Literature Review Research Strategy Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

For advice on the scope of the project, refinement of the key questions, and preparation of this technical review, we consulted technical experts in the following fields: employer purchasing strategies, provider performance assessment, consumer use of report cards and consumer preferences for health care information, risk adjustment, and economics. For the purpose of this report, provider organizations include all clinical health providers such as physicians, nurses, and hospitals. Public health officials and policymakers include those at the local, state, federal, and international levels. Population at risk for morbidity or mortality resulting from quality problems in the provision of health care.

Population x02014 all members of which are at risk for receiving poor quality care x02014 including those of all racial and ethnic backgrounds, all ages, and both genders. We developed the key questions in collaboration with ahrq, the alliance the nominating partner , and our technical expert panel. The goal of these discussions was to identify the issues purchasers interested in qbp faced so that, if the available research offered conclusions about these aspects of qbp, the various stakeholders would be in a better position to select optimal approaches to qbp. The key questions for which literature, ongoing research, or results from analyses were sought in preparation of this report were: choosing provider incentive strategies literature reviews have long been important strategies to assess the state of the science. As early as 1993, broome 1993 recommended literature reviews as a strategy to assist in the development of concepts. Many graduate students in nursing and other sciences learn about synthesizing literature throughout their academic programs using a variety of guides including cooper’s 1998 synthesizing research: a guide for literature reviews as a common reference or fink’s 2009 conducting research literature reviews, from the internet to paper.

Despite years of reporting extant literature regarding a problem, many review reports still lack the rigor that is necessary to provide evidence for practice. The quality of the review may well be related to the lack of recognition that the review is a scientific method. The rigor of the scientific method needs to be applied to the literature review to make sure the approach is standardized. 3 part 2 sept 2012 207 developing effective marketing strategies for the japanese market: a review of the literature shinichi hirokawa argosy university tsai ling wu argosy university japan, as the world’s third largest economy, continues to be attractive to international exporters and investors.

It is our argument that the forces of change that led originally to new and bigger. As part of this effort, nlm has: provided literature searching and back up document delivery services for 13 ahcpr sponsored guideline development panels and analyzed references actually incorporated into ahcpr sponsored guidelines to identify any patterns that suggest ways to streamline the literature search and review process for future guideline panels cahn, selden, auston, 1992. Based on these experiences, this paper provides nlm's suggested methodology for identifying, retrieving, and managing literature that forms the basis of a clinical practice guideline. To search efficiently for all known scientific evidence on a particular clinical topic, it is important to understand the literature search process and to plan well. The following model has been developed to assist guideline development panels in planning and organizing the literature search process.

Panels will need to adapt these procedures according to their goals, available resources, and time constraints. A literature search is a systematic and explicit approach to the identification, retrieval, and bibliographic management of independent studies usually drawn from published sources for the purpose of locating information on a topic, synthesizing conclusions, identifying areas for future study, and developing guidelines for clinical practice. Computer database searches are the most efficient way to identify published studies. Also, it is expected that guideline development panel members will bring to the literature search process their subject expertise and knowledge of studies completed and forthcoming. Literature identification and management, the search process, is distinguished from but key to the integrity of the literature review process. A literature review involves analyzing, evaluating, and synthesizing scientific evidence derived from studies identified through the search process and is the topic of other papers commissioned by the forum.

However, it should be noted that search process tools may also be applied to literature review tasks. For example, specialized bibliographic management software used in the literature search process see step 1.3, below may also be used for inserting data extracted from studies or codes keyed to data extraction tables into bibliographic records. Such use will assist panels in reviewing large numbers of studies and documenting each by stated relevancy criteria. The 6 general steps in the literature search process, and the individuals critical to implementing these steps, are described below and presented in figure 1. Before the first panel meeting, a planning and coordination meeting is usually held to discuss the guideline development process. Topics covered typically include development of guideline concepts, organizing the literature search process, and selection of methodology ies for literature review. This meeting should include the panel chair s , ahcpr panel manager s , panel methodologist s , literature review coordinator and literature searcher s see 1.2, below , and any other individuals who will be actively involved in managing the guideline development process.

American History Term Paper

Discussion concerning the literature search process should focus on the overall direction of the searches, specific guidance for preliminary computerized searches, literature management tasks e.g. Processes for obtaining documents for review, photocopying, distributing to reviewers, tracking review status , and assigning responsibilities for tasks. literature review coordinator because the guideline development process is literature dependent, each panel needs a literature review coordinator lrc responsible for the management of the literature review process. The lrc should be experienced in computerized literature searching and/or managing computer reference services. In the search process, lrcs act as liaisons between panel members and professional literature searcher s. literature searcher s literature searching is a dynamic and iterative process there is no one way to conduct a search and there are many variables involved. Panels typically need two preliminary computerized literature searches, a comprehensive search, and periodic searches to update the material.