Is Human Nature Inherently Good Or Evil Essay Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

no works cited length: 891 words 2.5 double spaced pages rating: yellow price: $12.95 human nature: good or evil? many things can be said about the gallons of blood, miles of entrails and seemingly endless array of bones, muscles and other fascinating odds and ends that we call our human bodies. For instance, as you break down the body into different categories each part can be examined endlessly. This is the most important part and without it the rest of the body would have no direct, this part is the brain. The brain contains many chambers, ones that trigger memories, hunger, sexual arousal, and so forth. This section of the brain is where we get our

by: e.a.m.

the nature of humankind has been explored endlessly, with no definitive answers. That belief is shaped by the religion they follow, the culture they grew up in, and by their life experiences. This writer's opinion that people are inherently good has developed gradually over time.

One reason for this viewpoint is the fact that i believe we are all created in god's image by god to serve him. If that is truly the case, then i feel htat people would be inherently good, as god is. It is this writer's belief that god would not create someone who was inherently evil. People do sin, and some people could even be considered 'evil,' but overall i feel that most people do try and lead a good life by being kind to others and helping those in need. This may seem strange, since many people ocmplain htat our society is too filled with violence and other 'bad' things.

However, the very presence of such arguments about our society shows this writer that most people do not find violence an appropriate solution and in fact are disgusted by it. By showing their displeasure at violent programming or acts, society tells people what it ruly values: love and peace. If violence did not bother people, then there would not be the debate that exists today.

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Therefore, the belief that people are inherently good is supported by the culture that i grew up in. In my life, i have had many experiences that reinforce my belief that people are inherently good. A woman just donated part of her liver to a young girl she did not know so that the girl could live.

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These people undergo pain to help others with no reward for themselves other than knowing they did a good thing. When people have tragedy strike them, the community will surround them with support. The waters displaced many people in my hometown, and the community came out to help them with many different things, from food to clothing to shelter. In daily life, one can usually find many examples of people helping people, and this has been an important factor in shaping my belief.

If people were not good, then i do not feel that one would be able to find these things occurring with such frequency. What people believe the nature of humankind to be has a dramatic impact on the way that they live their lives. I feel that because people are inherently good, they should be allowed more freedom than they are sometimes given, as i think that in most cases people will not do things to harm themselves or others.

For example, laws are important, but most of them simply reinforce the ideas of most people that certain behaviors are wrong. Most people would never kill anyone, so a law saying it is wrong to kill really necessary? i do believe that people should be punished if htey do wrong, but i feel the death penalty is not a deterrent to crime. By the time someone has gotten to the point that they are going to kill someone, i would think that they have lost respect for other people and also for themselves, so it would not be a deterrent.

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Instead, i feel that even without laws most people would be kind to each other and would not set out to purposely harm another person. My parents allowed me a great deal of freedom growing up, and i feel this was due to the shared belief that people are inherently good and are not going to look for trouble. One problem in believing that people are inherently good is trying to find a reason for all the 'evil' things in the world.

While i believe that people are inherently good, i do realize that there is a capacity for 'evilness' in people. I know that, eithe rby events in their lives or other causes i do not understand, people will not always be good, but in my view this is the exception to the norm. There are a large number of people in prison for example, but when viewed against the total population it is really quite a small percentage. The way one view the nature of human beings is very important as it shapes the way they look at their world. In this case, i must disagree with the amish teaching, as i feel that people are inherently good. Most people will choose to be good over evil, and will help thier fellow human beings without asking what they are to get from their actions.

While there is evil in the world, it is the exception to the norm, and overall it is this writer's opinion tha tmost people iwlls trive to maintain an orderly and peaceful world. For centuries many philosophers, as well as most individuals, have pondered on the question what is good and what is evil. More so philosophers of all ages have also stumbled upon a more in depth question which is if the intuitive knowledge of man's nature is good, or if it is evil. Many have claimed to have an answer to these puzzling questions yet most of their answers were found to be incomplete and inadequate at a later date.