Human Evolution Essay Papers Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

I believe in human evolution because the fossils found as evidence, the way humans compare to some other living organisms, and the way we will continue to evolve. The first reason i believe in human evolution is the great amount of evidence we have. Paleoanthropologists have discovered parts of skeletons that date from 4.5 million years ago all the way up to present times.

Parts of a hominid named called ardipithecus ramidus was found in africa in 1995. Afarensis 3 to3.9 million years old and is larger and heavier with a slightly larger cranial capacity of 430 550 cm3. Not only have we found skeleton parts to show human evolution we have also found tools and paintings that show other forms of evolution.

There have been numerous tools found that probably helped these hominids survive a little easier. Tool marks on animal bones found near the hominids suggest that these people ate meat as part of their diet. Erectus 1.8 500,0 years ago are believed to be the first hominids to travel out of africa. Charred bones have sho length: 941 words 2.7 double spaced pages rating: red free evolution is the complexity of processes by which living organisms established on earth and have been expanded and modified through theorized changes in form and function. Human evolution is the biological and cultural development of the species homo sapiens sapiens, or human beings.

This can be shown in the evidence that humans had a decrease in the size of the face and teeth that evolved. In this arrangement, humans, along with our extinct close ancestors, and our nearest living relatives, the african apes, are sometimes placed together in the family hominidae because of genetic similarities. Two leg walking seems to be one of the earliest of the major hominine characteristics to have evolved. In the course of human evolution the size of the brain has been more than tripled. The increase in brain size may be related to changes in hominine behavior see figure 3. The third major trend in hominine development is the gradual decrease in the size of the face and teeth. According to the microsoft encarta encyclopedia ’98, the fossil evidence for direct ancestors of modern humans is divided into the category australopithecus and homo, and begins about 5 million years ago see figure 1.

Between 7 and 20 million years ago, primitive apelike animals were widely distributed on the african and, later, on the eurasian continents see figure 2. Although many fossil bones and teeth have been found, the way of life of these creatures, and their evolutionary relationships to the living apes and humans, remain matters of active discussion among scientists. In details of their teeth, jaws, and brain size, however, they modify enough among themselves to be divided into five species: australopithecus anamensis, a. According to britannica encyclopædia, australopithecus anamensis lived in kenya between 4.2 million and 3.9 million years ago. According to microsoft encarta encyclopedia ’98, between about 2.5 million and 3 million years ago, a. However, although the size of the chewing teeth remained large, the canines, instead of sticking out, grew only to the level of the other teeth.

The robust australopithecines represent a specialized adaptation because their principal difference from other australopithecines lies in the large size of their chewing teeth, jaws, and jaw muscles. According to microsoft encarta encyclopedia ’98, homo erectus lived from about 1.8 million to 30,0 years ago. Until recently, homo erectus was considered an evolutionary ancestor of modern humans, or homo sapiens. Scientists believe this species lived in africa between 2 million and 1.5 million years ago. Habilis were similar modern humans with its limbs and small body size relative to its height. They were always humans, although they were smarter and larger than humans are today.

People that believe in creationism say that if man descended from ape like creatures, then humans should be like them. No evidence is available about human remains from earlier times, which support evolutionary theory. In some areas, ancient humans moved into difficult climatic areas and, for a time, lived in stone age cultures until they had opportunity to build cities, plant, and become adapted to animal agriculture. Sometimes people lived in caves for a time until they could become settled in homes. There is evidence that ancient people lived in homes at the same time that others were living under trees or in caves.

essay/term paper: human evolution

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While free essays can be traced by turnitin plagiarism detection program , our custom written essays will pass any plagiarism test. Evolution is the complexity of processes by which living organisms established on earth and have been expanded and modified through theorized changes in form and function. According to the microsoft encarta encyclopedia 98, the fossil evidence for direct ancestors of modern humans is divided into the category australopithecus and homo, and begins about 5 million years ago see figure 1. According to britannica encyclop dia, australopithecus anamensis lived in kenya between 4.2 million and 3.9 million years ago.

According to microsoft encarta encyclopedia 98, between about 2.5 million and 3 million years ago, a. According to microsoft encarta encyclopedia 98, homo erectus lived from about 1.8 million to 30,0 years ago. Kohn darwinism and evolution evolution, the science of how populations of living organisms change over time in response to their environment, is the central unifying theme in biology today. Evolution was first explored in its semi modern form in charles darwin 's 1859 book, origin of species by means of natural selection. He postulated that all species have a common ancestor from which they are descended.

As populations of species moved into new habitats and new parts of the world, they faced different environmental conditions. Over time, these populations accumulated modifications, or adaptations, that allowed them and their offspring to survive better in their new environments. These modifications were the key to the evolution of new species, and darwin proposed natural selection or survival of the fittest as the vehicle by which that change occurs. Under natural selection, some individuals in a population have adaptations that allow them to survive and reproduce november 2014 how is the human race still evolving today? evolution is the descent of organisms from common ancestors with the development of genetic and phenotypic changes over time that makes them more suited to the environment.

However, with how advanced and dominant human society is compared to the. human evolution is the evolutionary process leading up to the appearance of modern humans. While it began with the last common ancestor of all life, the topic usually covers only the evolutionary history of primates, in particular the genus homo, and the emergence of homo sapiens as a distinct species. Between term papers, midterms, quizzes, homework, and part time jobs to put gas in the tank, there really is no time to relax.