and agriculture, nutrion, health and wellness, and marketing and communications.   nestlé openly supports the millennium development goals through partnerships with the red cross, un high commissioner for refugees unhcr , clinton global initiative, swiss contact, and global alliance to improve nutrition gain.

One example of nestlé’s csv program is the maggi instant noodles factory in feira de santana, brazil, opened in 2007.   the factory directly employs more than 250 people from the community, which indirectly created more than 2,0 jobs from the agricultural, transportation, and retail industries.   lastly, maggi instant noodles have a very low price point which caters to the low income community of feira de santana. 4 another example that more directly impacts those in need is a nestlé partnership with the lutheran world federation and inter faith action for peace, focused on brining clean water to kirehe, rwanda.   this program will provide piped water services to supplement the minimal existing water infrastructure in the region, and will give more than 21,0 people in rwanda access to safe drinking water.   the project will be managed by local users and a committee of representatives from all major religious groups in the area.

  it manufactures twenty percent of the world’s dairy products, is the second largest producer of bottled water, and produces other products such as baby formula medical nutrition products. Danone’s major focus is sustainable development, as demonstrated through their corporate governing principle of dual commitment:   economic performance and attention to people go hand in hand. 6   danone operates 63 distinct programs across the globe that help protect subeterranean waters and promote economic and environmental development with people affected by their presence locally.   additionally, danone has tried to reduce its usage of fuel by transporting its volvic water across europe via rail instead of road. Danone’s has four distinct csr initiatives that fulfill its commitment to sustainable development:   danone.communities, fighting malnutrition in poland, 1 litre for 10 litres, and danone’s children’s day. Danone.communities is an investment founded by danone ceo franck riboud and founder of grameen bank muhammad yunus to invent business models that benefit the most disadvantaged populations.   danone.communities has worked with gain to create a yogurt called shokti doi that targets the nutritional deficiencies in the bangladeshi population.

7 danone’s efforts in fighting malnutrition in poland do just that through the creation of mleczny smart, a nutritional supplement with 25% of the daily recommended micronutrients needed for kids, danone helps fulfill the nutritional needs of polish children living below the poverty line. 8   the product was developed through a public private partnership and costs only 20 cents per packet, making it widely affordable. 1 litre for 10 litres is a partnership between volvic france a danone company and unicef, wherein each purchased liter of water would help provide for the creation of wells and access to drinking water in niger.   the program will provide clean water for 16,0 people across six villages, as well as provide water purification systems for six schools and construct 200 family latrines. Danone’s children’s day acts as tangible evidence of danone’s corporate values by conducting special programs for children in the areas where danone has manufacturing plants.

  the focus of these programs is primarily on healthy lifestyles through nutritional education and physical activity. As mentioned, nestlé and danone are both signatories of the un global compact, making them official adherents to the ten distinct principles that encompass their core values in the areas of human rights, labor standards, environment, and anti corruption.   the major problem with the global compact, however, is that it is not enforced.

  like any declaration of the united nations, without the compliance of the signers, the compact is simply good public relations. According to the global compact’s website, its core objectives are to mainstream the ten principles in business activities around the world and to catalyze actions in support of broader un goals, including the millennium development goals. 9   nowhere on the website does the global compact discuss enforcing or monitoring corporate adherence to the principles.   in fact it states outright that is not now and does not aspire to become a compliance based initiative. 10   without an outside enforcer of corporate transparency, how can nestlé and danone – let alone the other 6,200 participants – be trusted to report on their own business practices?   can corporations be left to report honestly on their own actions? global compact and european roots aside, nestlé and danone have many similarities.   they own or managed factories, processing and bottling plants, and a vast chain of suppliers and distributors.   they process and manufacture food, bottled water, and childhood nutrition products.