Leadership Essay on Gandhi Text

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Mahatma gandhi 1869–1948 mohandas karamchand gandhi is widely recognized as one of the twentieth century’s greatest political and spiritual leaders. Honored in india as the father of the nation, he pioneered and practiced the principle of satyagraha resistance to tyranny through mass nonviolent civil disobedience. While leading nationwide campaigns to ease poverty, expand women’s rights, build religious and ethnic harmony and eliminate the injustices of the caste system, gandhi supremely applied the principles of nonviolent civil disobedience, playing a key role in freeing india from foreign domination. He was often imprisoned for his actions, sometimes for years, but he accomplished his aim in 1947, when india gained its independence from britain.

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To nelson mandela have credited gandhi as a source of inspiration in their struggles to achieve equal rights for their people. Anand mahatma gandhi is universally accepted as an exemplary model of ethical and moral life, with a rare blending of personal and public life, the principles and practices, the immediate and the eternal. He considered life to be an integrated whole, growing from ‘truth to truth’ every day in moral and spiritual status. He believed in a single standard of conduct founded on dharma of truth and nonviolence. He successfully led nonviolent struggles against racial discrimination, colonial rule, economic and social exploitation and moral degradation. Gandhi was a good man in a world where few resist the corroding influence of power, wealth and vanity 1 among the vital messages of gandhi’s leadership are: even one person can make a difference strength comes not from physical capacity but from an indomitable will given a just cause, nonviolence and capacity for self suffering, and fearlessness, victory is certain leadership by example is the one most effective. Cwmg 53 considering gandhi’s unique and multi faceted leadership, an attempt has been made to study his leadership under three main headings: ethico social parameters of gandhian leadership gandhian leadership – the vision and the way and gandhian political economic social order.

Ethico social parameters gandhi spoke in a low tone and was a hesitant public speaker. Yet people of all classes were drawn to him and instinctively felt him to be a leader of deeply spiritual and moral perceptions, which he sought to realize through the pursuit of truth. A central quality of his leadership was its natural evolution through intense interaction with the people and the events. One great reason for the misunderstanding lies in my being considered almost a perfect man….i am painfully conscious of my imperfections, and therein lies all the strength i posses, because it is a rare thing for a man to know his own limitations cwmg 27 9. The more he realized about human fallibility, the more he tried to evolve morally and spiritually. Gandhi single handedly made nonviolence a universal substitute for violence and the bed rock of his leadership. His nonviolence was the way to counter injustice and exploitation, and not run away from a righteous battle.

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He associated the qualities of humility, compassion, forgiveness and tolerance as corollaries of nonviolence. In one who has ahimsa in him it becomes part of his very nature, and, it must not be confounded with mere manners or etiquette, but it should make the possessor realize that he is as nothing cwmg 45 6. For the spirit of service to materialize we must lay stress on our responsibilities and duties and not on rights.

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He illustrated it through the example of concentric circles: one starts with service of those nearest to one and expands the circle of service until it covers the universe, no circle thriving at the cost of the circles beyond. We can do nothing or get nothing without paying a price for it….in other words, without sacrifice cwmg 2. The commitment to service, however demands a strong sense of conscience moral imperative , courage fearlessness, bravery, initiative , and character integrity.

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Leaders need to develop and follow their conscience even more than ordinary people as they set the path for others. Hence, he wrote: none of us, especially no leader should allow himself to disobey the inner voice in the face of pressure from outside. For a leader to follow the right path requires courage and its associated qualities: courage, endurance and above all, fearlessness and spirit of willing sacrifices are the qualities that are required today in india for leadership cwmg 22. Gandhi in his time wielded more power over the minds of people than any other individual but it was not the power of weapons, or terror, or violence it was the power of his convictions, his pursuit of truth and nonviolence, fearlessness, love and justice, working through incessant service and sacrifice for fellow human beings. His power came from empowering the weak, to lead the masses in the fight against injustice, exploitation, violence and discrimination.