How to Write An Essay And Reference It Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

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This option may be re enabled by the project by placing a file with the name .htaccess with this line: follow the appropriate citation style when using scripture in an essay. The seventh edition of the mla handbook for writers of research papers dictates that standard versions of the bible and general terms, like bible, old testament, etc. As well as books of the bible should not be italicized, underlined or set in quotation marks. However, specific published editions should be italicized, for example the king james bible would not be italicized, but the niv study bible would be. In parenthetical citations, those that occur immediately following a direct quote from the work, the titles of the books in the bible are often abbreviated. If it is the first time you are referencing a particular version, include that in the parenthetical reference, for example: new international version, 1 cor.

Always include a works cited list at the end of your essay that includes all the resources used in the writing of your piece. For each entry the first line is justified far left, the second line should be indented. A biblical resource may look like this the title of the published version should be italicized: new international version. According to the sixth edition of the publication manual of the american psychological association, apa style is similar in many ways to mla style.

The important differences are that a colon should separate the chapter and the verse, rather than a period. If stating the version in a parenthetical citation, on first use only, the name of the version will come after rather than precede the book, chapter and verse, for example: james, , new international version. According to apa style, the bible should not be included in the list of references. The 16th edition of the chicago manual of style also uses a list of common abbreviations for biblical references. A chicago style parenthetical citation looks much like an apa citation, for example, gen.

The difference is that there is no internal punctuation between the verse and the version. Like apa, chicago style does not reference biblical resources in the bibliography. Although many of the books of the bible are abbreviated the same regardless of citation style, it is important to check to be sure. Some examples of common abbreviations that are the same throughout each style are gen. Chicago style also has a separate list of even shorter abbreviations that are acceptable. Top sample letters terms: thank you letter to landlord sample letter to tenant to clean up property landlord reference letter sample.

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