My Personal Journey Essay Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

The day, september 17th, is logged into my diary as one of the most memorable day. My husband was there with me and was giving me all kind of support much needed one at that very moment. Though i was trying my best to control my emotions it was my inner heart that was asking a lot of questions. I didn't seem to have any problems while takeoff though it was my first ride on an airplane.

I was exhausted and tired and wanted to go to bed right way after we arrived at the hotel but my husband wanted to go out. I knew he wanted to go out to deviate my attention from thinking about my family. We took about a 15 minute walk and had a wonderful dinner at the hotel afterwards. At first i thought it was going to be a very pleasant, but half way through the journey i felt as if it was never going to end. There was a sigh of relief in my mind which i knew was not going to last too long. length: 1909 words 5.5 double spaced pages rating: blue price: $26.95 journeys are moments in life that define and reconstruct the myths we create about ourselves and others.

All too often the ideals of a biased community or select group are viewed as the model by which all individuals must follow. To escape the pressures of a collective standard a person must travel outside the constraints of a community and discover his or her own true identity. On such a journey one can expect moments of planned reflection or unexpected instances of revelation. A journey is every minute of my existence, as i travel through life and try to ascertain my own presence in its cycle.

An essential journey occurred three years ago when i set out on a personal pilgrimage. I wanted to re travel the time line of the past few years and locate the point where i had allowed the influence of others to determine my own concept of self. Self is not necessarily complex or intricate, but it does define the character of a person and how he or she wants to be viewed. In my own rush to fit in at college i had disregarded what i needed and complacently accepted the definitions. Letter i revealed what i had learned and what it meant to realize my own strength and will in those few days of solitude.

At first i did not recognize the faded words on the envelope, but as soon as i glanced at the return address i knew that they were my own. In a small corner of my family's flower garden i opened the letter and began reading. to view the full essay now, purchase below author: bianca thomas aug 21, 2012 1 the personal statement should be a comprehensive narrative essay outlining significant aspects of your academic and personal history, particularly those that provide context for your academic achievements and educational choices. Quality of writing and depth of content both contribute toward a meaningful and relevant personal statement. Address the following topics: i tried to answer as much questions in a narrative voice, even though it is not required to answer every single one. I need to know if it is a strong essay, what do add/remover and grammar/punctuation corrections.

I was in a trance recounting the dedication, numerous hours of studying, advanced placement and sleepless nights to reach this point. Riding down the many highways to boulder, colorado i gawked at the airport, mountains and landscapes. Finally, i reached the university checked into my room and eyed my surroundings i was ready to accept this challenged called college and was resolute to subjugate. Despite, this new achievement a vicious milestone came down on me harder than anything i had faced in awhile. Awaking one morning two weeks into the semester, i was extremely exhausted and severely cold. As the days passed i was increasingly tired, finding it difficult to get out of bed. When i was able to, i was incapable of focusing in class and had a rapid loss in memory.

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I would become faint walking around campus, out of breath and randomly drifting off to sleep. November was approaching, and i was on my way back to seattle to enjoy thanksgiving. In addition, i was awaiting my trip to the clinician to seek out the cause of my condition. She stated that i was severely anemic due to the fact that i had a trace of sickle cell from my mother 039 s side. However, the disappointing news i would have to take ferrous sulfate and a range of other vitamins due to my lack of nutrients for the rest of my life. My suspicion was quenched and i was headed back college to resurrect the grades that had been damaged from my sudden sickness. The semester was coming to an end in two weeks and i was facing academic probation with no chance of successfully switching into the college of engineering and applied science.