Internet Addiction Essay Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

length: 1017 words 2.9 double spaced pages rating: red free internet addiction is a growing problem with more and more people. The internet is much more accessible to people now than it was just a few years ago. The internet provides people with entertainment, loads of information, and an escape from everyday life, but like anything else, too much a good thing can be addictive.

This paper will cover what internet addiction is, warning signs of internet addiction, problems caused by internet addiction, who develops internet addiction, preventing and treating internet addiction, and safety guidelines for internet users. It is important for education, and is a necessary skill for those entering the job markets of today. These qualities make the internet an attractive escape from the stress of everyday life.

People can enter a different world and make the problems of the real world disappear. Internet addiction has the same symptoms as an addition to drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, or caffeine. When someone becomes addicted to the internet they will have increasing tolerance to the amount of time they spend online, withdrawal, mood changes between when online and off, and there will be an interruption of social relationships and activities. When access to the internet is not available people will show signs of anxiety, depression, irritability, trembling hands, and restlessness. Multi user dungeon games muds , will visit virtual casinos, and my become obsessed with e auctions and online trading and shopping. People with this tend to make chat room relationships more important than their relationships with family or friends.

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People that fall into this category will spend more time viewing, downloading, and trading online pornography. They may even be tempted to send pornographic pictures of themselves to other users. Relationships online become more important that those with real life friends and family to some people. Personal, family, academic, financial, and occupational problems are caused by internet addiction.

People who lack strong relationships with others are more likely to develop the addiction. The internet becomes an escape for those who are already suffering for psychological difficulties, such as, anxiety, depression, or low self esteem. People who have struggled with other addictions may also be more likely to develop an internet addiction. Parents should monitor the amount of time children spend online and should watch for the warning signs.

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If there are signs of internet addiction, a plan should be worked out to help with the problem. Keep a timers or a schedule of the amount of time allowed online near the computer so that they can see when they are online. Make sure that the computer is in a room of the house that has a lot of traffic, like the dinning room or living room. You may need to make a list of activities that the person could do when not online. Most of them apply to minors but i think that everyone should abide by them as well. You should never reveal your name, address, telephone number or anything that can identify you to someone online. Never send a picture of yourself to someone over the internet or through the mail to someone you met online.

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Always remember that not everyone online may be telling the truth about himself or herself or anything else. A minor should tell a parent or teacher if something that someone says online to them is found offensive, rude, nasty or makes them feel uncomfortable. There are internet addiction support groups, but if you can’t fine one close to you, call your local add or drug addiction center, they can help with tips to getting over addictions. 22 feb 2016 director of behavioral health services what is internet addiction? internet addiction is described as an impulse control disorder, which does not involve use of an intoxicating drug and is very similar to pathological gambling. Some internet users may develop an emotional attachment to on line friends and activities they create on their computer screens.

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Internet users may enjoy aspects of the internet that allow them to meet, socialize, and exchange ideas through the use of chat rooms, social networking websites, or virtual communities. Other internet users spend endless hours researching topics of interest online or blogging. Blogging is a contraction of the term web log , in which an individual will post commentaries and keep regular chronicle of events. Similar to other addictions, those suffering from internet addiction use the virtual fantasy world to connect with real people through the internet, as a substitution for real life human connection, which they are unable to achieve normally. What are the warning signs of internet addiction? preoccupation with the internet. Thoughts about previous on line activity or anticipation of the next on line session. Use of the internet in increasing amounts of time in order to achieve satisfaction.

Feelings of restlessness, moodiness, depression, or irritability when attempting to cut down use of the internet. Jeopardized or risked loss of significant relationships, job, educational or career opportunities because of internet use. Lies to family members, therapists, or others to conceal the extent of involvement with the internet. Use of the internet is a way to escape from problems or to relieve a dysphoric mood. What are the effects? internet addiction results in personal, family, academic, financial, and occupational problems that are characteristic of other addictions. Impairments of real life relationships are disrupted as a result of excessive use of the internet. Individuals suffering from internet addiction spend more time in solitary seclusion, spend less time with real people in their lives, and are often viewed as socially awkward.

Those suffering from internet addiction may attempt to conceal the amount of time spent on line, which results in distrust and the disturbance of quality in once stable relationships. Some suffering from internet addiction may create on line personas or profiles where they are able to alter their identities and pretend to be someone other than himself or herself. Those at highest risk for creation of a secret life are those who suffer from low self esteem feelings of inadequacy, and fear of disapproval. Many persons who attempt to quit their internet use experience withdrawal including: anger, depression, relief, mood swings, anxiety, fear, irritability, sadness, loneliness, boredom, restlessness, procrastination, and upset stomach.

Being addicted to the internet can also cause physical discomfort or medical problems such as: carpal tunnel syndrome, dry eyes, backaches, severe headaches, eating irregularities, such as skipping meals , failure to attend to personal hygiene, and sleep disturbance. A certified addictions counselor trained in identification and treatment of internet addiction can effectively perform an assessment to determine what level of care is most appropriate. For a free confidential assessment, call the illinois institute for addiction recovery at 800 522 3784. Kimberly young, center for internet addiction recovery, american psychiatric association.

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The team at the iiar truly provided me with the tools to discover recovery from my internet addiction. The illinois institute for addiction recovery has centers at the following locations. Saurabh gaur advertisements: the internet is a social technology, but the effect it has on face to face relationships can potentially be very detrimental. Like any activity, the internet takes up a person's time the amount of time varies depending on the person's level of addiction. It is not uncommon for an internet user to begin to replace their face to face relationships with those formed on the internet.

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The internet has become one of the most universal methods for communication with over 100 million users worldwide. From e mail to the possibly billions of web pages, there is an infinite amount of information flowing. And another enticing aspect of the internet is the opportunity to interact with other people. Chat rooms and mud multi user dimensional games offer the person the ability to talk and mingle with others online.